What typ of guy do you have to be to attrack girls like that? Is lifting required?

What typ of guy do you have to be to attrack girls like that? Is lifting required?

You need a good catalyst

You need to look similar to them.

Start by being 2D first.

So, I won't ever attract them because I didn't win the gene lottery? Nice.

Take it from a normalfag OP. You don't need looks, just social skills. Don't have them? Fake it till you make it. Also smell is much more important than looks, but you should do your best to look well. Like shaving and taking care of your body.
The most important thing you need to know is you're a shallow piece of shit like every man who browses imageboards. This means you'll only want perfection but you aren't perfect yourself. Until you learn to grt over this you'll never find love.


>Fake it till you make it.
What does this even mean? How can I fake social skills that I lack?

1/10 too obvious
troll harder faggot

Years of heavy lifting plus a bottomless bank account would help.