Race mixing is going to improve (((white))) gene pool and fix racial problems. Prove me wrong.
Race mixing is going to improve (((white))) gene pool and fix racial problems. Prove me wrong
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It lowers the IQ.
why dont i wonder that you are from poland
Your dumb as rock anyway, I don't see a problem.
Stop shilling your stupid thread nigger.
Hol up
>lowers iq
also causes immune disorders, especially with blacks
Is Poland the newshitposting flag?
You know this is happening, and the only thing you can do about is to post dumb memes, because you're not allowed to breed anyway :^)
How is that not a baboon?
Is it your argument?
Is this shooped?
>Niggers denying race realism is a good thing
Hello kike fuck, why don't you go suck a dick faggot and how fucking dare you call me a nigger bitch. Go fuck yourself pole.
Top middle would be cute without the garish hair
The rest are ugly as sin
Also making a shitty KIKE thread about race mixing, and calling me a nigger.
Sholmo Shekelstein is working overtime I see.
Mixing opens up bloodlines to diseases and disorders that are not common for said bloodlines, faggot. Medicines are now having adverse reactions to mixed individuals - there are numerous pain, nerve, and muscle medications that cause sores to open on the body from inside and out that non-Asians do not have to worry about, but happen to East Asians. Now mixed bloodlines are being affected. This is happening to many medicines and treatments. Mixed individuals now suffer from more mental problems than pure bloodlines due to DNA mixing and from socio-disorders from lack of acceptance, lack of self-acceptance, lack of racial identity.
You can go fuck yourself now, faggot.
Hey this same thread is on Sup Forums right now!
It's not like majority of people are pretty anyway.
Imagine my shock.
Please post some data on this. I would happily change my mind.
Cute kid tho.
Niggers and Jews can mix as much they like. But Jews are such fucks and prefere inbreeding.
also pic
t. haven't meet a single jew in my entire life (18yolo)
If you want me to dig, I will. This happened to 3 of my family since my sister is a disgusting cross-breeder. Rest of the family does not suffer from said problem. Its also common sense. you cross 2 people, you open the genetic pool up to more problems from both lineages. Its like mixing german shepards with hip problems with another breed, those puppies will now have that genetic disorder through their lineage.
Holy shit! they literally look like reptilians
Um sweetie you're stories aren't a good example. Need some reliable source, your not the one;
You have to be an adult to post on this site.
Yeah. What's with their eyes! I smell Jewery.
Yep, because its whites with the fucked up genes and racial problems.
What are these racial problems? Also nigger get out from poland you are a parasite.
>(((white))) = Jews
This anti Semite needs to be fired, fined, and shut down from all platforms. Fine him 20,000 dollars, then once he's paid that $40,000 fine, we'll take that fine and donate to the ADL the $60,000 to combat hate speech online.
What heritage you white trash? You're the descendant of some immigrants to retarded to live in Europe.
>Race mixing is going to improve (((white))) gene pool and fix racial problems.
He means the jewish cancer
And it’s beautiful!
Get a load of this Semite.
The eternal Polack, Hitler show of finished you off.
You too!
They get whiter. Not darker. I wonder who is actualy being clensed. If you want real diversity, stick with yer own. White genes are just fine. No sickle or many other issues.
White gene problems are a black and athiest as well as far left lie.
racial mixing via sperm donation would definitely improve humanity, because the sperm of the intelligent would be sought, while the sperm of the less intelligent would be discarded.
Are you sure you want to be a peepee ass?
>everything i don't like is juice
>Submit to the invaders and there will be no more war
Maybe. But that's not the point is it. There's pride at stake here.
I agree
There is nothing psychopathic about wanting to genocide kikes and save the human race from enslavement and pain.
Genocide of the Jews is a good thing
Holy fuck, what's wrong with people now days?
Mixing species has severe effects on behaviour:
No true pole would say something like that.
I think Kikery is afoot.
Are you Jewish or not?
I am white. 121 to 200. Yer pie chart does not take into account pop that effects the average.
Jews are Satan's children
Uh, yeah.
I dont understand this shit at all. Theyve been to Sup Forums. They dont realize that their pic would be eternally shit on?
Gob lok *click* ge? Chekn-Sanwech?
You should ask yerself that first.
only a little, kek
when whites are gone and done xist anymore, black will still complain about asians, mexicans and mullatosupremecy
Maybe they just don't care. Anyway, such people are preaching about *racial purity* :^)
las creaturas premetivas
Only if they do not hire me.
Fuck y'all. Race mixing/race purity - all irrelevant as soon as CRISPR and cybernetics get fully online.
I am most certainly not Jewish. Now answer the question.
same. also haven't seen a nigger in 2018.
This is my favorite. Okay. You say race mixing is good because over time peoples genes become too similar and it makes them more prone to having physical mutations and mental disabilities. Well what do you think is going to happen when everyone on earth is mixed race? Everyones genes will become so similar there wont be a single person born who isnt crippled or retarded.
>Race mixing is going to improve (((white))) gene pool and fix racial problems. Prove me wrong.
>Y-yes, goy. Just become an easily controllable mulatto subclass and you're absolved of your sin of existing.
Nope, not a hebrew.
Said mr Jones from the town of mrs Joneses
Beautiful americans
Alright. Now let that Polish bastard answer the question.
Oh look, a leftist semite promoting race mixing and eradication of whites. Big surprise...
small amounts of race mixing, yes
last time I looked the rate was about 15% in ultra neoliberal areas
racemixing honestly isn't the problem, the problem is White self-hatred
Race mixing is directly connected to shitty genes, health problems and more
What's the difference?. Also I'm 100% polish if you must know.
Inherited Genetic Disease. Its basic biology that is learned in middle school. Its why blacks are the only race that suffer from Sickle Cell Anemia, and their bi-racial kids suffer from it too, faggot.
That is a prime example.
Fantasy world bullshit.
what about white and asian mixed?
>What's the difference?
Are you Jewish? Yes or no