Social Media Sites Can’t Decide How to Handle ‘Non-Offending’ Pedophiles
Pedophiles have used websites like Twitter to argue they’re not evil, forcing social media platforms to decide how they’re going to treat them.
Social Media Sites Can’t Decide How to Handle ‘Non-Offending’ Pedophiles
Pedophiles have used websites like Twitter to argue they’re not evil, forcing social media platforms to decide how they’re going to treat them.
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>When Ender Wiggin was banned from Twitter last December, it wasn’t because he was a far-right troll or Nazi sympathizer. In fact, Wiggin had an army of pizzagaters harassing him all hours of the day, insisting he kill himself right up until the moment his account was disabled on December 14.
>That’s because Ender—aka @enderphile—is the pseudonym of a “non-offending” or “anti-contact” pedophile: someone who is attracted to children, but claims to be against adult-child sex and child pornography. Inside that community, he’s known as the unofficial leader, and claims he’s been using social media to reduce the stigma associated with pedophilia, showing other pedophiles they can live lives without offending.
>Except in the case of accusations flying around a certain failed Alabama senator, pedophiles are a natural boogeyman for the far-right, and a social media war between the two groups has been going on a long time. It’s created an insular online community of two extreme viewpoints that desperately try to get the other permanently banned.
>“Twitter has permitted these pedophiles to exist and operate on their platform, advocating for the normalization of pedophilia,” says Grant J. Kidney, a self-described nationalist and pizzagate conspiracist “running for congress in 2020 on a pro-MAGA platform.” He campaigned for months to get Ender removed since, he says, pedophilia isn’t something to be championed—it’s an illness.
>“These people, they’re not left, they’re not right. They’re sick people.”
Obama had a pen and a phone. Sessions has a rope and a list.
>yeah dude kids give me serious boners
I don't care. Nothing will change unless we stop sexual liberation. This starts with banning contraceptives.
They'll push for legalize pedophilia while punishing even harder healthy attraction to teens. Ender Wiggin went form a fictional character created by a homophobic mormon to a martyr for pedophiles?
t. Nicolae Ceausescu
>they won't normalize gays
>they won't normalize gay marriage
>they won't normalize pedos
we are here ^
>they won't normalize child sex
>they won't normalize child mariage
I can get behind this.
you forgot trans and child trans in your list
dont be bigot, think about the beautiful culture of Islam.
What could go wrong.
I'm sure it's a great life decision to build your entire identity around your pedophilia.
A variation of "I would never do anything" was the go-to line on To Catch a Predator...
Is anyone else mad this pedo is trying to ruin one of my favourite characters?
Pedophilia is a mental illness and should be treated as such
Fucking Facebook changed all minor's profiles from private to public so the pedos can search them out.
For real. How can they ever be accepted by normal, sane poeple? Pedos should get the bullet. Rehab attempts almost never work.
>muh favorite characters
t. soyboy
Necrophilia would be easier to pass desu senpai
what blows my mind is how people will accept anything except white identity/nationalism. we got these pieces sympathetic to pedophiles and nobody says boo. write something sympathetic to whites and get shut the fuck down.
think about that. the media class is less hostile to pedophiles than it is white people. how did that happen, Sup Forums?
americans are treating mental illness like youre born with a superpower and you should be proud about it
Yes and that's a jew superpower
Because your typical normie thinks White Identity = Nazism = Holocaust
Like Speaker for the Dead isn't one of the best sci fi novels of all time
Are you the thought police?
actually, i consider myself a thought detective!
when literally every taboo is being normalized -- except one -- you really have to wonder why that is. doesn't exactly fit with the zeitgeist does it?
Define non offending pedo
"Virtuous pedophiles" are self-loathing cuckolds to the liberal order. That Ender guy was too much of a pansy to even post cute boy pictures on his Twatter.
They usually list themselves as "anti-contact" pedophiles
It's a bunch of lolicons on tumblr and twitter with loli pfps, who larp like the teens who use these sites to cyber, but they do so to link up with other "anti contact" pedos to swap cp, they promote loli hentai as a front and act as though identifying as anti-contact and having a loli porn fetish is okay because no child is harmed and hentai is fiction, but often times these creeps are sharing real CP amongst themselves and regardless of whether a child was touched or not owning CP is wrong no matter what because a child had to be abused in order for it to exist
Someone who doesn't break the law, i.e. "offend" by having sex with kids? Unless you mean they're offensive for hurting your feelings by their existence? But these types call themselves "virtuous" from the fact that they claim sex is immoral, despite the abundant evidence it is not. They're willing eunuchs. You can be non-contact and still argue in favor of changing insane feminist laws and irrational taboos so that the harm is gone.
I saw some post that said that most men are attracted to girls below the age of 12. So what are we going to do?
Let us castrate everyone so that feminists and their chattel (de-balled cuckservatives) are happy.
Poor argument. Rephrase all of this and come back to me 2/10
This world is literally shit, god has abandoned us. The more you learn, the worse it gets.
>literally outing self as pedo
I hate that expression "virtuous pedophile". The infamous virtuous pedo in that one documentary all but outright said he masturbated to his pedo fantasies. Probably the point of their whole "virtuous" community is to circle jerk, basically fostering their deviant lusts as a community... but hey, they're not abducting kiddies out there! Calling themselves virtuous because they're not raping kids is absurd.
I can't stomach whatever sex-is-rape feminist spiel you're on, sir, but I can say they definitely aren't virtuous. Cowardice and cuckoldry are far from virtues.
Come back Jesus.
>literally outing self as an Orwellian pussy
Fuck these people with a fiery rod.
Fuck. Them.
can we just gas everyone that ever worked at vice? it would seem that would be a matter of public record, so it shouldnt be too hard.
You guys better not be committing any thought crimes.
They dont want 2 offend the religion that has sanctified pedophilia by blessing their Rabbis to slurp on baby boy stump, Judaism.
>ITT: pol pretending they wouldn't take an 11yr old waifu if it was legal and acceptable
Grow up
I assume it means one that hasn't been caught raping a child yet
#NotAllChildRapists #Pedophobia etcetc, we will actually fucking see this
wasnt this dude arrested for cp tho completely negating his point about how he was a no contact no cp type of pedo
Can't figure out what to do with non-offending pedophiles, but people who are opposed to mass immigration are immediately dealt with. Says a lot about (((somebody's))) priorities eh?
>All these buttmad virgins ITT
Stay mad, losers.
Pedophilia is a natural sexual condition, and there's nothing wrong with having inclinations towards the younger, prepubescent variety
if pedophilia is a mental illness, how should we treat those who don't rape children and feel bad over their mental status?
>Ban all conservative views
>Allow pedophiles to flourish
ahh, omg I thought that was real. I really don't have a problem with hebephilia, I'm guessing most people married and had kids at that age. I thought you actually meant little kids
if he is against child pronografy and fucking children why is it necessary to make a movement and talk about it instead just live?
Like saying
>hey anons, I'm dreaming of building a bioweapon and release them at the next superbowl. And I'll make an online movement about it. "Non-attack terrorists". We just talk about it, we would never do anything.
We reward them with some cp material
Yep. Pretty much. The sick fuck is still on twitter with his cronies of brownies.
Here's a biiiiiig redpill for you all. Now to find out who wrote it, and why
I remember this faggot. I was one of the ones telling him to kill himself.
Well put.
Remember, it's always far worse than you thought it was.
Pedophilia isn't a mental illness, or else it is for only some people, but then heterosexuality could also be defined that way presently. Psychology is a social "science": mental disorders are defined by distress, not any actual scientifically observable phenomena.
>loling at your own poorly conceived logical fallacy
It’s a false movement designed to muddy the waters and prevent a return to true conservative right wing sexuality, which is adolescent virginal women getting placed into marriages arranged by their father
I ain't niggering that shit, click.
I did. Got me hard.
? What do you mean? I thought the facebookok kids app was getting shelved after outcry from parents, teachers and paediatricians rallied against it
Fucked up bigly if true.
>>they won't normalize child mariage
Wouldn't this be a good thing?
Masturbation with his one non-gimp arm.
His name is Todd Nickerson
I got my Twitter suspended when I argued that a proposed gun ban would do nothing after Pulse because the shooter had a Class G weapon's license. I don't even know how that's offensive but I got suspended for it.
If that's the world we are in, then how about just suspending pedophiles? They advocate for rape. How is that less ban worthy?
Jesus, this is messed up. Anti-Semitic hate Nazis just can't leave poor messed up individuals alone.
>biology dictates that normal, sexually healthy males will be most attracted to females aged 12-16
>post-feminist society dictates that this is highly wrong because it offends the self-interest of voting-age females
>the real mentally and spiritually weak soyboy cuck males can't just keep their true feelings to themselves and go about their business in society like the everyone else (80-90% of straight males) does
>have to join a hugbox online support group where they're lumped in and exposed to mentally ill freaks who want to fuck babies, toddlers, and prepubescent girls
>gradually become more like these freaks because of their weak minds and constant exposure to their ideas and in-group identification
>otherwise normal beta soyboys now lust after prepubescent girls and feel incredibly guilty and have to confess their perversion to the world
This is less serious than the ultra-high amygdala function natural-born conservatives' kneejerk reactions will lead them to believe, but still a significant societal problem, and as always it begins at unrestrained feminism, and gynocentric society. It goes without saying that the kikes are responsible for this.
The ideology is offensive, they get the bullet anyone who disagrees gets the bullet too
Most people here are too dumb to realize studies on child-adult relations are suppressed in the same fashion as studies about racial intelligence differences. They support thought crimes and feminism, they're blinded with hypocrisy.
Pedophilia is a state of mind, not an action. As a Hebephile, I can say "I am sexually attracted to an want to mate with 14 year old girls", but that utterance is not a crime.
I don't think you guise get it.
They are probably here right now flapping to their yaoi and shota and lolis.
If you do nothing, then Sup Forums is gonna get targeted as the hive of paedophilia enablement.
no it is not, insofar as much as I can say I am a killer who will never act on his urges
Oh look it's the pedofaggots pushing their child fucking fantasies.
Nuh uh, fuck off. We have enough to deal with vanilla faggots, transfaggots and non gender triple binary faggots.
If pedofaggots had any honor, they would just get chemically castrated.
Fucking cowards are just biding their time until the muhammadfaggots introduce and solidify child marriage into the west.
I'd say we have to work to eradicate our society's unhealthy sex obsession before child marriages can be as safe and beneficial as they were 100 years ago. We have a pervert society thanks to the kikes, and most everyone can't separate the idea of marriage from the idea of immediately fucking like rabbits after you're wed (and in the majority of cases, cohabitating and fucking each other for years before the marriage). The vast majority of normies will therefore arrive at the conclusion that a man that marries a physically immature girl will immediately start damaging her physically and psychologically with sexual intercourse she shouldn't be having. Obviously the guy in your pic didn't fuck his wife until years after they were wed, but the majority of normies would assume that he fucked her immediately after the ceremony like all the good goys do in the hollywood movies they take their social cues from.
>when literally every taboo is being normalized -- except one -- you really have to wonder why that is
>Being white is a taboo
Lobotomies and castration for all pedos. "Non-offending" is a made up term for not having done anything *yet*
>If you do nothing, then Sup Forums is gonna get targeted as the hive of paedophilia enablement.
How fucking new are you?
False equivalence. Being a psychopath and wanting to murder someone isn't the same as a sexual desire.
Play in traffic pedo scum
>literally replying to leafs
ITT: People actively contributing to the harm of children by scaring people with a legitimate mental illness into hiding and away from the therapy that would help them cope with and control their sickness.
We need to show them the damage they do, forgive them and help them to better themselves while obviously abstaining. If they are unable/unwilling to see the damage and better themselves we have no other choice but go to war.
Hitler would have gassed (You)
(((Non-offending))) = just not caught yet.
Napalm on genitalia is the only way to fix them
>If pedofaggots had any honor, they would just get chemically castrated.
Willingly becoming a eunuch is the opposite of honor.
Sexuality isn't a mental illness. You're a weird passive aggressive who only will accept someone if they surrender to your pseudo-science liberal social order and become a pet. I'd rather have the morons who tell you to kill yourself.
Wanting to kill someone is not a psychopathic desire.
Kys you subhuman sack of shit
what if some loli anime picture on your computer would be considered pedophilia? who should decide? What if this girl is 12 years old?
Isn't it in the way it was used? "Urges" to kill being compared to urges to have sex. That's psychopathy, normal people might have an urge to kill in some cases, but not have a desire to harbor at all times.
Urges to have sex with prepubescents is a deviancy. People are right to feel repulsed by it, just as they are right to be repulsed by Sodomites.
By their logic if you have a spark of anger in you and a millisecond desire to kill someone then special mind-reading drone should detect your intention and neutralize you as a threat to society.
Now you're just posting your personal opinions, which is boring. Racism is also apparently a deviancy that people are repulsed by. How do we know which repulsion is socially inculcated?
I’m not a faggot seen who saves loli anime shit to my computer. Kys
"Racism" is a natural biological function. Egalitarianism is the deviancy that proper humans are repulsed by.