How can we fix this bloody place?
Should America just annex it?
The ABSOLUTE state of Canada
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That's pretty hardcore.
um, you mean "passpeople" right ?
it was honorable killing, head flew off with one swing of his mighty katana
I’m all for people getting beheaded on public transport. Serves them right for being so dependent on the state.
When your enemy beheads you, you win
t. Justin Trudeau
Aaaa it was a greyhound not public.
Greyhound is not crown owned. It is a private corporation based in the US. Also that's a really retarded opinion. We don't need 35 million cars and for a city like Toronto taking the subway or GO train can be substantially better than driving
Why did he do it?
the white man oppressed him
Hopefully Wrongdeu gives him a few million in compensation.
Well look at that there m8, have a gander at that...
Never change Bruce, never change
On vacation and browsing Sup Forums. The fuck is wrong with you
>h-ha, yeah, vacation...
Since I visit Sup Forums my idea of Canada it's totally changed, It's the country I despise more in the planet. It's "Virtue signailling: the country", to be "liberal" and "respectful of all" this country it's full of paradoxes. It's the symbol of the weak mind of the western countries.
leafs ruined canada
Are you gandering at my benis?
Sorry bruh, but you cant manage this dangus!
Its as hot as a steemed potato and phat to bat!
>behead other member of peoplekind
>not a threat
>masturbate to 2D drawings
>execute that man
Why would anyone go there for vaca
Behead . . . O man it was way worse the that. He ripped the guy to Pisces and ate him in front of a crowd of people . Was off his meds was the defence. . . . Some how that was an excuse for his actions . Poor family .