How long do you think this will last?
Keijo (3D ver.)
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Why are they so ugly though.
is my country the weebest country now?
There will never be a girl as perfect as our queen, Fuyuyu.
Why is anime so fucking normalfag?
Shit show, shit 'sport'. 2month and its gone
Keijo confirmed for 2020 Olympics.
>Another trophy for the Pátria
Why can't we stop winning Portubros?
Is it only for girls, or can cute male keijus participate too?
Don't see why not, the first chapter had guys taking part of it too
>3D keijo
Fucking normalfags ruin everything they touch
Get this 3DPD garbage out of here.
>hair nets
you killed 90% of teh appeal
>Repeatedly hitting their chests together
It's like they want breast cancer.
10 days
>Portuguese woman
you are lucky they bothered to shave their mustaches
Until someone drowns.
>Not Japan
For shame.
If only they weren't wearing that silly protection. Symmetrical docking and butt rubbing are my kinks.
actually, the manga is patrician in that people with high enough suspension of disbelief and people who appreciate good decision making like this manga, and there's usually few such people. *coughFighting game fanscough*
The olympics arc we asked for, but #NotLikeThis
Keijo was genuinely the best sports anime of this decade and it's a shame that people can't look past the butts and boobs.
hope this will make keijo back. as ridiculous as it was, it was a fun series, people are crybabies because it wasn't too ecchi
there could be a variation (like swimming, or tennis) in which only males participate, or both genders participate (the big breasted dudes would probably not be cute though).
Until someone gets severely injured because it's a stupid sport that should be kept in the 2D-verse.
Macaco-tier weebs.
if Keijo was remade, I'd like to see environmental elements such as wind, slippery/unstable ground, etc. be relevant, more focus on the players' psychological states (for example, making more execution or decision mistakes due to being tired/in pain) and weak points (like in boxing), and more analysis on the opponents' playstyles (like in MMA, where you can avoid being hit/grappled in specific ways the opponent's known to be good at), also timerscamming and planning the matches (and the players' estimated stamina along it) ahead so the players have to decide who to focus against, if there's not a winning favorite on the race.
forgot to say, more emphasis on movement/positioning choices, and footwork (which is useful for baiting an attack from an opponent so that you can whiff punish it), and (attack/defense) pattern reading. Kazane could be a good player in this area, being more able to estimate other players' stamina during the match and their specialties/weaknesses, so she would do well against individually stronger players, through teamwork.
Also, more emphasis on making opponents fall on the land, pushing them out of it (without exhausting them) and using the over-ero rule. Suruga players could have neat combination plays such as pushing players towards Maya/Kaya for her to push them out of the lands, for example.
Why they don't just wearing like them?
doesnt surprise me at all, the only girls that watch anime are all fat as fuck or are mentally ill from what I've experienced
Now I wonder how Ayako would've looked like with a school swimsuit.
Anyways, was there a special message from the author on the last volume?
Jesus christ how horrifying.
Jesus Christ user censor that shit
you got the "y" and "i" backwards, my ESL friend
I would've like to see her and other secondary characters (Yuuko, Sachiko, Marisa) improve, to see how they'd play like, and hopefully see repeater-chan have a happy ending. Working in the industry, or finding something else she likes to do, maybe.
Why watch Keijo when you can watch the underwater cam for Women's Water Polo?
>Wearing protection for the tits and asses
Oh no they found a way around the breast cancer part and can make it a "contact" sport like handegg.
This actually has the potential to become popular
"leave them to me!"