Is Trump pulling this money out of his ass?
How are we going to pay for all of this?
Is Trump pulling this money out of his ass?
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Didn't hear you caring that much about the budget when it came to providing gibs for 100,000,000 muds
He will cut foreign aid and lins will freak out. Trump will say he wants to take care of americans. Once again liberals will choose foreigners over americans.
sell niggers to arabs pleb ... abreviated as SNAP
its trumps new program, part of the MAGA package
MAGA - SNAP ... look on his website
-cut foreign aid
-cut back on military spending in the middle east in pointless wars
there, you now have hundreds of billions of dollars saved
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>matching loans to states for roads and bridges
this is monumentally stupid when states are already cutting tax sales funding
It come from his stash
If only he could "Stream line IMMIGRATION process to 2 years"
I think he's just trying to accelerate the collapse. He knows the only thing Congress ever agrees on is spending more money. So he's going to open up the floodgates and spend so much that they have to do something about it permenantly, unlike the weak caps they can and have skirted.
Obama doubled the debt from 9 to 18 trillion and liberals didn’t give a fuck.
Did you just time travel from 1996 or something?
You are right, your military gets way too much money.
Where did Obama pull it out from? Makes u think
Infrastructure pays for itself. It reduces costs across the board and grows the economy
so far we've put $850 billion into Afghanistan. how did we pay for that?
republicans only care about the budget when democrats are in charge.
Infrastructure is one thing which would have a net positive gain on us. Our infrastructure is falling to shit and it takes a toll on our daily commutes. Decades of under-funding has left the fucking highways, bridges, airports, power stations, dams and waste treatment plants in need of a major overhaul and if we don't start fixing that shit now it's only going to get worse. Plus it'll employ the blue collar class which just spends money instead of saves so it'll be like pumping money into the economy. It's better than spending it on Wars.
Let me know when he spends 6 tril
The only reason we're doing this is because Barack Obama got a trillion dollar infrastructure bill passed in his first term in office and it was a big fucking sham that didn't fucking build or fix anything, basically.
Nigger-Boy fucked it all up and now we need a White Man to do it right.
Who cares. We need this infrastructure budget. Let's not get political over it.
>$850 billion into Afghanistan
Literally blown in the wind. For nothing. If you guys leave everything there will return to normal.
>Fiscal conservatives actually being fiscally conservative
No sir, not with a Republican in the big seat
It unironically doesn't matter where the money comes from if it improves the standard of living and real economy here. It's pretty clear at this point no one is getting that money back in un-inflated form so the debt doesn't make any difference.
Obama’s infrastructures shove ready job program was literally a scam to give cash to the SEIU
Basically black women got money to spend on hair and nails
Fake graphic fox new shill.
we need to remove the clause in our war articles that states we must pay for damages we cause in foreign lands. The reason it cost us so much is because we pay to repair their shit after we destroy it. I say act like every other nation and say fuck em. Why should we repair them or repay them for damages that they caused by provoking us? Maybe then the world will see that we arent taking it from behind.
You know how they say our children will have to deal with this? Well it's brown and black children thay will have to deal with this, and that's beautiful.
Welfares needsta go
Confiscation of foreign held assets.
the military budget was just increased days ago
t. Obama
>Is Trump pulling this money out of his ass?
>How are we going to pay for all of this?
Just borrow more money from China.
Military spending and spending for middle east wars are separate.
By printing more money. The government already prints money when they need it for pointless projects and crap. So why not print it for a worthwhile investment like building, fixing, and upgrading infrastructure.
Quit pretending like you care about debt
really ?
Ancaps hit the hardest.
Just popped in to see how the kike Trump Shills are explaining this one...
Force local governments to pick up the tab, toll roads everywhere!
The money isn't borrowed from china, theyve slowed tbond purchases, the buyer is the us republic
Fuck it, put tolls outside everyone's house. Might aswell.
We spent 6 trillion surplus on the wars. .. 50billion on infrastructure is a necessity
this funny how these are always staunch fiscal conservatives when money is spent on anything that isn’t spicey
>Local pays for federal spending.
How were we going to pay for all THAT shit?
>Shut up!
We get $1trillion a year in heroin.... for the CIA from there too...
Soros made so much off that
Infrastructure is one of the best things a government can spend money on, since it has the double benefit of providing jobs and improving safety and convenience for everyone who uses it. Just another way President Trump is fixing this country, which makes him the only good president we've had in many decades.
Thanks for opening my eyes with this post OP. I'm with her.
The difference is trump had already cut tons to make up for it.
Increased tax receipts from growing the economy.
We'll pay for it with all the money generated by the tax cuts, or something. Also, this shit is proposed by every President and presidential candidate every four years and is never actually achieved, Trump will be no different.
Tax hikes + defense cuts.
You mean useful?
Niggers aren't useful.
Yeah and Hillary is gonna win too!
>Rural infrastructure
I sure hope that means internet. I wanna be able to shitpost at the speed of light.
>-cut back on military spending in the middle east in pointless wars
If this happens, USA breaks apart within 3 years.
> increased tax receipts from the growing economy
Trump lost 40% of what he gained in 2017, in the first 40 days of 2018
What the fuck does that have to do with what I said?
go away shill
the united states government has 50 billion, ok?
Im just chiming in to support you comrade!
The fuck are they gonna pay for this? On top of tax cuts they already passed a budget with a trillion dollar deficit.
It's for broadband mostly
Trump is a smart man, he knows money has no intrinsic value.
After he's done with everything he said he would do, he'll just crash the petrodollar.
you fucking retard OP
It's only bad when Obama spends money you fucking idiot.
That's just the rural part genius.
Red necks a bit slow to the bit, they will max the budget out to create a scenario to slash entitlement programs creating "reform"
Bye bye to your bullshit farm subsidies and medicaid you hicks
The same way as everything else. We'll pretend we're not broke while we continue to borrow money from people we don't particularly like to pay for shit we don't particularly need. This will be repeated until the point it can no longer be repeated at which point the system will fail catastrophically.
Not nearly enough to cover the tax cuts, the new budget and this.
I think that he's investing in American people's futures. Unlike the last guy who sat there for eight years. Since this is Sup Forums, remember how Germany invested in Infrastructure and how this elevated them out of the hellhole they ended up in after WW1?
Who wouldn't want better living conditions?
It won't matter after The Great War.
>Rothschild selling all property
>money seized from cartels
>money from Obama and Clinton foundation
He is making a way don't you worry BASED HER followers... she will get a cell with a view.
You’re getting it from the Clinton foundation. Governments all over the world put a heap of cash in and there’s probably a bit left over from Haiti
>mfw trump upgrades infrastructure to streamline rural and suburban retard participation in the online culture war
fuck, he's smart.
How can someone live like that? Not even a wild animal lives in its own filth.
M8 Germany got out of the hellhole because of they're rearmament, not infrastructure.
Same for the US leading up to WW2, it was the war that stopped the Great Depression.
And both Germany and the US had massive unemployment anyway. That's not the case now. This is the opposite, both the GOP and Dems are thoroughly fucking the future with this massive debt load.
We're sending 30 million illegals home.
paid for with tax cuts for the rich, like always
liberals like bloomberg have been saying for years that american infrastructure is in an embarrassing shape for such a purportedly developed nation
what's the problem now?
The issue is that new budget that has a trillion deficit. Plus the tax cuts. It's insane to deficit spend, put tax cuts on top of that, and spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure.
"Who gives a fuck as long as my street gets paid" Albert and Alice Boomer
shit meme, obama reversed the trend bush set
repugs fail at econ 101 for 100 years now
>3.8 trillion dollar budget
Yup, that 50 billion dollar pocket change is really going to break us.
That's just for rural infrastructure. Read under it.
We pay for it like we pay for everything else in the last 70 years, by borrowing.
Holy fuck user, I don't think you're wrong.
4D chess is just a meme, they said...
Who cares, money is a meme.