This is your designated wife for the rest of your life.
Koi to Uso
Well, I learned from the manga to be defensive and apprehensive about silly words like "the rest of your life".
>no hips
>those alien eyes
No thanks
I'm not interested in girls with downs.
>those alien eyes
Every other anime girl
The ones in this show are too big.
Doesnt change the fact they are all aliens
>she can smell the homo
When do they start making Udon?
0/10 UG-LEE
This anime looks like it's utter shit
Perfection. Misaki can fuck off.
>you will never have the goverment choose a perfect waifu for you
Why even bother living?
>people asking "What about the LGBTQ+ people?"
Guess they miss the birth rate part.
Also, the system is also eugenics by the way. Kids born from the system tend to be healthier and more intelligent. This can also be seen as a future where modifying your kids' genes becomes a widespread practice. Companies will only hire/prefer children with modified genetics.
This show is gay as fuck but I watch it anyway because it has the best OP of the season.
somewhat hot
2 cute
Is the new episode out?
And this is your wife.
If you annoyed a girl the government has chosen so much she would refuse to marry you, would the government choose another girl for you?
jesus fuck this character design is ass
A quote from your parents on your birthday?
I don't think so. Neither partner'r wishes are a priority, so she would just have to deal with you, or suffer the consequences.
No, but you can annul your engagement.
Bad rep for you though.
I agree it takes some getting used to when I start another episode
What if her partner annoy her more than the government can?
When it's like in the Catholic Church then one party (or both parties) can demand that a marriage is declared null and void. Is it bad for your reputation in the Koi to Uso world if the engagement is annulled because the other party wanted it?
>Is it bad for your reputation in the Koi to Uso world if the engagement is annulled because the other party wanted it?
I think both partners must want it. Are we allowed to talk about manga spoilers here?