Youre a grown man user

youre a grown man user

stop watching chinese cartoons

Other urls found in this thread:

will this faggot ever make anything good before he snuffs it?

I'm not.

I've been slowly reducing my dosage, starting by not watching your cartoons

feminine penis detected

into the ovens you go degenerate

>reddit spacing

But I'm an 11 year old girl.

Anime appeals to the modern male who is apathetic to a meanigful existence. His only concern is his own shallow dreams and aspirations. He shuns the world because it isnt as real as his fantasies. The world has expectations and you must work to earn what you keep. Anime has an unlimited harem which satisfies his every need and desire. This is the means by which a man increasingly adores himself and creates a prison in his mind. The saddest thing is that he is not happy with his own company and must constantly pursue and hoard his obsession so that his vain desires will be fulfilled. A sad existence only made more pathetic as time marches on.


or else?


Shut up mom RRREEEEEE


have you noticed that vacant look in your fathers eyes yet?


Movies appeals to children and the modern male who is apathetic to a meaningful existence. His only concern is his own shallow definition of entertainment. He has no dreams or desires whatsoever. He fulfill a misguided sense of fulfilling the world expectation's without ever question himself. Movies are is unlimited time wasters which fail to satisfies anything but is ego. This is the means by which a man increasingly ingnore himself and is imprisoned by his surrounding. The saddest thing is that he is happy with his meaningless waste of time and even actively pay for it. A sad existence only made more pathetic as time marches on.

sh-shut the fuck up

... in other news, the chuunibyou movie is coming out

Love how the fake quotes are so in line with what he says for real that everything becomes a big post-truth reality.



For me the real evil of Waifus would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back: sends the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides. And this harem, once admitted, works against his ever getting out and really uniting with a real woman. For the harem is always accessible, always subservient, calls for no sacrifices or adjustments, and can be endowed with erotic and psychological attractions which no real woman can rival. Among those shadowy brides he is always adored, always the perfect lover: no demand is made on his unselfishness, no mortification ever imposed on his vanity. In the end, they become merely the medium through which he increasingly adores himself . . . . And it is not only the faculty of love which is thus sterilized, forced back on itself, but also the faculty of imagination.

The true exercise of imagination, in my view, is (a) To help us to understand other people (b) To respond to, and, some of us, to produce, art. But it has also a bad use: to provide for us, in shadowy form, a substitute for virtues, successes, distinctions etc. which ought to be sought outside in the real world—e.g. picturing all I’d do if I were rich instead of earning and saving. Waifuism involves this abuse of imagination in erotic matters (which I think bad in itself) and thereby encourages a similar abuse of it in all spheres. After all, almost the main work of life is to come out of our selves, out of the little, dark prison we are all born in. Waifuism is to be avoided as all things are to be avoided which retard this process. The danger is that of coming to love the prison.

>The dance at the end
>In front of three generations of his family
Oh shit.

Why can't us white piggus just learn not to do stupid/autistic shit in Japan?

how do you respond?

go away clive.

Anime is a harem. Whether it is the false sense of friendship or the trivial pursuit of love; you hold them close to you because you are not satisfied by what you receive of love or friendship in the outside world.

Why do you keep these things so close to you? Are you afraid of your own thoughts? Afraid that the crippling reality might settle in? Afraid of the loneliness you try so desperately to escape?

I´ve learned the lesson, anime makes you gay which is not bad. unless you are a underage

well at least it is not as bad as davido

Explain how anime is any way worse than watching sports, Netflix, or capeshit, which is socially acceptable despite being the same gigantic waste of time and non-productivity.

For the last time, THEY ARE JAPANESE

Miyazaki hasn't written one movie without a 1D mary sue protagonist and he thinks he gets to pull the "real art" card

My dad was who got me into this shit.

They were probably just feeling relieved that he agreed to not crossdress during all of this

I am have always hated these kinda people.

those ancestors of yours who struggled to survive the turmoils of life throughout the ages produced someone using a yu-gi-oh pic on an image board for japanese cartoons....

Dude, I moved to Japan and actually stopped watching anime after coming here solely based on the expats who show up and immediately start speaking in Engrish, among other socially oblivious behaviors.

There's just something morally repugnant about people who only know anime. Their social skills are nonexistent, and they're embarrassing to be around. For fucks sake, I'm currently working with a "vegetarian" from England who has never heard of Morrissey. A lot of people went out of their way to take her to a vegetarian restaurant here (which is difficult to find outside of Tokyo) and her first comment was "wow, my mom would be so proud of me for eating this many vegetables". This is a fucking 26 year old woman, who is admitting to dieting solely on fucking pasta and chocolate. I took her for curry once and she pushed all the vegetables out of the way and hoovered up the curry around them, before engorging herself on cheese nan. Of course, her fat ass drags around a purse covered in pokemon stickers on top of all this.

Actually meeting other people who like anime IRL made me hate anime.

Why not move to Somalia or something where there's no government or entertainment industry? Oh yeah, because he's a bourgeois poser

It doesnt, the average normie dont really contributes to the society

Do not worry i only watch dragon ball and superior western cartoons like justice league and samurai jack

sport can get people to go outside and excersice,you can't go watch capeshit movies alone you go with your group of friends ,netflix was created so you have a background noise while fucking your gf,

Sup Forums why do you hate him so much, he is not wrong if you really like animation you should at the very least respect him

Stop larping

Oh fuck off m8, your acting like you know your ancestors weren't into some pretty degenerate shit or fucking around

its like this in all countries though.

they project an image which hides the harsher truths. you cant blame someone for being attracted to the image; only the fact that they have no self conciousness about it.

>using teen girl indie rock as a measurement for a person's accumulated culture

I eat my vegetables though, user.

my ancestors were raped by vikings, surivived famines and wandered the isles trying to find shelter and rest.

i would be deeply embarrased to be in their company.

None of that has to do with her liking anime.

Might aswell stop doing anything fun past 23 then.

>Thinking all of your ancestors were perfect beings
Must be easier when they have long been eaten by maggots, talk with any real person though, and you will see how things really are.

just use normalfag next time

>Thinking all of your ancestors were perfect beings

they had a common purpose and something worth fighting for.

why try something which challenges you and ushers in self development rather than stunting it?

Anime is the only form of media not filled with SJW and forced diversity garbage.

You sound like a faggot

that's what work is for

Wow, they wanted to survive, that is such a unique feature user! Unless, of course, the ones who were part of the more comfortable ranks society, the ones the farmers and peasants fed.

Beyond that, you know nothing. You could be the descendant of rapists, criminals, people who wanked while peeping on a woman, and very likely people who found joy in killing animals like cats and birds.

That notion of worthlessness over you ancestor is a fantasy of the same ilk as the one "presented" in this thread. One that makes you into an idiot, not a useless idiot for sure, but surely not a person who takes reign of their own life.

What was that, and no spooks in your response please?

His movies don't really need complex characters, I get that he's a grumpy old man but the stuff that he produces is legitimately great.

normie is used for frogposter right?

so you stopped watching anime based entirely on bad experience with the world's biggest weebs?
I know it's not an uncommon sentiment (it's the exact reason that normals look down on all "nerdy" hobbies and entertainment), but most people on Sup Forums are still able to reconcile their hatred of all other anime fans with enjoying anime. To get into stuff like anime you generally have to be at peace with the wastes of space who are also into it from the outset.


>Dude, lmao, civilisation bad, nature good.
Such deep, insightful movies!

>but surely not a person who takes reign of their own life.

thats rich coming from someone like you

there are no reigns in life. purpose and understanding comes from relinquishing yourself from the idea that you have any reigns.



Adulthood is when you realise you can enjoy something from every medium. Anime has good entertainment value, not to mention some unique stuff you won't find anywhere else.
If I were to choose between watching some action flick or battle harem/isekai/romcom, I'd most likely pick the later. Likewise I'd pick movies/shows with serious story telling over "serious" anime 99% of the time.

I have a job, and I follow the hobbies I am interested into when I feel like it. Your just further prove my concept, because there sure are reigns user, if you can't see them you are wearing blinders.

family and the aknowlegement that the most fundamental truth is that we belong to a power that’s beyond ourselves and thus it was their duty to discover the nature of this truth though it only be answered in death.


the clock has been set, your movements are conditioned.

Plus, "nerdy" hobbies are getting less stigma. People like OP are insecure dumbasses.

Have you ever read folklore? I do not mean sanitised folklore like the ones the Grimm gathered, but the tales people told. I recommend picking up a raw compilation of tales from a specific group, and which one does not matter, be it the Yukaghir from Siberia or what is told in rural US. The result will be the same.

People like their wish fulfilment fantasies, people like the idea of a witty man finding exotic, unique wives, children love to see stories where adults are useless and quickly meet their comeuppance. That is an inherent human factor.


sorry to interrupt the ESL fight but it's spelled "reins". I don't know why that bothers me more than anything else in your posts.



>their expressions at the dance
Gets me every time

I'm probably one of few who actually think Miyazaki is based as fuck

Good taste Oji-san

> Reign
> to have control, rule, or influence of any kind.

>one of the few
Have you never taken a look at websites outside of Sup Forums?

Literally the most common opinion among casuals.

In that sense, Kaiji is pretty good.

This thread is only making me admire miyazaki more and more i tought there was no more rational people left in this world

Grandpa, you sound depressed.


the idiom "take the reins" uses the noun for the strap used to control a horse.
reign is only used as a noun when referring to a ruler's time in power, for example "reign of terror"

Why the fuck is he so... depressed?

what values or lessons have you learned from anime except if your waifu looks best in a one piece or bikini?

>forced meme

Anime is nothing but trash for developmentally stunted manchildren.

your right, i did use it in that context

Who the fuck is Morrissey?

>[medium] is nothing but
Stop being retarded

Do not worrry miyazaki sensei one day i will create the best cartoon ever and it will remind people what animation really is about, the otakus have ruined a lot of things but i still have hope

He's observant and realistic, not depressed.
If you neets had been paying attention to the outside world for a couple of years, you would have realized this as well.



I watch dragonball... does that still make me a neet?

Dont watch a lot of anime nowadays.
