
I’m currently agnostic and wondering which religion is he most redpilled or true, I’m still balancing the different religious sets. Christianity could be a plant created by Jews or a valiant defense against them, or we should all become pagan to return to our roots or something. I dunno

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Why not just make your own religion instead of praising other peoples works

Find Vril.

Listen to the echoes of the ice age and wars passed.

Become an Esoteric Hitlerist.

But then that defeats the purpose of their being one truth. I’ve considered deism, however

>defeats the purpose of one truth
Not if your truth is the one.

I’ve looked into it before, not completely sure. It’s sort of a Christian-Pagan syncreticism, right?

The problem is that I’m too cynical to believe I could be the only one in the world who is right

Kek is your God, feed him digits.

>Christian-Pagan syncreticism

what makes you think that?

That’s just from what I’ve seen, I’m no professional in it, if you care to explain, I’m open to listening

Get right,your choice

I miss when we accepted that Jesus was white and Khazars were the serpent seed. Back when Christianity was fun.

I'm not sure how to approach that description if you cannot elaborate on it.

Miguel Serrano brings forward a myth that puts the Cro Magnid Aryan warrior at the center, possibly epitomized in Adolf Hitler, and works based on the memory of the blood.

non sectarian gnosticism

read eckhart tolle power of now

You have Nietzsche in your OP so you should read him if you want to have a redpilled religion. In The Antichrist he explains why Christianity is weak and cucked and compares it to more redpilled religions. In Also Sprach Zarathustra he advocates for not having God but the Übermensch be the main aspect of your life.
Once you've read Nietzsche and still want to be religious, read Evola and become the traditional, esoteric Pagan of your choice

Good post.

>Christianity could be a plant created by Jews or a valiant defense against them
retard alert.

>In the Gospel of John, Jesus calls certain Pharisees "children of the devil".

Nietzsche went mad and suffered more than almost anyone. Take note that almost all modern Nietzscheans are cynically sarcastic and unhappy people who smoke cigarettes, listen to metal / punk, and watch Rick and Morty.

Take the Buddha pill:

Agnosticism is the red pill. You don't need to follow a religion as if it is a sports team. We don't know if there is a higher being or not, or how we got here. Religions claiming they do are being deceitful. You can agree with the principles of a religion without buying into it's other lies. Live for yourself and your family/people.

roots suck, go for the fruit christianity

Most modern Nietzscheans dont understand him at all and havent read him. I would even go as far to say he's the most misquoted and misread author in modern history because of his place in pop culture.

Christianity is your roots btw, unless you’re a nigger. The poor lost children of Israel are terrified of mean old Yahweh being their Father, so they run to Gnosticism and other heresy.

>Nietzsche went mad
>Take the Buddha pill
But Nietzsche said Buddhism is good.

>there is no pain without desire
>become a mindless drone without desires
That is still nihilism. It will leave you empty. Only God can fill that God-shaped hole in your heart.

I think many understand, but many also don't. I see this charge being thrown around a lot, mostly by rightist reactionaries who see Nietzsche as being essentially on their side, and think the more liberal Nietzscheans are wrong in their understanding of his philosophy. I don't it's so much that he is misunderstood, it's more so that he wrote so many things and was so "go with the flow" and "follow your instincts" in his philosophizing that he often contradicted himself, allowing for multiple interpretations of his writing. I think Nietzsche would agree with the statement that his work can be interpreted in multiple ways, and that what is important is that you derive from it "your own" meaning and values.

YOU HEAR THAT FAGGOTS. Yahweh is your Father and Jesus is your savior. You’re all the seed of that light haired pale man named Abraham. You are semites. Your father is not Odin, Zeus, or some obscure Babylonian god. It’s Yahweh. You can larp as something new, but whether you like it or not you’re property of Yahweh. If you whites abandon Him you die, and you’re seeing it happen right before your eyes in society around you.

No he didn't. He criticized it heavily and said it was nihilism. The only good thing he said about it was that it was more honest than Christianity. He called it "that oriental nothing."

If you practice meditation and see the true happiness in liberation from detachment and mental defilement, you will not be calling yourself a mindless drone. What you call God filling up your heart is merely an emotion that comes and goes based on external stimuli, thoughts, and the experience of various sensual phenomena.

*attachment, not detachment

Read CS lewis Mere Christianity. It gives a good starter to the gospel.

Nietzsche criticized every Religion in one way or another, but he said some are better than others. He said Buddhism is smart realistic and noble.
He said it's a good religion for "späte Zivilisationen" (don't know how this is called in English but I guess "late Civilisation" works)
And he said it does what it is supposed to do, it reaches the goal it set's itself

Nietzsche also said Christianity was good for the masses, that does not mean he though it was "good" as in he agreed with it's values and judgments. Same with Buddhism. Nietzsche made clear that his philosophy was not for everyone and that the masses of people would and should remain religious slaves, because they are not capable of achieving anything higher.

You haven't lived long enough to understand that Atheism (even with Buddhist meditation) will chew you up and wear you down to a nub. Atheism demands nihilism and it will ruin you friend.

Thanks, have you seen the CS Lewis doodles?

Christianity is cult of weakness. Time to replace it by cult of strength.

There is a difference between empowering the weak by making everyone, who is stronger than them, sick and between empowering the late by healing their wounds

Too many Christians shamelessly claim Jesus is a jew.