Dream car of millennials.
Dream car of millennials.
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I drove in an 80k audi and luxury just made me nauseous. So many unnecessary shit, buttons, options, extras. Just way too much. I love the minimalist interior of the Tesla model 3
I dream of a better age
Men drive trucks that burn fossil fuels. Why would I want to be limited in my driving?
Where can I purchase this cuckmobile?
It would fit perfectly in my cuckshed.
I've never seen a millennial want one of those retarded meme cars, it's usually boomers plus they're usually the only ones who can afford it
The Church Of Kek is back in action and we plan on making new counter and offensive memes for the rest of the Trump presidency and thereafter.
Join the effort,
If they get the quality in line it is Very good car with great performance for the top end model.
This thing is seriously fast. It will out accelerate almost everything on the road. It’s top speed may be lacking but no one drive like that. 0-60 or 0-100 is where people feel the performance.
Also it runs on coal.
please a cuckmobile really?
tfw your girl friend asks if your compensating for something when she sees your truck vs my car
they also believe the historical reference of the bear means commiefornia. you cant fix fucking retarded, build more ovens.
Zoom zoom bitches
The Tesla marketing team have been working hard this week. All hail Musk!
>not having to spend tens of thousand of dollars on fuel
Sounds like a dream come true to me
>pussies like a gay car
call me when you've got some news, get a bike
If it ain't a diesel, it's a toy
Gay or hairdresser?
Not sure why ruskie hates electric vehicles... He may be an oil shill
These cars make the most sense for commuting. Many companies allow you to charge your car for free while you work ...
Better than most owners of mall crawlers...
>doesnt appreciate or understand basic mechanics
>i want something even more complex. Holy fucking shit youre dumb.
electric cars will make a lot of sense in 5-10 years when cheap used ones will enter the market. Electrics will only thrive if they become a cheaper alternative overall. I'd gladly drive an electric if that save me money.
In the course of your life..yes.
People are so uneducated on these vehicles. You dumb fucks dont understand that some sort of fossil fuel is being used to either build the parts. Your argments of fossil fuel being outdated shows how fucking dumb you really are..and you really dont know how much shit relies on some sort of fossil fuel. How the fuck do you think youre chsrging the car? You think the chsrgers hooked up to a damn solor panel? No you fucking idiot, it isnt..it takes power to charge these things. How do you think that electricity is being made? And no to nuclear because fossil fuel is still superior.
Maybe they'll fix the awful styling and repairability
You clearly know nothing about the car. I own one. It’s simply the best car in the world. The customer service is the best I’ve ever seen and I’ve had Mercedes and BMW. (BMW is very good too btw). There are 18 moving parts on the car. Wtf is there to repair? They take care of everything.
Cause you understand how to work on electrical systems, right? You even own basic tools to do basic work on these? Osci scope, megger, etc? You understand windings of motors? If so, awesome. Youre pre-retard. Now go work on the VFD and explain to me how thats being used..and ill respect you. Until then..youre an idiot withsomething you dont understand. Just like you probably dont know much about the computer you use EVERY day.
Loving mine
Thanks for summing up the problems with the owners :)
Are you joking? The best model s does 0-60 in 4.2 seconds, does your car do that?
>18 moving parts
ok faggot shill begone
P100D is right under 0-60 in 2.8
Oh, no big deal, just 1.4 seconds off. that's nothing mate.
spotted the bugman
Ya over 25% of the spec’ed time.. ain’t no thing
YOU clearly dont know shit about cars. The so called customer service youre vouching for is proof, youre an idiot. You saying what you said to me, means..my shit constantly has issues. So the manufacturer slobs on your nuts so you dont return the POS. It also shows, you have no idea what the fuck you drive..youre driving it for a status judging by the brands you listed. IM a DTM dude myself, but youre showing how prehistoric your thought process is. Yes, they are nice cars..and 0-60 is damn near bar none. But youre showing your ignornace.
I own one and you’re babbling nonsense. The quality control on the S isn’t an issue anymore. I own a 2017 P100D and haven’t had a single problem. Tesla contacts me once in awhile just to make sure I’m happy with everything. I’ve driven BMW, Audi and Benz and T is my fave.
>posting wojak brainlet
Good debate dickhead.i see you shut the fuck up though.
Good one, youre showing youre a moron who doesnt understand what im talking about.
they are like 30 grand, really rare
>30 grand
For a go-kart? That's bullshit.
My boss has one. He hit the accelerator and I felt sick. Instant launch.
Again, youre only proving my point of status. You named all the big german over priced vehicles. shows you bought it for status. Dont speak too much, cause i might be the guy working on your POS when it fails.
T.Tesla mech
why wouldn't i want to rid myself of the gas jew?
>T.Tesla mech
Do they really cost a fortune to repair? I was thinking on getting the model 3.
>t. NeverDrivenAMiata
oh yeah, you should totally buy a Model 3. nevermind that they have admittedly been HAND WELDING some of the fucking cars together
like LOL
>and men
>small dicked white boi
What's up with women and sports cars?
>Mercedes and BMW
Faggot bullshit for niggers that are never going to look under the hood.
There's cooler shit you can get for that money.
>BMW, Audi and Benz
All faggot shit. You are a massive faggot.
And people who don't like the Tesla are mostly making shit up that justifies their aesthetic preference for being slower. The Tesla doesn't make noise like nostalgists enjoy because it doesn't waste energy making noise. They pretend this is a mark against it, when it's at best an aesthetic preference, like whether pastel or puce is better on the kitchen wall. It's completely immaterial, but they will not shut up about it. The Tesla doesn't get hot like cars they like because it isn't losing 70 percent of the energy in its fuel as waste heat. It doesn't require shifting like cars they like because electric motors are vastly superior. It has much better traction control because the motor delivers a very consistent and predictable amount of power to the wheels, which is variable in minute increments because electric motors are vastly superior. And it has more than adequate range for people who aren't trekking across the Sahara by themselves, but enables them to find something to dislike.
People claiming to be true car buffs who don't like the ascendancy of electrics are really nostalgists. They like grease under their fingernails as a signifier—mostly to themselves and a subset of their males friends—of a certain type of manliness. They are stuck in the past, not even surfing the present, never mind inhabiting the future with Tesla.
In the future, there isn't room for people who think that burning million-year-old dead plants and blowing a ton of pollution and carbon into the atmosphere in order to go slower is a good thing.
To answer your question...ask the dude whos actually driving one. Im not gonna say DONT buy one..cause then i fuck myself. But i can deff bash them for being sub par reliability. For normal people, yes. If you understand electricity, you can make your own fucking tesla. Its batteries hooked to individual motors that run off of frequency drives...(in a nutshell) theres no delay with tesla. Imagine a stepper motor with 100 steps. For each step..you will have 1% load. Its instant. Gas vehicles are delayed due to combustion and the sorts.
my dream car was kill
>Not loving Glorious Japanese cars
>Not wanting to Drift your local mountain pass
>Not wanting to bring back the best part of the 80-90's
Are you nigger aware that electricity can be made out of rivers
Your shit's all retarded and you talk like a leaf.
Let me know when your smugmobile can haul a couple thousand pounds of cargo out a logging road. Cars are for faggots/ leafs.
Envy much? I’ve owned most consumer-grade brands of cars along the way, just listed the most comparable
literally listening to this right now youtube.com
>cooler shit for the money
Like what? R8 is probably coolest in that tier, but you aren’t leaving the lot for under $200k or over 50% more than than a Model S
Mother fucker. no it cant be made out of water. Water can only be used as a mean of converting into energy. You still need some sort of system to convert the flow of water, into electricity. Holy fuck dude.
This man gets it
>Not listening to Glorious Eurobeat
>Not Falling in love with a girl who also love japanese sports cars
>Not enjoying a Rotary, even if it is bad
>for millennials and MEN
Wankels are some superior motors imo
>tfw millenial and you do want a Tesla
>Sup Forums hates it so you can't say anything
Y-yeah, fuck these cars, right guys?
It's also the car a nigger can't and won't steal.
Hipster liberal millenials are still "racist" in the back of their head.
The whole point to the Tesla is that niggers don't want them and the car comes lowjacked and connected to the cloud... a rolling computer. Almost impossible to steal. No market for stolen parts.
>Faggot shit
Underaged, retarded, perhaps both?
Heres a fact for you.
TIRES produce more road sound than a motor. Now die
The price of those things is currently inflated by artificial hype. Even the faux AE86s that were sold in North America are impossible to find now and when people are selling them they want 5+ grand for a rusted out pile of shit. As a result it's not a smart purchase to make.
Same with pickup trucks. currently over-inflated price point due to market hype.
this, though a lot people disagree
>If you understand electricity, you can make your own fucking tesla
Based retard
- make money
- get Tesla
- pick up liberal hippie white women
- park car anywhere
- cops won't fuck with you
- everything thinks you're super loaded
- everyone knows driver is white
Definitely not impossible to steal. Read about the thefts that’s been happening in Europe and how signals are being copied.
>do a hard pull
>range drops by 15%
>battery damaged, lifetime sinks, still green for me, batteries are green
>whatever, will just drive off somewhat faster than normal traffic
>whatever, I have autopilot
>autopilot shuts off because somebody behind you accelerates
>you write about on twitter, get sued by tesla
>try it on Nürburgring
>can't finish a single lap
>drive home angry
>pic related is your brake pedal
Whats the lifecycle for the batteries in the car?
>You still need some sort of system to convert the flow of water, into electricity. Holy fuck dude.
That's exactly what I meant you dumbass
Blowjobs in bar parking lots
only intelligent white or asian criminals can steal your car.
Nigger repellent.
Jump off a building for 4.2 seconds and you will have achieved greater speed. This is stone age acceleration desu.
You are easily the dumbest poster in this thread and across all of Sup Forums.
> Letting Sup Forums influence your opinion
Y. I wouldn't get a Tesla because I have no desire for a botnet'd car, but I can admit that they are nice. As soon as there is a FOSS electric car, you're damn right I would buy one. The more ICE cars we drive, the more we need to rely on the Saudi niggers for oil, and fuck that shit. The Aryan solar reich will have electric cars.
Reported for Continued faggotry
>no space for my stepson's mom because she would never ride with me.
Great comeback, post some intellect instead of bashing you fucking mongrel
The P100D is 0-60 in 2.8s which calculates right at 1.3G-force. Faster than someone swan diving off a tower
>78 mpg
Tesla is the ultimate bugman vehicle.
>$100's of millions in solar subsidies directly
>$100's of millions in solar subsidies to customers
>$100's of millions in EV subsidies directly
>$100's of millions in EV subsidies to customers
>$100's of millions in ZEV credits from competitors
>$100's of millions in federal credit
>$billions in subsides in his pockets
>fired people who started Tesla
>fired people who made Tesla great
>took credit for their work
>fired people who made model S sedan beautiful
>took credit for their work
>fired key people at solar city
>took credit for their work
>SpaceX is sweatshop of space manufacturing
>SpaceX is funded by NASA (by you)
>people at his companies expected to work 60-70hrs per week
>people at his companies fired randomly
>in bed with government
>fucked taxpayers
>fucked economy
>fucked poor people
>got rich by forcing people around and taking credit for their work
>0.0001% alternative energy adoption
I don't want a faggot mobile, thanks
I wasn't coming back to anything you spastic sperglord who can't into reading comprehension. I was lurking.
Exactly, there is lots of interior space to haul shit and lots of re-energizing options
You giving me attention right now proves my point. Thanks.
Guys guys guys whats the expected battery life time on these cars?
You literally have to be a caveman if you don't want Elons vision of transportation becoming true.
The most modern battery chemistry concludes little to no range loss at 300k miles
What I wanna know is why so many women are obsessed with Jeep Wranglers.
How the fuck can the engine even drive tires that big? Don't they have 2 liter Wankels?