Poles are literally the biggest fucking dindus of Europe.
Poles are literally the biggest fucking dindus of Europe
t. Shlomo "Divide and Conquer" Shekelberg
hes right tho
It's not divide and conquer it's an observation of how Poles will literally deny ever doing any wrong doing and they are eternal victims of everybody, especially Germany.
Every other western European country admits to "wrong doing" in history to the point of lying and self hatred. While Polacks play the eternal victim card when they have caused some of the worst problems in Europe.
Hmmm. Funny how this wasn't a thing until they refused to take refugees. The Jew strikes again
good, we need more of these laws
Im hoping trudeau goes full cuck and simply makes mentioning the holocaust illegal
its far too sensitive of a subject, no one should ever be allowed to discuss it
whenever anyone asks me my opinion of holocaust (always a trap) thats what i tell them ... sorry i refuse to discuss that, its far too sensitive a topic for too many people, and then i suggest they google it and do some reading
how is this any different than getting jail time for saying the holocaust didn't happen? The jews got that law on the books in how many countries, but object to this. Fuck off, Goldstein.
You mean like "Saving Vienna from the Ottomans and then being partitioned into nonexistence a hundred years later"? Truly, the Poles are a blight on Europe
Poles- Sucking jewish cock since 966.
You can't be a dindu if you did nothing wrong.
What have Poles done?
>t. ahmed
>Polacks play the eternal victim card when they have caused some of the worst problems in Europe.
Except poland dosen't deny that there were both polish and jewish collaborators during the war. The law punishes attributing the construction of the camps to the polish nation. Also poland didn't have a puppet gov like france that went out of it's way to deliver jews to germans
>illegal opinions
because Poles did save europe time and time again, only to be betrayed and stabbed in the back by petty westerners and dull easterners.
Poles didn't really collaborate with Germans which some say would've made the occupation a little bit easier.
>biggest fucking dindus
Yeah but this event didn't happen in the first place.
That's a thing in most european countries. Welcome to post war europe mr burger
>using the term 'death camp' could lead you to prison
Poles did the holocaust
>Poles are the worse, they don't want to admit they did something wrong
>what did they do
>caused some of the worst problems in Europe
>like what exactly
>you know, they were killing everyone around and shit
spot the jew
>polish death camp ban causes incredible butthurt in israel
>this is somehow bad according to nu-Sup Forums
Found the original.
>Jews start jewing towards poles 70 years after the war
lol. never gets old
name one
ordered nazi uniforms from amazon, killed our own people, bombed our own capital, gassed the only citizens capable of business and then made everyone think it was germans just to spite them
reported to PiS, enjoy your jail faggot
reported to Gazeta Wyborcza, enjoy your article faggot
That's a BS headline, surely ! If not, it's BS
Yes, I find it reprehensible how the death camps that were forced upon the germans by bloodthirsty antisemite poles are almost never asknowledged to be polish
>step one, take queue from hebrew slanderers and enact hate speech laws that the kikes dont like for once
>step two, await jewish kvetching
>step three, abolosh ALL hate speech law and allow scientific investigation of all death camps in order to "crush the rising tide of antisemitism from the ugliest among the far right"
>step four, through the playing of 3d chess you have arrived at this point. your scientific inquires prove the majority of the holocaust to be a lie. germany is freed from its blood libel. gentiles drive the kikes from their homelands and into the barren lands of canaan. the synagogue of satan is quarantined to their desert homeland forevermore to squable among the other semites over this or that patch of sand.
poland will save the world.
Listen Shlomo. We don't care. Be gone!
oyest of all veys
Yes, yes the the governments closer to your political vievs obviously have good and noble reasons to restrict free speech.
You are just as blind and misguided as the lefties defending Holocaust denial laws because it has been sold to them as a moral decision.
How I fucking hate this partisan bullshit where people are ready to make arguments that the turd they are presented with is a solid gold work of art, just because it has a fuck the other side sticker on it.
Wtf, I LOVE Poland now. Id move there if being an immigrant without the intention of conquering and pillaging wasn't a cuck move