Sola fide, sola scriptura, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria
Sola fide, sola scriptura, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria
>Sola scriptura
>Removes books from the bible
>Sola fide
>Who cares if I kill him? I’ve been saved!
Brother or shill, whoever you are. Repent your sins. The Catholic Church is the One True Church that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against. Join us and do not shun the Lord your God.
Works don't matter -> Holocaust
Sola fide -> stupidity and abandonment of logic
Sola gratia -> bolshevism
Chyba musisz obejrzeć film od Brauna o protestantyzmie
>one god
>bible says "Let US create man in OUR image" first page
>semitic religions
>not even once
Wypierdalaj z tego threada brainlecie
>I am told that it is preposterous and wicked to call the Son of God a cursed sinner. I answer: If you deny that He is a condemned sinner, you are forced to deny that Christ died. It is not less preposterous to say, the Son of God died, than to say, the Son of God was a sinner
>Sin cannot tear you away from him [Christ], even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day and commit as many murders
>God cannot be God; first He must become a devil … I must grant divinity to the devil for a brief hour, and let devilishness be attributed to our God
>Preachers are the greatest killers of all. For they admonish the authorities that they should administer their office with resolution and punish the pests. I have killed all the farmers in the rebellion; all their blood is on my neck. But I lay the blame on our good Lord; he ordered me to say such things
>Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: "Whatever has he been doing with her?" Secondly, with Mary Magdalene, and thirdly with the woman taken in adultery whom he dismissed so lightly. Thus even Christ, who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died
Protestantism's stupidity has been pointed out long ago. Protestantism was the creation of romantic Germanics, who just couldn't live with rationalistic catholicism and who needed strong stimulus in the form of fideism
>The people who existed before man had to be gods also
How do you expect anyone to come back to the "church" of Catholicism considering the pope is a kike lover and a heretic. Of course im not saying Protestantism is any better
I don't. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. I want people to become Christians, but I'm not going to force anyone to do it. If people want to believe in pope and eat waffles on Sudays, let them do it, they will explain themsekves before God. Also there is no such a thing as protestantism, it's a meme term used by cathokeks for everyone who isn't pagan like them.
Is infinitely less important than the Passion of Christ.
>stupidity and abandonment of logic
Is the lack of faith, not its abundance (Romans 1,20). Without the faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11,6). Fear of God is beginning of wisdom.
???? How is salvation through the grace of God, "bolshevism"?!
Anyway, prots view themselves as wise in their own eyes. They think that their interpretation 500 year old interpretation is somehow better, than what was always taught by the Church for 2000 years, they are very prideful.
>Sola fide
Wrong. You can only be saved, if you have Faith, but Faith alone will not save you. King Saul had faith, but didn't work accordingly to his faith, and kingdom was removed from him.
>sola scriptura
Truth can only be derived from Scripture, but not everyone will derive Truth from Scripture. That's why holding the same interpretation as the Church is necessary, because otherwise you can err. You are fallible, I am fallible, st. Thomas Aquinas was fallible, st. Peter was granted infallible faith (Luke 22,31-32).
And those who speak with Holy Spirit, can bring out of this great deposit of wisdom that is Scripture, things not seen before, as st. Paul did countless times in his Epistles, as Gospels did, bringing meaning to OT not seen before.
>sola gratia
Only grace of God saves you, but the same is true for everything else. God is cause of all things.
And that you are saved at one time, doesn't mean you're saved forever, even if you stray from the path.
>solus Christus
Correct, but Mary, and other saints can be asked for intercession.
They are closer to God than we. Do you think that prayer of pious and impious are of the same worth to God?
>soli Deo gloria
Correct, although veneration of saints does not diminish, but furthers God's glory. If picturing angels/saints, was to be forbidden at all times, why did He require two cherubim to be placed on top of the Ark (Exodus 25,18)?
>Implikowanie, że Franciszek to nie formalny heretyk, i nie jest on poza Oblubienicą Chrystusa.
Soli autism
>religion is to be taken literally
Martin Luther destroyed Christianity and thus the West.
>european union is pro-papist
>eating waffles
For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 25 In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes 27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself.
1 Corinthians 11,23-29
How could you eat it "unworthily" if it was a waffle?
Sola ecclesia is the sixth one from Anglican philosophy.
>posting that nonsense while using the flag of my country
Get out.
All Catholics will burn in Hell for eternity. Oh well. Glory to God!
>divides christanity even more
Nothin personnel kid
You can't even get into heaven if you're not Protestant; I mean look how badly the United States has done after a lot of people here became blue-pilled on the nonsense of heretics such as yourself.
Pope is a communist and european commisaries are also communist, what did you expect?
Polish Evangelicals are my brothers.
You are a traitor. Poland is a Catholic country.
Why are zero of the solaes in the early church?
Every Christian is my brother/sister
>Poland is a Catholic country.
And it's finally changing thanks to God
>who was paul
>be Paul
>God renders everyone their works
>warns against apostasy in Hebrews
>przypadkowy user na indonezyjskim forum dla hodowców szynszyli decyduje kto jest a kto nie jest heretykiem
Poland always had religious freedoms you memeflags couldn't comprehend.
Every single Pole I see hate Protestants to the core
>being a christcuck
Just lol at being a gullible race-blind faggot that turns the other cheek
>Every Christian is my brother/sister
You faggots will be death of all of us.
Years of brainwashing. We used to be protestant for like 100 years and our country thrived. Then counter-reformation happened and we are deep in shit since then.
>hur dur murzyny jebane X-DD
So do you prefer Pooland being atheist than catholic?
It did not. This is complete bullshit
>We used to be protestant for like 100 years and our country thrived.
Where the fuck did you get it from for fucks sake? Protestants were always a minority in Poland. Siginificant one, sure. But always a minority.
Protestants are the SJWs of the Middle Ages. Where did the Atheist enlightenment come from?
>It did not. This is complete bullshit
Ah yes, teach me about history of my country
I prefer Poland to be Christian than atheist, pagan or catholic
2/10 made me reply. Open history book from time to time.
The Poles were all Catholic you moron. The only shit that happened was the king was tolerant and stopped when he saw how stupid Protestants are
When exacly were majority of poles protestant? No seriously, give me some dates or sources you faggot.
Seeing your flag, I can only assume you're Anglican. If so, your church's sole reason for being is that you had a King who wanted to get hus rocks off in a woman who wasn't his wife because he couldn't sire a legitimate male heir. The best part is his daughter ended up ruling anyhow. Sad.
>For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings
2 Timothy 4,3
Sounds awfully familiar like 2000+ denominations of protestantism, everyone can find something to their liking!
He has none. I know because I am in academia and I have colleagues in this field of studies
>Towards the end of the 16th century, it can be estimated (through the number of parishes) that about a seventh of the Christian population in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth were Protestant.[7]
>1/7th total population
>Protestant country
Your brain on Sola Fide
Well, you on the other hand are stuck with one teacher. Much better.
If someone preaches something contrary to what was been taught by the Church, (and is aware of that) I see him as heretic.
Just like I see you as a heretic.
It's not I that judge Francis, nor condemn him, but it's his own words that do.
>religious freedoms
Don't disprove that Catholicism is deeply ingrained into the Polish identity.
Fuck luther. Little back stabbing fiend.
>Be a catholicuck
>Ruin Europe for centuries and plunge it into a dark age
>Be corrupt as fuck
>Suddenly someone realizes the pope is a faggot and catholics are all heretics
>Fixes it
>Suddenly we get a renaissance and an age of enlightenment and reason
lol, fucking catholic fags are such retards. FYI the New World was colonized by.......................yeah you guessed it, protestants
>If someone preaches something contrary to what was been taught by the Church
He still was choosen by the cardinals to be the head of the church. Until i see some sort of mass revolt of clergy you are the outliner, not him.
>Catholicism is deeply ingrained into the Polish identity
Yeah, a shallow "i'm catholic even if i don't understand what it means" catholicism, luckily.
Protestants who were kicked out by other Protestants. Read a book for once
And they crated a New World faglord, maybe you should stop using a faggot meme flag and show your true colors you heretic
>uses confederate flag
>is against protestants
The best part of Luther was that he hated Jews
People like you are why the world thinks we Americans are retarded.
You are retarded. Renaissance was the affirmation of pagan heritage of Europe, and protestant narrative was the Catholics are pagans because they read Aristotle and Plato in addition to the Bible. Luther called reason litterarly the whore of the devil
Also Latin's a dead fucking language, get over it
The new world was created when secular deists founded the United States dumbass
Almost everyone did before ww2. Even jews hated jews.
Out of Founding Fathers only Paine was a Deist.
>choosen by the cardinals
"Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio" by Pope Paul IV (he feared that cardinals might elect a prot as his successor):
"if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;"
George Washington?
Ben Franklin?
Deist and literally wrote a skeptic bible
Thomas Payne?
And this is exactly why we hate you catholicucks, you're so far up your own ass you won't even let the true Christian people to live their own lives, you gotta try and ruin their lives as well because you know you're heretics and try to save face. Go stick to your faggot Euro shithole and let the real Christians live their own lives. America is a protestant nation, now and always as it always has been you faggot heretics
>i'm catholic even if i don't understand what it means
Sadly, that is true.
>The people who existed before man
The Jewbook says Adam was the first man. He was made in OUR image. Also Commandment 1 "I am a jealous god"
Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Allen, Monroe are deists too
This is well established in the historical sciences
How fucking retarded are you catholics? Jesus Christ, you're dumber then a pile of shit
Was his validity as a pope questioned by any large/inguential group within the church? No? Well, then it's kind of a mute point, isn't it?
And remember when you decide to cut one pope we might start to look for other, potentialy illegitimate ones. And we might go further into the past than you are comfortable with.
Pick up a book for once
any serious religion in the world always had and has authorized and prepared members whose sole purpose is to properly carry on their traditional teaching in the most genuine and continuous way
scripture is only a relatively secondary instrument, as symbols must be interpreted properly and the reach of language has its limits, especially a phonetic based script like those common in the west
the founding principle of protestantism is literally plebeianism made religion
the idea that something as important as religion can just be freely put in the open for every dumb ass pleb to read on its own and interpret as he wishes
no wonder there are like 6 gorillion various different currents of it, all of which barely have any grip anymore on any European
>Actually following what's written in the Bible that was written, compiled, and given to you instead of the """infallible""" word of a communist in Rome
America under the Puritans was shit
Dont forget the part where all the early christians are in Hell
>1 Corinthians 11,23
papist not using context what else is new its about getting drunk from the wine , your waffle has become works and is not a remembrance anymore
1 Corinthians 11
>17Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. 18For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. 19For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. 20When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. 21For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken. 22What? have ye not houses to eat and to drink in? or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? shall I praise you in this? I praise you not.
Then explain me how protestantism lead to renaissance when reformation happened in germanic countries and renaissance in romance?
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.”
― Martin Luther
You're replying to your own fucking posts. I think I proved my point catholic heretic. Jesus never spoke in Latin faglord, so you have no more right to claim it, Jesus wouldn't have cared what language we used as long as he got the message across
You are dumb. You cannot say you participate in Christ by the Eucharist if you deny the real presence
eat shit loser dumbo
WMAF is cool
Yeah I won this argument. From now on all Catholics are heretics, and you should keep your faggot catholic shit in your own europoor country. Protestantism is the only true path to god
I agree
meaanwhile Protestant cannot even give proof or any book
Protestant hate early christians
>reeeee let us live in our filth of sin and degeneracy, live and let live!
Just the same as pagan Rome was converted, so to will be America. It is our manifest destiny to become the next great Catholic empire. We shall have our Caesar the same as Rome had hers, and he shall be a faithful son of the One True Church which is the Bride of Christ.
>no one can say that being for sola scriptura and for cutting out parts of the bible are illogical if you abandon logic
Protestant eat poopoo
>catholic american
Who could be behind this post?
jsjss wjwsisb s whshwha w wusha
If I were a Mexican, I would instead be saying that America would become part of the Mexico again and subject to the king of Spain, not advocating for us to rule ourselves
where in the Bible does it say you should only use the Bible?
Checkmate faggos
>Cathocucks really think Protestants believe this
Romans 10:9. I do not get this delusion that Catholics have that Protestants believe Luther was a saint or our equivalent of a pope. He is important historically because he succeeded, but his ideas were hardly unique because he wasn't the first one to sit down and read the Bible and realize the Papacy were the heretics. If history had taken a different course we'd be talking about John Wycliffe or Jan Hus.
But now that I see your spam in the chat I see you've given up on arguing.
Pick one.
Where in the Bible does it say which books of the Bible are the Bible
Royal we, learn to read faggot
all made up bullshit commandments of man
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You stupid moron. Jan Hus is practically Papist by Protestant standards. Your beliefs are just innovations, not truth as it is. This is why you hate the early christiam martyrs
Please kys and let other well respected white men breed with jap women. You are just filled with shit