Minimum wage should be increased

Just went to Burger King, went like this:

Me: "Hi I'd like a medium whopper meal"
Cashier: "Uhhhh.. Okay, is that a large?"
Me: "No, medium"
Cashier: "Okay, two large whopper meals that'll be £12"

Literally did a 360 and walked straight out of there. Should we raise the minimum wage in all western countries?

No, just gas the McDonalds (Except Kevin)

Make it so the lowest paid employee/contractor at any company can't make less than 1/20 the highest payed employee/contractor. Factor in salary vs hourly and include benefits like stocks in calculations.

Minimum wage should be abolished for all but single mothers with kids. If no one can afford the basic means to keep themselves alive on the wage that you're being paid then no one could be hired to that position so the employer would have to raise that wage to a more equitable amount.

>raise the minimum wage
>those too incompetent to generate more profit than the cost of their labour are fired
>service improves as a result, as only those who work hard enough to justify their wage remain employed

who is the burger now?

Obviously they need cash incentives to not be retards.

How are we going to measure how hard they're working so we can scale pay accordingly, brain activity, muscle soreness? No, (((prevailing wage))) is not an accurate measure of how hard an employee works.

Uhh.. I am..

Employers will pay more to keep good employees

If you raise wages for jobs destined for dysfunctional autists, you automatically either devalue jobs which require more investment in qualifications or raise inflation through price increases, raise unemployment among the dysfunctional autists or if some higher paying jobs have strong lobbies price inflation for qualified jobs which again come with more unemployment and higher prices, and if you are extremely unlucky, and add a welfare system to the mix that pays as much as being employed in a job for dysfunctional autists, you get everything together.

not if they are forced to pay worse employees a certain base, which ends with braindrain

>Literally did a 360 and walked straight out of there

Those burgers are clogging your arteries you fat fuck.

if you did a 360 u landed facing the register again.

180 faggot, 180...

>one day go into mccuckolds
>order sausage egg biscuit with cheese
>get my order and it only has sausage
>go back to counter and ask for my original order
>they tell me that is what I ordered
>tell them it clearly isnt and to give me a refund if they wont give me what I ordered
>cashier says Ill have to pay for what I ordered AND for the shit they gave me
>call them all useless retards and walk out never to go to fast food again

There isnt a single fast food worker on this earth that deseves 15/hr pic related is every one of them

>t.retard, thinks I'm being serious
Take off your meme flag you brainlet.

Minimum wage increases will result in increasing automation. Large companies will get shit like pic related because they can take the fixed costs of picking a vendor and testing and bulk discounts and maintenance and distribute them over a large number of locations, while small businesses will just be choked out because they'll be forced to increase prices but won't be able to afford the same degree of automation as their larger competitors.

Companies have all sorts of fancy algorithms and spreadsheets and other Jew magic to determine how productive their workers are being.

The reason fast food joints employ brain dead morons is because their job requires a very limited degree of skill and they are dirt cheap. So they can be pretty terrible at their job but still manage to do just enough to generate a profit over and above what their employer is paying them.

If these workers become more expensive, only those who work better, more efficiently, give better customer service, and so on, will retain their jobs. The slackers get fired or the company goes bust.

Pay peanuts and you will get monkeys.

I want to put a grenade in those mouths to keep them shut

>American education
If you do a 360 turn you end up facing the opposite direction, oh dear.. Stupid mutt doesn't understand basic mathematics.

old meme
everyone got that by now, it's just became a joke to keep saying "do a 360 and walk away"

If you don’t live in a commie hellhole like France, if a worker is performing poorly, or it’s not profitable to employ them, they can usually be fired

>Being this new
Lurk more

Saying you did a 360 is a meme you newfags, but a 360 is indeed a full rotation.

I agree, he should lurk more.

I remember one time at Taco Bell I specifically said no sour cream, but instead that was ALL they put on my taco. Got my money back and left.

Dude, I’ve just came back from Paris. FUCK THIS SHIT! It’s fucking black and brown. I’ve rarely seen white people emerge from this darkness. Of course there are relatively white areas but they are diminishing in numbers

Why do I keep seeing "do a 360" when it's 180. I'm guessing a troll wink?

stupid britbong doesnt understand jokes that are as old as the internet

Minimum wage should be one million so everyone is fucking rich

Why do you guys do this to yourselves?

I was the one that made the joke, retard.

Lurk more noob

minimum wage, minimum effort.

But what about the soyboy problem?

Depends which part of Paris you’re in, but yes there are a lot of black people here.

Bear in mind also that more people visit France for tourism each year than live in the whole of France, and most of those pass through Paris, so there’s kind of a permanent presence of assorted darkies in the capital, but who don’t live here and aren’t French.


>braindead employee incapable of basic human communication
>lets give them more money!

wtf is this retard logic?? no wonder UK is collapsing

Newfag detected

Minimum wage, maximum destruction

>Jew magic
A totally fair and unbiased way to pay employees based on how hard they work.

Shit like this and "5 years experience required" is why I went NEETbux. Fuck a system that isn't fair.

I’m talking about hordes of refugees on the streets begging for money with signs like : plz help, am a refugee, want gibs”

At least £20 an hour, you probably only don't agree because you don't have the privilege of living in a multiracial, socialist utopia like me. Checkmate.

so many insults, why dont we just chill out and pay some ISIS terrorists ey'?

Sounds like "sagging" your pants retarded.

>Literally did a 360 and walked straight out of there
Old trolling is old.

Wasting natural resources on those fucks? I guess they’ll die out as soon as the supply of food is cut from reaching those open and ready to swallow mouths

>help single mothers with kids
This is not wartime, faggot. You’re literally disproportionately helping low IQ (redundant I know) nigger single mothers or white trash coal burners single mothers with mutt nigglets. I hope they all fucking die starving.

Get TROLLED mate.

Where did you stay?

If you stay in a known immigrant ghetto like barbes rochechouart, then of course you’re going to see human trash everywhere.

>live in state where min wage is $7.25
>chick-fil-a begins advertising that it now starts everyone at $13
>surrounding businesses were having trouble finding new hires because of this
That place is fucking packed all the time, plus the service is always great, so I guess it isn't too surprising. Still, to think some kid is now making more than a pharmacy tech in the adjacent drug store is interesting.

Single mothers with kids should be abolished

Go back ya newfag

Nice try Muhammed

2006 is as old as the internet. kys newfag

>Nice try Muhammed

>If you don’t live in a commie hellhole like Europe, if a worker is performing poorly, or it’s not profitable to employ them, they can usually be fired

Thank you friend