After 3D imaging and forensic reconstruction researches found what Egyptians really looked like. Look at those triggered niggers.
>this is inaccurate
top jej
>this women is white
Monkey Salt is best salt, keep em coming
Argument of the year award goes to
Link us you Egyptian nigger.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that Egypt is thousand of years old and during that time it was ruled by various different peoples.
There was times when The Pharaohs were white, there was times when they were brown-arabs, and there was a 100 year period where they were Nubians who are black.
I always thought it was a known fact that Egyptians basically looked like Levant Arabs. They were Hamitic Berber people that would have looked similar to semitic middle easterners. Were did blacks ever get the idea that Egyptians were nogs?
Can somebody with a twitter account ask these descendants of west African slaves why they think they have ANY connection to North Eastern Egyptians who were separated by thousands of miles and the Sahara desert?
Did you learn English yesterday or
I didn't know they had makeup back then
we wuz eee-gib-shun
jesus christ this is some american education tier shit.
did you see the pic I replied to or what
Learn how to make a god damn OP you Finnigger.
where the fuck have you been?
Niggers also think they are the real jews, the real europeans, the real chinese, the real japanese, built America, built Rome, built England, and were Mayan Gods.
They believe this because they have no discernment; they cannot differentiate between facts and lies they read on the internet.
Quick someone go call them dick washers. Is this sociological evidence for why they're obsessed with muh dick so much? They've been born and bred to wash and massage penii.
we wuz, we wuuzz...
Look he's even patting him on the head what a good little nigger.
Yeah but 3D Imaging technology is no match for "B-BUT WE WAS KANGZ!!!!"
>muh high school diploma is a "degree", raciss
Which part of Africa are US negroes mostly from?
>they cannot differentiate between facts and lies they read on the internet.
Then how come all these niggaz is woke af?
The internet was a mistake
What degrees? The affirmative action liberal arts degree from a community college?
I would bet most of those niggers learned they wuz kangs from social media and youtube exclusively.
the WE WUZ shit is just lazy power association. Like that nigger talking about his secret "degrees" that he has in Woke-ology. It's the same psychological reason why niggers spend all their money on appearance, like a car and clothes, and neglecting what matters like stable income and a nice house in a nice area.
>this is inaccurate
>no source, corrections, or explanations
>feels > reals
I would go even further and argue that Sup Forums trolled niggers hard about them being KANGZ for shit and giggles.
No it's the white mans facts that are RACIS
Why are black people so retarded? George Washington Carver was a fucking genius in agriculture, yet any black person who even knows his name thinks he invented peanut butter. They'll ignore a mind like that, yet continue to chimp out over ancient Egypt and try to claim that somehow, mysteriously, black people as a community erected pyramids, even though every other place on the planet where black people have lived lived in mud huts and chucked spears before any other culture had any influence upon them.
>but muh black history month!
niggers were a mistake
I do feel a bit bad, it's not like 98% have the capacity to understand the science involved. It's like telling little kids that Santa isn't real.
This is likely due to many black Americans not really having a connection to their ancestry due to having it lost during the slave trade. The truth is that they were sold into slavery by other Africans. Yet we see globalist push this agenda that blacks or whites or whatever color should stick together for the sake of their color alone. Not all whites were Kings. Some people had to do the thatching on roof tops.
Regardless this historical inaccuracies is poison to the black community which sadly does not want to embrace it's best heritage: the post-civil war black man. Literally one of the best offerings but the poison of Demands of reparation has soiled this claim to any dignity
He was no genius
They are west africans
I have a really hard time understanding just HOW FUCKING STUPID these nogs are. Jesus fucking christ.
"African studies"
George Washington Carver was legit. Perhaps even a hope of where Blackman to go fostered by an American society. However do the fears of losing political positioning Democrats have pushed black men into a sort of second-class citizenry where the chains are those binding them of a nanny state
so easy to forget that color was often used for cardinal directions
Nope, afraid not.
This is how I feel too, but it’s less about the scientific literacy.
African Americans literally have so little to feel proud about. Having “The Egyptians” to look up to as a source of self-worth might be a positive thing overall.
I think you've touched on something major. Blacks have no identity to speak of. They have no idea of where they came from or their heritage. The only thing they know is they were slaves. Their entire identity is that of an enslaved race. So what do they do? They borrow history from other cultures or try to appropriate other cultures as their own. This is understandable. Even Europeans have done this with the greeks and romans to some extent. They should be pitied. The only way forward for them is to forge a new identity, to become ubermensch. I doubt they are up to the task
If you look at the Atlantic slave trade West African is a very large when it comes to what civilizations and backgrounds they came from.
The largest civilization in West Africa had been destroyed long before the slave trade began. The Nok civilization in modern day Nigeria and Niger was destroyed by a Muslim incursion.
Rampant Wars between Warlords of the region lead to slave trade countries like Portugal just took advantage
No. Changing history just some nogs dont feel bad is fucking retarded. Stop saying it would be a good thing.
They literally think they all were kings what the hell dude.
>They have no idea of where they came from or their heritage
west africa. how hard is this to grasp?
Modern Jews did this as well. Jews are taking a Slaves by Romans after 100 ad and mixed with other slaves. Old Testament and Torres were Rewritten to match this. Israelites were never slaves in Egypt. They were middle-class or upper-class. But history was Rewritten to reflect a different circumstance. Most of this modern Jewish slave class ended up as surfs in eastern Europe. While a few Elites were made overtime due to a small percentage of them being good with numbers and banking
Niggers are delusional and sad.
>this is inaccurate
Like that sheboon would have any way of knowing. Top Kek
Degree from the unaccredited school of hard knocks. Majored in Jigaboo Jivin', minor in B&E with a concentration in Kill Wh*Te.
That's like saying we're from "Europe." What the hell does that even mean? West Africa is a giant place with thousands of different sub cultures. And not all of them are from West Africa. Some are more recent migrants and come from other parts of Africa but the family no longer remembers.
Look at the symbolism, the nigger bas been subjugated through the power of the voice, persuasion and wisdom.
Oh I’m Not saying we should change history, Egyptians were clearly not black, especially not the type of black that African Americans descended from.
I just don’t celebrate taking their fantasy of “The Egyptians” away from them. if blacks had more self worth, maybe the US murder rate wouldn’t be so high.
You should stop spamming something that so broad that it makes you sound stupid. West Africa is huge and doesn't tell your family background if you don't know where in West Africa you were from.
Egyptian certainly weren't arab either. In Egyptian history Arabs are specifically mentioned as being nomadic and a potential Hazard when trading in the region of Sinai.
cosmetics have been around forever
It maybe time for the nation of Egypt to come out and address this. There are a few black "historians " teaching blacks bad history. They won't believe it unless an actual Egyptian tells them. Even then they probably won't believe it.
But if i was Egyptian I'd do whatever I could to correct this new stupidity.
since the nephilim, anyway. right?
That looks pretty accurate, exactly what Egyptians look like
I dunno why Niggers think shes White, shes got the copper Egyptian skin, fat lips & flatter nose, that aint White
What's interesting is that Egyptians actually use madder root to treat freckles. And used a lead-based dye for turning their hair black. Something as simple as makeup history easily disproves blacks as the major population of Egypt.
Do we have different historical anomalies which hint to the true history. For instance the legend of scota and the founding of Scotland
Chibi Fair modern Egyptians are The Offspring of Muslim invasion around 600 to 700 ad
Phone poster kys
Modern Egypt has a biased stake in the heritage of Egypt. Most modern Egyptians are mixed from the Muslim invasions around 600 to 700 AD. They use cultural heritage as the reason for controlling of historical artifacts. It's a multibillion-dollar industry in the Egyptian egyptologist are the biggest Liars you'll ever encounter
A gay nigger talking about its feelings
We need to get Arabs made at niggers and fighting
Arabs are already using the strategy to get blacks mad at whites but then they turn around and blame the Jews for it.
West Africa and the congo
Kemet was referring the the soil in Egypt, dunno how Niggers came to the conclusion that it means Land of Black people, especially since Race wasn't a thing back then
Brah, we have copies of the Torah from way before 100 AD
It's because you're so indoctrinated to accept black as their identity that anything called black must be referring to their skin color. It's classic confirmation bias.
Are you an idiot? Look up the oldest Torah.
i didnt catch that, nice
Quit being fucking stupid
Self worth has to be real. Literally they are being taught to hate the system that actually ended slavery
Science has shown us what ancient Egyptians looked like, and it's (white) beautiful.
Wait, I thought Shakespeare was black.
Egypt was white in that era. The nigs migrated north from central Africa once the climate changed. More proofs incoming.
Paul Nehlen, what a madman....
Dont cast your pearls before swine
You're thinking of Spearechucker.
Only a nigger would think this mutt quayne is white.
Good stuff
The sad thing is they actually believe this, they also believe Wakanda is real, when its just something Stan lee wrote up in the 60's when he was on crack
well shes right but for the wrong reasons.
Modern Egyptians are the direct descendants of ancient Egyptians. They dont look more brown because of Arabs they've always been brown.
>Egyptian newspaper
THIS. Many white people in the south were poor farming families who had 12+ kids, because kids = farm hands. There was a rich culture of free blacks in Louisiana, complete with a caste system, but you never hear of this, because all of the words have been deemed "racist." (Can't say quadroon, octaroon, mulatto, etc.) Hell, Mississippi sent some of the slaves back to Africa - Where they proceeded to enslave people and eventually form Liberia. Blacks have had ALL of their history wiped clean. Kids are told in their schools that the Civil War was only about slavery, and the only history in our country after WW2 was the civil rights movement. So you have a lot of people being sold a slavery narrative. They're not being taught anything else. So, there is this drive to "appropriate" other culture (i.e., Egyptian culture).
You know I looked up what Egypt meant, I only got google using someones facebook as a source. I never found anything other than that for so called proof that Egypt meant black.
would an arab read that as 115 or 511?
They write from right to the left so probably 511
You know I thought it was already proven Nefertiti was white. There was accounts of her being described as so, during the roman times, they had many interactions with her. Why is this so mind-boggling to people? That some white people lived or are even now living in Egypt?