If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also

What did he mean by this? Is there a non cucked interpretation?

> You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
> —Jesus Christ, English Standard Version (Matthew 5:38-42)

Other urls found in this thread:


It specifically did not mean "dude just submit to aggression lmao", it had some very specific other meaning in the cultural context of the Levant 2000 years ago

yeah but he never had to deal with niggers

Basically means to out think your enemy.

Its Hebrew utopianism. Its a nice sounding ideal but a foolish one. Jesus was a fool just like most (((Eastern Philosophers))) anyone who thinks otherwise is just bullshitting to look good for others or they are dense in the fuckin head.

I preffer to quote malcolm x
"Be a good person but if someone lays aa hand on you send then to the grave"


If someone attacks you to get a rise out of you, then you don't act. They want you to lose your shit to do something that is not virtuous. Don't let evil take control of your actions.

unless they are Jews the whip the shit out of them

back then you could only slap with the right hand because you wiped your ass with the left, and slapping with the left (or backhand) was considered to be like the most dishonorable thing to ever be thought of

‘All ye are brethren.’

Are all men really brethren? — Negro and Indian, Blackfellow, Kalmuck, and Coolie — the well-born, and the base-bred,2 — beer-soaked loafer, and hero-hearted patriot — belted chieftain and ignoble mechanic-slave, — pot of iron and pot of clay?

What proof is there that the brotherhood-of-man hypothesis is in accordance with nature?
On what trustworthy biologic, historic or other evidence does it rest? If it is natural, then
rivalry, competition, and strife are unnatural.

Has ‘brotherhood’ ever been tried upon earth?
Where, when and with what final result? Is not self-assertion nobler, grander and more
truly heroic than self-denial? Is not self-abasement but another term for voluntary
vassalage; voluntary burden-bearing?

‘If we only lived as Christ lived, what a beautiful world this would be,’ saith all
thoughtless ones. If we lived as Christ lived, there would be none of us left to live. He
begat no children; he labored not for his bread; he possessed neither house nor home; he merely talked. Consequently he must have existed on charity, or have stolen bread. ‘If we
all lived like Christ,’ would there have been anyone left to labor, to be begged from, to be
stolen from? ‘If we all lived like Christ’ is thus a self-evident absurdity.

Everyone has their limit.

A nigger employee slapped me. I said you assaulted me and called the cops. He doesn't work there anymore. Don't turn the other cheek. Pull out your.45 and execute those niggers

Apparently, back then, Romans would slap people lower than themselves with the back of their hand, while the front was reserved for equals. Turning your cheek makes it hard to be slapped with the back of another's hand, so the other has to either stop slapping or recognize the one he wants to slap as an equal, with a front handed slap.
It means be smart with resisting authority.

>Is there a non cucked interpretation?
Some retards will sat there's sime cultural context that makes it not mean what he is clearly saying. But the entirety of his words and actions and the actions show that is bullshit, that he when he says not to retaliate or put up any resistance he meant it and the people around him understood this because he very plainly said it.

Turning the other cheek would mean the Roman had to hit you twice, which was illegal.
Walking an extra mile was also highly illegal.
It's pretty simple desu.
Calling a tranny his biological pronoun and getting into trouble? They shouldn't be assuming your identity either then.
Sexual harassment at work? She should have known your "homosexual" ass is too good for her.
The idea is to get in the way of your enemies in such a way that they can't ignore you, and get into trouble if they try to deal with it.

>eye for an eye
So if someone was beating the ever living fuck out of you to where death was possible.. Youd just let it happen?
Your logic is dull, and its illogical to not defend yourself, whether its mentally, or physically. Youre just a soft ass bitch.

Made it public as in "look this person is taking more that it can chew" context, thus the person will be mindful in acting with watchful eyes.

it is from the buddha's teaching: "enmity never ceases by enmity, it only ceases by compassion, this is an ancient law, irrefutable"

Until someone gouges your fucking eyes out..then what

>the actions of his followers
Damn, typing is hard.
But anyway, why should you resist aggression? Why should you protect yourself? In the Christian worldview there is no reason to, even if Christ didn't explicitly say you shouldn't. If this life doesnt matter, if everything of importance is what comes after why go through the trouble?

No, it's completely intended to cuck you, religion is meant to cow the population and prepare them to be ruled.

maybe if you read the bible youd see the other passages that directly address what you are pseudo griping about

pic related

So his dad was a cuck and Jesus was a numale, is that what you're saying?

Only cowards and weak people would hide behind some sort of 'religious', call to act a higher being, a 'holy person' as an excuse not to fight.

Its like saying "Oh im too old for a fight, besides I could go to jail-" if a guy slaps your girlfriends ass and you do nothing - when in reality you are just a pussy afraid of violence.

Its chickenshit behavior

Yes there is, it's posted semi-regularly lurk more.

Context is everything.

Jesus was saying this in a time when people most people would not consider people from another tribes/nations to be human.

He's specifically saying this in reference to dealing with other "humans".
This is how Christians should treat each other, and the people they are trying to convert.
Proper Christians don't go around slapping people at random.

It means if someone attacks you (comes at you with a low vibration) it is better to just take it, and shrug it off than hitting back. Due to you are harming youself and your ability to create/manifest a positive reality for yourself more by giving in to hate and low vibration. You create what you are so thats why.

also obviusly doesnt work if there is real/ortal danger involved

Exodus 20:4-5 "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"

Break the cycle of violence: Pacifism

Person 1: Our people have been fighting for ages over some bullshit that is either no longer relevant or too difficult to be solved through violence. I no longer want to fight
Person 2: FUCK YOU, YOU EVIL SHIT! - slaps one cheek
Person 1: I insist - turns cheek
Person 2: THIS SOME SORT OF TRICK! - slaps other cheeck
Person 1: Violence won't solve anything - turns cheek again
Person 2: WHAT A FUCKING COWARD, IF YOU INSIST, LOL! - slaps cheek again
Person 1: I insist - turns cheek
Person 2: You know, I'm starting to feel like real dick...you're serious, aren't you.
Person 1: I'm serious
Person 2: Woohoo, now I feel like a real asshole. Maybe you're onto something, let's give this settling our differences peacefully a go

Don't know if this has ever happened, but that's the idea. Note that "blessed are the meek" is a mistranslation, a more appropriate rendition is "blessed are those who keep their swords sheathed and refrain from using them unless truely necessary", incase you stumble across some asshole who really will just keep slapping your cheeks if you keep turning them.

This is how I interpret it. Take what resonates. Discard what does not. Blessings.

We attract experiences to ourselves as a response to the energy we resonate with. We pulse it out and receive experiences in kind. This is the meaning behind the golden rule.
In this specific case you were slapped in the face. Another has done something to you. You probably perceive it as unfair.
Cruel even. Jesus is urging you to seek it again, but with purpose of knowing. Like ripping off a band aid. Feel it. Know it. Understand it. Observe yourself next time.What is it within you that attracts the experience? Once you KNOW why it is happening you can adjust your focus and intent to experience a new pattern free from being slapped around by life physically, metaphorically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, etc.

Jesus sees this person as one beating HIMSELF up repeatedly. The experience of getting slapped again symbolically represents what Jesus can already interpret about the energy of the 'victim'.

they're trying to piss you off, getting upset gives them what they want, and labels you as an easy target for next time. ignore them and they won't get what they want and they'll give up or have some time to calm down

>Jesus saying to ignore eye-for-an-eye
But of course. Taking their eye because they take or try to take yours is bringing yourself to their level. Jesus is saying STAHP! Don't give in to the temptation to do evil things just because a bunch of cucks are doing it to you.

This doesn't mean take it like a bitch; it just means that defending yourself from evil acts doesn't necessarily require an equivalent or greater evil, i.e. choose the lesser evil. Just because some cuck tries to shank and rape you doesn't give you license to shoot him and rape his corpse if he turns tail after he realizes he can't beat you. If nothing else, it's a bad example. Let the authorities deal with him on earth; let God deal with him at Judgement.

That's why both in self-defense law and in Christian doctrine, while killing someone in self-defense is permissible, it must never be the primary purpose of the "defense", only a side-effect. Even when shooting someone in the head, the purpose is to save someone, not to kill someone.

Why the fuck would anyone waste storage space on nigger bits

In other words, you could fight back anytime you wanted and will unsheath your sword again if the other guy won't take a hint, but you refrain as long as you can because you are the better man.

This guy is saying relevant things. That whole passage is about resisting the Romans nonviolently.

It means if your neighbor is being a nigger to you, don't be a nigger back and be nice to him instead.

Most people are dicks as self defense mechanism. If you're nice to them, they'll be taken aback and think about how big of a nigger they are to you.

This of course only applies to local scale and anyone who uses "DUDE TURN THE OTHER CHEEK XDD" when terrorists blow up a concert full of kiddies should be hanged for being a connivering kike.

For one who puts their face out purposefully to break the cycle I accept this explanation. I'm not sure it is accurate for one who is slapped without their understanding of why. Jesus taught in levels and layers. I appreciate the one you've added here user.

>don't resist the one who is evil
>a few books later
>homosex is an abomination

Surely Jesus meant this to apply to individuals and not the state. The state now endorses evil and actively promotes sin of all kinds. So wouldn't it be the right thing to do to fix the state?

I think St. Augustine wrote about this in the City of God but I'm not sure, I just started it.

That's like the backpack passage is because Romans could only demand locals to carry their pack for a mile at the most legally and were inclined to get punished if an officer saw them making someone carry it two miles. So if you kept carrying it another mile the Soldier would have to ask or even beg you to stop carrying the the pack. So by saying if they ask you to carry their pack one mile carry it two he meant resist.
Also obedience to the Lord and so on.

Jesus is saying. When someone slaps you hit him with the butt of your gun and then blow his brains out while hes curled in a ball on tthe floor. Imo.

The turn "the other cheek" line is Jesus addressing "an eye for an eye".
>You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also
He is directly comparing his new "retaliation is bad" to the law as it was.
>This doesn't mean take it like a bitch; it just means that defending yourself
But that's exactly what he's saying. How do you get "put up resistance" from "Don't resist"? This is next-level word twisting.

It's saying "Don't fight Evil with Evil".
Eye for an Eye should be resisted, getting an escalation just brings exponentially more grief to lots of people in a ripple effect.

But Romans were the state, when he talks about walking a mile it's in reference to Roman soldiers making the locals carry their crap. I assume the context of the sermon is Roman authority.

I feel perhaps it isnt about resistance at all. More about the cyclical and repetitive nature of the experience. Same shit, different day. When we open our 'eyes' to see the unseen we might also interpret that he was inspiring us to grow and not resist. Acceptance and understanding allows for transmutation. Change. Freedoms from duality of war vs peace. Freedom from judgment. Freedom of choice. Free will.

>> You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
>> —Jesus Christ, English Standard Version (Matthew 5:38-42)

Jesus is talking about how to win political battles when you're a minority group in a foreign state. You cannot win by open force, but rather by appealing to the sympathy of the crowd. That the best way to affect political change is to convince the society at large that the rulers are evil and oppressive.

Yeah but I don't really buy the whole resist Romans by making them do illegal things like striking you twice or making you carry their pack for x number of miles.

To me the passage means to not turn disagreements with your neighbor into blood feuds like some Hatfield McCoy thing. Then a simple argument turns into a Norse Saga where half the town dies from a cycle of revenge.

Resisting evil as a group has to be condoned though, how else would you stop homosexuals? Or when in Timothy it says to suffer not a woman to teach. How would you stop a woman preacher without force?

>do not resist an evil person.
>using a shitty english translation
If you Christfags wanna argue, go ahead, but how about you do it in a version which doesn't misrepresent the original all the fucking time?

Concerning the part about going two miles if ordered to go one: as far as I have heard, it has something to do with peaceful protest against roman occupation of judea which only really makes sense in the context of the time, kind of like how Gandhi defying the British empire by walking all the way to the sea to get some salt only makes sense if you know about the british salt tax coupled with british monopoly on salt-mines.
If Gandhi wrote a saying along the lines of "And if they charge you for salt, walk to the sea and make your own", people would also wonder what the hell he was talking about if they read it without the context 2,000 years later.

Presumably the idea here is that if some roman dick wants to feel like a dominant chad by making you do demeaning tasks, you go above and beyond what they originally asked so that they get inconvenienced and instead of thinking they have humiliated you feel shamed or weirded out to the point that they won't ask you to do anything ever again.

Quote us the Greek then and translate it into English fag

Boomers do this. I always hear boomers i know say turn the other cheek n reference to clear injustice and violent extremism. They put zero thought into it. It is just zombie repetition out of their mouth. I wanna take the whip to the whole slithering lot of them.

>turn the other cheek
>clears out a temple with a whip
Clearly Jesus was not 100% pacifist.

You dont. You honor his or her free will to seek in whatever way they choose. You use empathy to understand their perspective. You honor the common thread that runs in us all. You learn for yourself how to 'drive' your own life so that you can manifest the experiences you want instead of viewing everyone else's and judging it. Your focus on what you do not like is what has your 'undersirable' desires manifesting before you.

I'm not part of the discussion though, just a guy who had to learn ancient greek and latin and laughs at you from the sidelines.
Also my ancient greek is kinda shit because I only learned enough so I could pass the courses needed for my latin degree, which was mostly prose and poetry translation and some comparative classes for greek and latin.


>suffer not a woman to teach
>you honor his or her free will
No, this is clearly against what the bible teaches.

It's irrelevant anyways. The evil man is someone here who is envious, malicious or any other mixture of the major vices. Jesus is saying do not stoop to their level, the Christian inheritance is not a material one, all the things in this verse stem from material things.

It's almost like the NT is a collection of stories from a hundred years ago and not well-researched history.

For my namesake, you dumb misleading Jew cunt.

If Jesus wanted to let you assholes walk all over him he wouldn't have chased you moneychangers and merchants out if the church with a whip.

I mean current versions more or less match up, in the grand scheme of things, to versions from centuries ago so I wouldn't say its unsupported.


>It's irrelevant anyways.
Lmao, how is it irrelevant that you have no idea what you're actually talking about and misunderstood the vast majority of the bible since much of it means something else entirely?
Suffer not the witch to live was not about witches, but evil cunts practicing black magic and putting curses on people, there was a word for the good kind of witch who lives those curses and heals people as well, but niggers like you pretend like “it doesn't matter“
Don't talk about context, leaf, you don't fucking know the context.

but with Jews, don't know which is worse

“Love your enemies.”
"Pray for Them"
"Turn the Other Cheek"

Possibly the most difficult to understand part of the Sermon on the Mount.

Here is the disconnect between our hearts in the flesh and our hearts as God intends them to be. It is a stunning thought, almost impossible.

How are we to do this?

The answer, is found in understanding our own deceitful assumption, the one repeated ITT over and over: the assumption that, in Jesus’ scenario here, we are the wronged party and somebody else is the enemy. But we deceive ourselves if we do not see in Scripture that there is another truth at work here as well. Realization of the undeniable fact that, oftentimes, WE are the enemy that needs to be forgiven. Most of all, the "Grand Truth" that makes this idea conceivable is this startling fact: we are the enemies of God (when we sin) against whom He has not retaliated and for whom He has prayed and whom He loves.

Try to stop thinking of the commands to turn the other cheek, and the fear of the advantage given to your attacker if we did, and instead place yourself where we belong in the scenario. We are the enemies of God when we Sin, we're the ones from whom He could extract eyes, teeth and everything else, and yet doesn’t. We are the ones who have demanded His coat, and received His cloak a well. We are the ones who beg from Him, and who are not refused; we are the ones who ask Him to go a mile with us, and then find that He has decided to accompany us two.

If we would be like Him, we must do the same for others.

>Suffer not the witch to live was not about witches, but evil cunts practicing black magic and putting curses on people, there was a word for the good kind of witch who lives those curses and heals people as well, but niggers like you pretend like “it doesn't matter“

That wasn't interpreted incorrectly in history though.

Get right first


>According to my survey of the material, there is no indication that backhanded slaps were viewed as any worse in Greco-Roman culture than the other variety, although backhanded or left-handed slaps were probably rare
>t. John Granger Cook

If anyone preaches samdnigger cults, put him up on the stick.
Prophet Julius Caesar

It's about defying your enemies and shaming them. Expose them for what they are instead of retaliating in like manner.

I spoke with Jesus last week, he told me to forget that cuck BS and kill the Jews.




Rare? Those who follow the left hand path would most definitely use that hand for a slap purposefully.

This. But, only after we slaughter the Jews.

I've heard that the aphorism "the meek will inherit the earth" is a mis-translation. The word 'meek' should really mean "one who has a sword and knows how to use it but keeps it hidden, ready for use".

Social Justice and Marxism are basically secularized Christianity. Everything good and life-affirming about Christianity comes from the way it was appropriated by the powers that were and the institutionalized traditions it carries. Everything negative comes from the teachings of the King of the Jews and his disciples.

Let's not forget either that Jesus was an unemployed cult leader who appealed to beggars, thieves, and prostitutes. He was the Jim Jones of his time.

This makes sense. Eye for an eye is meant to be limit on punishment, its not a mandate.
So if you let your enemy dole out excessive retribution you allow them to demonstrate that they are evil.

if thy homo slapeth thy asscheek, spread thy other asscheek for penetrationth

Well, meek was originally a definition centered on livestock, and in particular horses. It meant, basically, strong but tame. In other words, a dangerous creature, but one who kept its emotions in check and was not prone to act in impulsive and violent ways.

>pic related

gold medal in mental gymnastics

Not an argument.

>non cucked interpretation
Someone insults you irl you just look at them like they're retarded, if they keep calling you names you win, you have the high ground.

>What did he mean by this?
"Serve the Jew, goy. Do not retaliate against your overlords."

>Not an argument.
What he really meant by this if you translate to ancient greek and back is that the argument is hidden but very strong and thoroughly dismantled his position.

>if your enemies kill you, you win

Jesus was a cuck end of story, goy.

What's that even supposed to mean?

I don't remember Jesus saying to lay down and died anywhere.

They gotta hit you twice before retaliation stops being counted as murder.

If I remember correctly, in an ancient civilization (maybe Atlantian?), it was unclean to hit someone with your left hand. So by turning your cheek, it would make the person look unethical to hit you because they would be forced to strike with the left hand. It means to use your cunning wits against enemies.

Except he was literally fucking crucified and didn't do shit.

It means that overcoming bullies with love is the most redpilled tactic.

I befriended the school’s biggest bully in grade 2 when they asked me to fight them after school. The bully punched me but his punch was weak so I just stood there laughing and extended my hand to shake his hand and I ended up becoming friends with him. He was even like my body guard after a while.

By using your intelligence, you make the aggressor look like a fool to discredit them in society. It's all a big metaphor that is misunderstood today.

Yes, he, the God. Not you, the human.

what a load of bs


Or i could just back hand that motherfucker.