Compare that with pic related. Only two entities are talking about the Russian plane crash which killed 71 people having ties to Hillary/Uranium One: Alex Jones and Q.
Motherfucker's psyopping the world to get clicks.
Qanon is Alex Jones or an Infowars Employee
Other urls found in this thread:
Can anyone corroborate or dispute this? Bamp.
Can't believe I used to be a classical liberal
It's Jerome Corsi. He shills the garbage constantly and talks about it with the adoration of a person describing their own child.
Jones could be one of many "q"s thats the nature of anonymity.
So someone on the plane was or wasn't at one time or another associated with rosatom or uraniumone? Simple question.
>Hillary emails mention her fav way to kill people is to take down planes
>Larper sees a plane go down
>Larper connects dots that aren't there to connect
>Alex jones has been doing this for years
How is that proof? Looks like somebody at Alex Jones reads the chans to find interesting stories and good headlines.
Delete dis
This. It’s pretty sad that in order to fill time and content, infowars has gotten this low, to the point they are shilling 8ch posts that they create themselves. Post election, Jones and his wanna-be insufferable man-child Owen have been unlistenable.
>implying this is a good thing
Someone related to the dossier was on that plane and they killed 71 people just to kill that one person.
actually there was one guy on there related to the dossier, and one guy related to uranium one. arkancide got a two for one deal this time.
Yea, my second sentence was too positive sounding. Really I'm just curious about the claim of proof. I didn't notice anything that rises to the level of proof.
Who owns the cute feet though? They definitely don't belong to Alex.
It would not surprise me at all if this is Infowars LARPing. It's the only relatively major alternative news outlet that reports on Q.
It's been great for building traffic, and providing content to for youtube channels. What would they be talking about without Q? The complete lack of ANY criminal charges, no arrests, nothing happening? Makes for shit videos, and angry people. Can't have the goys angry.
Happy birthday Alex!!!!
Here's a song for you
He didn't imply anything of the sort, he simply pointed to a reasonable explanation for why AJ and Q are talking about the same thing that doesn't involve AJ = Q.
Up your reading comprehension user.
Do you have the clip after Trump was elected where he said that Trump was going to release the life extension technologies and that a true Christian society didn't exist until America, the first secular godless State in history, and when he had to get his staff to print off a copy of the Lord's Prayer to pray it on air?
Classical liberals crack me up.
AJ gets intel from whitehats and insiders
Q appears to be one of the whitehats
AJ most certainly did not fly in AF1 over NK
>implying user implied anything
you're gay
Kys so hard
About 100 other things he could be talking about. They don’t even cover the news anymore; it’s just Alex ranting about the same shit every single fucking day. The MUH TRUMP IS PERFECT act 24/7 is getting really fucking old, Owen Schroeder gets tons of air time and is fucking insufferable with his Alex Jones-lite bullshit, and then when he has a good guest on, he just rants and raves over what they have to say; especially if it’s a guest that exposes Jones ignorance on a subject. Then he goes into full SHUT IT DOWN mode, which explains the taking over his guest tactic.
I was in a thread about this last night where I haven't seen as much genuine pasta from shareblue/CTR since the election cycle. Like 8 different ID's all posted the same thing. It was something like "anyone that believes that this plane crash was involved in uranium one is completely delusional". I am going to try to find the thread. Was pretty usual bot activity for something big/true.
alex jones hired jerome corsey so he can specifically decode and report on Q user posts, brain dead kike
patent lawyer?
I've heard her called over 9000 things but never that...
>Born just in time for the upcoming race war
Pretty stale meme desu. More like born just in time to join the white hats in removing hostile ayys from the premise.
False. Corsi was officially hired during the election. Lurk more newfag
thank you. will he just die already?
no. corsi was a guest and contracted writer for years. now hes a full blown employee.
Q is so fuckin retarded. The most baffling thing is AJ continuing it. Fucking moron. At this point i totally believe that guy who claimed it was Don jr and AJs project and some weak psyop faggotry.
he already said he lurks pol
Why is Q retarded? Seems more accurate than not.
Look at the pasta in this thread alone. Pretty strange activity for something that isn't true.
It's just that guy getting insanely triggered by the chance that Q is actually real. He can't deal with it and that is what it looks like.
I cant.
I'd like to ask a question tho. Why would someone on the inside, in the know, leak this?
Looking to spread this info? No, or fox and nyt would get it.
I see no valid reason that someone would leak super classified info, to a tiny segment of the web.
AJ is following Qanon really closely.
I think he believes it's Trump.
>Implying this tiny segment has no political impact
>Frankfurt School literally changed the culture of the United States even though they were a "tiny segment" of marxists
They leak stuff like this to us because we are the only people who would believe something like this and do the digging for them. Everything in the nunes memo was found on Sup Forums MONTHS before the memo was even talked about, let alone released.
Imagine if the world is locked down and controled (including MSM).
You need to build momentum for public support, how do you do that?
Truth bombs spread by themselves if they are actually true so places like this are actually ideal.
you are retarded Link to what Alex made up that is this big.
No I'm actually from le 9gag.
Large if big
wait for qanon to start pushing infostore products XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
What? Did you ever think Q was not watching infowars?
>pic related
Highwaypatrolman larp and the first non-standalone appearence of an individual posting in 'Q'uestions.
Q was always drinking the same juice we did.
that is why so many paid Marketing firms have been coming and shilling or posting the we hate whitey threads they know the sites power and that if they can change our minds they can get us to work for them.
Didn't AJ claim that he knows who Qanon is and that it is a group of people that regularly feed him info already.
yes he did say that last week. He also said it sounds like Eric posting for his dad
>Hillary emails mention her fav way to kill people is to take down planes
>You're okay with this.
He doesn't read this place to find stories in this instance, he posts here to fabricate them for himself.
I'm actually a person, not a shill. On lunch atm. My mom texted me that Alex Jones video, after I asked where she heard anyone involved with Uranium One was killed. Then I did some searching, and the only two entities I found specifically mentioning anything of the sort were Alex Jones and Q. Also, I asked if anyone could corroborate or dispute it, meaning I believe what I posted originally, but am open to new evidence to change my mind.
>find passenger list
Personally? I think everything about Alex Jones is fraudulent.
He single-handedly put an end to mainstream interest in PizzaGate.
If he or someone working for him is posting bullshit here as Q, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. That fat fuck knows exactly what he's doing.
>frogs gay
Is actually happening
>lizard people
Has never said this
>Jewish question
You got me there
He went from le conspiracy man to trump cheerleader.
It's obvious why he did though. The Trump cheer-leading is big bucks and has been since the election. Talking about HAARP and 9/11 will put off his new fans.
Just a bit of hyperbole with the lizard people thing, but frankly, most animals will fuck anything that moves if they're virile enough. But consider this: You run an alternative media outlet dedicated to exposing truths about government corruption, which involves everything from political assassinations to covering up entire genocides. To convince people that these horrible things are true, do you:
>A. Present yourself as calm, reasonable, and stable
>B. Rip your shirt off, scream like a lunatic, and go on WWE-tier rants that make you sound like you're on the wrong end of a meth bender
Dude's a ham and a scam, as far as I'm concerned. God knows what kind of terrible shit he has people ingesting with those filters and boner elixers.
You young fags haven't been around AJ long enough. I have been following him since waco.
Alex has got a boat load of things dead wrong.
Actually, almost everything he gives a timeline too never happens.
Back when Hillary was against Obama, it was months and months of "Hillary is guaranteed the white house"
He now deleted all those articles.
The Fema camps were another. The one location Alex did broadcasts from, was proven not to be a fema camp, and he still shows footage from time to time from the fake doc.
You have to take Jones with a massive grain of salt. I still love him from 9/11 and making all those great videos and giving them out for free. This is before he sold everything under the sun, and only took donations to keep infowars and prison planet running.
Q user is EDWARD SNOWDEN......
The whole facade is on the deck for review and he acts like his schills will cover a front for his escape.....
Hmmmm makes a controlled dump of intel....destroys "the man" and cant be found (cause he's in Russia behind a TOR browser)....exposes intel from behind a remote and hidden activation code...can't be found in America
Releases US military plans and operations over the open airwaves and on almost every mainstream media association there is a discussion of the events that transpire like he is some random "Leaker"
Brings attention to Sup Forums and gets media to start talking about the shutdowns.
Makes the site look like its a piece of shit planning terrorist acts....
Nobody can find him or his identity.....
Asks a dozen questions but wont tell you exactly what is going on. Hint Hint Hint
"Predicts" events that take place and then comes back to say I predicted it.....
Its Snowden
OP you are a paid shill
Well, if he loves Trump it's nothing to do with right/left wing.
He fucking hammered Bush and Cheney. How I learned about Halliburton.
Infowars at that time like 2003-04 was a super religious site. The comments read like a church board.
Now Alex Jones' favorites are here trying to pin the intelligence of Q on him like he is some Stratfor Intel Agent when he gets all his leads from the news and other online media resources.
The news that is made to be seen as Q user is made into a major distraction online to slide the posts to a wandering banter...
Been larping since October.
Who drops retarded question crumbs instead of just direct answers for 4 months.
It's pretty insane, and illogical.
Much like Jones however, his fans are picking and choosing what is "proof" while discarding blatant fallacies.
that's not evidence fucktard
cannot believe the amount of time spent trying to discredit a so called larp
Technically, you're half right: I am at work, so I'm getting paid to post. Bad news is I'm some dude who works in a shipping facility in the Midwest. Thanks, though.
>im oldfag listen to my wisdom
lol, if you are oldfag you would not care about what he gets wrong, he gives information, it's up to you to dig it up. the video he did makes him a legend no matter what since then. he redpill half of us directly or indirectly.
now if we can stop we this reddit comment section and get back to business
This thread brought to you by SHITTY DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES, with a penis up the ass of faggot OP from SHILL incorporated #45382
Shieet, I coulda told you that months ago.
Ok. How is it not? He and Q are the only ones I've found so far pushing this narrative. Do you just spend all day raging at people who challenge your beliefs, or what?
>no argument
Happy birthday Alex! So, when will you finally come out and admit to being a Jew?
I am not that old of a fag. 36.
I agree he is a 9/11 legend, as I already said.
Just pointing out, if you followed him for 15+ years, you know he gets a lot wrong. That is a fact, it's more than fair to point out when you are trying to get the overall picture.
Every fucking event that made the news Q has claimed it to be some grand cover up.
kek. q user is steele dossier tier
Nope. It's still Frank the LARPer.
Alex has mentioned medical cures being withheld and LGBTq has mentioned that recently too
If anyone here seriously wants to discredit Q, you are going to have to debunk all of these occurances. Try not to use buzzwords or baseless conjecture because then noone will take you seriously.
Honestly, yes. He went from calling out pretty much everything wrong to sucking trumps dick nonstop. He used to be an obnoxious person who would occasionally red pill someone once they researched the foundations of jones' statements. Now he's a state loving cuck. Fuck him. I can't really stand to hear him anymore.
I wish bill hicks hadn't been assassinated.
i remember
Hit the nail on the head
the points of validation is have just posted completely eradicates your proposal here. It shows that Q actually has foreknowlege of events ahead of time. Just look for yourself and be amazed.
It's all interpretation.
Not a single thing is very solid. The guys has said 10000 things.... what about the other 9995?
Apache? Why would a stock selloff be relevant? Richest family in the world moves stocks? Seems more like a coincidence to me, followed by autism.
I'll do some digging
Honestly bro... I pray Q is real. I just can't swallow it.
Search for the flight manifest.
>I'll do some digging
Kill yourself you schizo fucking faggot
I understand not wanting to swallow the idea of Q being real or anything he has been saying, first off the daunting task of reading all of his posts is quite large. either way i can post even more than this, such as direct coorelation between tweets and posts.
above was one of Q's posts a while back, 5 or so minutes later Trump tweets about small business saturday. Later that same day he retweets a website called magapill, upon clicking the link you are brought to their front page where they talk about Q and everything we had found so far.
Sorry quads.
First debunked. Do you guys even run a simple fucking search? Pretty disappointed. Lazy.
Jan 25th (4 days BEFORE Q)
yea keep ignoring all the points of validation, easier for you to shill that way right?
>points of validation
>literally zero proof
Nah, see shit like this shuts up the larp.
If they need too see it with their own eyes so be it.
alright thank you for actually debunking something. not upset that you did, actually relieved that people are trying to do this. alright so i guess that isnt a point of validation anymore. what about all the other ones though?