>"Not all Muslims are bad user."
"Not all Muslims are bad user."
>not all muslims are arabs
Sometimes good looking women are born into goat fucking ideologies. Too bad she'll probably end up as one of 30 wives. Once she pushes out a few kids for the savage shes married to and gets slapped around a few times, she will wither into nothingness cause she fulfilled her purpose. Tis' a shame user.
Yes, all Muslims are bad. There are varying degrees, but they all support an ideology that needs to die.
American aren't that bad because they're a different breed from Euro and ME Muslims. They've been Americanized and bred under American law wheres Euros just have direct imports of ME Muslims who haven't assimilated and impose their former laws in their new host nations. Open borders would literally kill us.
>"E-even me user?"
i saw one women get beaten up in the street a couple years ago, probably by husband or boyfriend.
Yes, even you, you dumb cunt. Being pretty (though these images don't really give me that impression) doesn't excuse being stupid.
>"That doesn't represent all Muslims user. Almost all of us are very good people!"
id say this is generally true but misguided. muslims here are a tiny minority, not even a european 10% one. they know to tread lightly. at least mexicans dont blow shit up, i guess? dunno
fuck you
Shit u rite
Yes they are
this cunt looks so fucking ANNOYING. What the fuck, literally converting to shitlam because she wants attention? Look at the way she poses in her pictures- she is a downright slutty attention whoring cunty SJW BITCH. Any true mudslime would stone her to death ASAP.
>"It's not like we can't conform, it just takes some patience."
Close but no cigar.
Glumpf wants to deport this.
i’d prefer he had death squads
Yes they are.
Nuke Mecca when?
Good Muslims are good in spite of their religion. Islamists should be wiped out in the same way the British wiped out the Thuggees of India.
all muslims will be deported
But all terrorists are muslims.
There are Christians in Malaysia and Indonesia. Why would I choose a mudslime over them? The Christians are far more chaste. Read about how often mudslime girls cheat and divorce there.
t. married to asian christian qt
Go live with them then you dumb whore.
yes, not all muslims are bad, but islam is
>"Not all Muslims are bad user."
I know they're not. There's the bad ones, and the really bad ones!
What flag is this?
"No user! Please, don't deport me!"
>150 filters and blue contact lenses after...
she is ugly even if painted white
Not too bright eh?
Go fuck a goat Achmed.
I literally have no clue.
>Colored contacts
Of course not all is fucking bad you idiots.