New episode coming soon
It introduce those triplets
New episode coming soon
It introduce those triplets
fuck, gotta watch princess principal first
I came here expecting cute kittens in the webm but there were none to be found.
>[HorribleSubs] Centaur no Nayami - 03 [720p].mkv
I'll hoof to get on that, then.
is this supposed to be a communist society of some kind?
It's not communist. If anything the series actually criticizes it.
and you realize that this is japanese version of my little centaur
There's also a propaganda kids show about how people try to ruin democracy.
>perfectly explains pseudo-democracy in my country
this was in last episode, that's why I asked
this scene strikes me as "democracy is not that good, we must force equality at all times" feels communist-y to me
also in the other episode when they were saying how riding a centaur might get you arrested
I mean, I think the series just criticizes government in general.
This episode was adorable. I wish I were that lesbian.
>this scene strikes me as "democracy is not that good
your understanding of democracy is limited to "majority rules", yeah
The closest country I can think of that has this sort of setup albeit not as extreme is Singapore. It's a "democratic" society that runs on a very tight order of things. If you step out of line you will get caned.
I would have thought the naptime swing votes would come into play
maybe but this society is adamantly against it, to the point that propaganda against "majority rules" is being made.
The point is that majority rules is often taken advantage of to fuck over others. It's not anti-democracy, it's a criticism faced in many democracies without any easy solution. The dude that makes this doesn't seem too fond of communism either based on some stuff I've seen posted.
It's about equality between races, not between classes. It's clearly a capitalist society.
Best nee-chan, best girl.
She's very skilled.
You do know that not everything socialistic is communistic?
Spooky ending
>anime about democracy
>animated by Haoliners, a chinese company
>china is a communist country
>Expect cute things
>Expect cute threads
>Get politics
>Get Sup Forums threads
I don't know
does anyone have a webm of the magical girl part?
Modern democracy is forced equality, what's your point?
gadsden snek when?
Wait until they get to the chapter that is blatantly about China. That's a good one.
No, that is the modern progressive movement.
holy shit
This is like those Yuru Yuri episodes where we get to see the little sisters
>teaching the little ones the lesbian way
Best girl.
Banned in Russia.
The amount of screenshots I'm taking this episode is beyond decency.
Why don't centaur lolis have long legs like foals?
Fucking skinwalkers??? Why is creepypasta getting into my cute centaur anime???
>She would be literally arrested in Russia
>mfw I randomly watched the 3rd episode
Picked the fuck up.
majority rule is not democracy
Proper democracy would be
if 90% vote dodgeball you play it for 9 dayes and on the 10th day you play something else
Why? Nothing wrong with that.
This is practical when you want to avoid resentment and and strife. Majority rule in 51% vs 49% situation you can basicly cosue a civil war lol
>Next episode: A democracy not based on logic!?
>Calling upon law as a guide to make moral decisions.
Because they don't need to walk right after they were born. Said by the author.
I love the lesbian couple and how the blonde doesn't give a shit about her girlfriend constantly flirting with other girls.
Are these two actually lesbians or is it just pretend?
holy fuck this episode is a 10/10 , my crops are watered, my skin is clear and my depression is cured
>implying all lesbians aren't just pretend
What do you think?
They fuck in the manga.
>loli monster girls
Real deal. Even shows them sleeping together naked in one chapter. This is the realest yuri I've seen in forever.
The author somehow has a centaur yuri doujin, he's pretty dedicated to the cause.
I still don't understand what is this show about.
Wow this was some nice attention to detail.
Holy fuck, they made her cousin god-damn huge.
When in doubt, just assume lesbians, Hitler and centaur samurai comfy sol.
kek this show is brilliant
cute girls doing cute things and also a withering critique of how groupthink is creeping into modern democracy
Also lesbians mushroom girls marrying each other.
His new manga has lesbians too
Obviously cute girls doing cute things, just like Madoka
WTF happened? Why is hime leading an army in vol15?
>even the children's books are propaganda
I love the creepiness of this show
>new manga
did he finish centaur?
I'm more curious about the untranslated chapters
Where the hell was the tomboy Succubus?
Did it finally go full Lovecraft?
Shlicking to Hime's magazine covers.
The Antarticans get pretty lovecraftian, the aliens are full lovecraft
So how did the creator pitch this? Did he make out to the publishers it was a cute monster girl idea then go completely insane after he got the ok?
historical reenactment?
Notice how the triplets bend their ear to the phone.
I think it'a a simulation made by snek.
They also made a simulation that fast forward 10 years to see whether the weretiger race could return to the society or not at the same chapter.
The weird world build and supernatural chapters were always there. People didn't expect it to collide with the cute girls part. I don't like it.
horn pillows so you don't poke your waifu
Should I read the mango if the anime doesn't get to the full weird meme parts?
Absolutely, although the craziest shit hasn't been translated yet, we do get into some very interesting stuff. The girls are /u/ but they live in /x/'s world
Picked the fuck up
>majority rule is not democracy
That is exactly what democracy is though. But there are safeguards in most modern counties to keep that from happening. Like constiutional rights, or the US senate, which has seats given to the states, regardless of the eligible voting population of the states. To keep the majority from ruling. If it wasn't there, the largest states could force the smaller states to do their bidding. Now legislation like that can be blocked in the senate. Also, a 'democracy' refers to actual mob rule; direct democracy. There are no modern states like that, only republics.
On topic, this episode was the most comfy of this season so far. I'm also really enjoy the suble notes of state autocracy mixed in there, like the bed time story Hime told before Shino was put to bed.
Be sure to wash your loli centaur so she doesn't get stinky
It's meant to show that children's shows have become propaganda. Remember that scene where the teacher tells them that maintaining equality is more important then their civil rights or their lives while government officials watch from the hallway? The idea is that there's such a violent history of race conflict that the government uses it as a fear mongering tactic to take away peoples rights and seize power. As the series goes on you here more about people being arrested or sent to correctional facilities on claims of hate crimes. Also insulting mixed species people can get you the death penalty.
Is it likely the animu will get to weird parts?
The Antarcticans are literally just reskinned Mi-Go so they're full Lovecraft too
As far as I can deduce: yes
And then it kept selling so they haven't told him to stop yet