If you're "alt-right", identitarian, reactionary, far-right, or whatever you want to call it - you have a DUTY to the movement to present yourself well.
>learn to speak properly in front of people
>keep your fashion, hair and hygiene in order
>lose fat, gain muscle, keep good posture
>get a girlfriend, a job, friends
This is literally the single most important thing to do.
Humans are primarily driven by instincts and aesthetics. People won't respect your well-constructed position if you don't present yourself as a respectable human being.
If you're "alt-right", identitarian, reactionary, far-right...
Other urls found in this thread:
right on
No bait, no shilling, no triggering? Is this real life?
This is why Self Improvement General is the most important thread on Sup Forums.
This kurwa-friend speaks wisdom.
Slide thread
Fuck off
The only action that changes anything is violence
Everything else is useless jawboning
Educate yourself
You can be interested in self-improvement without being "alt-right", identitarian, reactionary, far-right, or whatever you want to call it
Unironically this
Go beat up some niggers then burger
Cand we get a good lunch menu going here? McDeath ain't cutting it!
>The only action that changes anything is violence
That's true to an extent, but to properly execute violence you need plenty of people - and people gravitate to the strong, to the charismatic, to the succesful.
You are a walking poster for your ideals. Why do you think both the Nazis and the Soviets used images of strong, hard-working men in their propaganda? Makes you think, huh?
found the kike faggot
you spent your christmas eve shooting targets? what is wrong with you?
No shit retard, but being both is a cute
This pic is ironical because she is a cheater.
Thats not what I said you fucking idiot.
nope, just not interested in labels and movements
>I'm too smart to have ideals or opinions
Look bro I'm not an anime fag, I don't know where this shit comes from
>This is literally the single most important thing to do.
Lists 10 things.
>you have a DUTY to the movement to present yourself well.
how about you go fuck yourself, you shallow piece of shit.
Because I grew out of childish racism years ago and realized there is is a much grander scheme of things. Some of my best friends are redpilled conservative black men who name the Jew
You are imaging that I'm not.
Yes, I spent my Christmas eve spending time with my family. God forbid.
>You are imaging that I'm not.
You may as well be.
I wasn't trying to insult you, but to prove that there are things that matter besides violence. One of those things is propaganda, and "optics" are an important part of propaganda.
YOU fuck yourself. You are the reason many people still associate right-wing ideals with bitter losers.
Come join us on the official Sup Forums discord
not true, but they're my own, I don't need to be part of a big club, I mean what if you disagree with one of them in that club, you box youself in too much
I'm a monarchist, my only duty is to drive expensive krautcars and throw mcdonald's cups at plebs while driving past by them.
go beat up some Jews then
Nice argument kid
You don't have to agree with someone 100% to consider him a partner or a friend.
You don't have to agree with 100% of members of a group to consider yourself part of it.
This is such an autistic way of thinking. You'll never make a political impact unless you align yourself with the guys closest to your own beliefs. If you think there's no internal debate within these groups then you have a weird view of what's really going on
I went on a natural/paleo type of diet and lost my burgerfat. I'm dressing better, learning how to match and coordinate my clothing. Nothing excessive, but with my build it's just not that difficult or expensive and the reaction I get from women is so much better now. I used to be a fat slob, drunk at least every weekend. Now I'm taking good care of myself, actively trying to not curse as much and shit of that nature, trying to always carry myself with good posture and trying to act like I wasn't raised by a working feminist single mother.
It takes effort bros, but there are plenty of resources online if you lack mentors, plenty of people who will help you with some basics of how to carry yourself better for free if you're a poorfag. I don't try to emulate them, but I did take inspiration from old school noir films and Fight Club. Men in those films dressed well, were well groomed always, and could articulate their beliefs well, maybe even persuasively. If you have good bone structure and are taller, just a little effort will put you way ahead of the crowd.
Also, put some work into the trivium if you struggle with articulating yourself in any way. If you have any faults in that department, continue to work on them. I took a few English composition courses and it really improved my abilities to express myself. There was libshit/Marxist propaganda even in those courses but I learned how to deal with it better. You are a representative for something that is much bigger and more important than you, there is no room to be foolish and you're probably too old to play cute at this point. Be a man.
Well said.
People raised by single mothers have it rough. According to statistics, single-motherhood is a strong predictor of criminal behavior, second only to race. Good to see you growing into a respectable man.
Sorry for your loss, Brit-bong. Maybe one day we can help get your country back.
Thank you user, my last bump. I've gotta get back to work bros.
Have a good one
>YOU fuck yourself. You are the reason many people still associate right-wing ideals with bitter losers.
No, shills are the reason that people associate right wing ideals with bitter losers... that and gangstalking.
>t. fat unmotivated piece of shit
>Nice argument kid
Is your well photoshopped asthetic fashwave bullshit convincing anyone yet?
>>t. fat unmotivated piece of shit
155 lbs, 5' 11"
Check how many posts I have on this tripcode alone, to answer the question of how motivated I am.
All the things I've listed in OP will also help your career, your dating prospects, and your life in general.
There's literally no reason not to present yourself well. Even if you disregard all the ideological/political stuff.
>There's literally no reason not to present yourself well.
Sure there is... if it literally doesn't matter because I'm being gangstalked, presentation isn't going to help a damned thing.
Probably not, but that's why I'm fit, married, have children, and a spiritual leader in my church to convince people.
Is being an angsty contrarian on a Mongolian yodeling forum convincing anyone yet?
Well I don't know your story, but I venture most guys aren't gangstalked, so it applies to them.
>well-constructed position
This is true. People associate your ideals with what you are. Kind of judging what it has done for you. No one buys a diet from a fat ass. Don't get me wrong, the lower class whites are still whites, but the fat guy that looks like shit has always been associated with all pro-white/idenitiarian movements.
everything execpt for lose fat, and im in the process of it. once i get down to 160-150 ill start to build muscle. Also as for hair, im currently letting grow out, as im tired of the fashy cut, and cuts would be appreciated.
And grow a moustache like a man, not like fucking hipster
True, but no man is an Island, and you have to have some kind of coherent goal. Otherwise you're a guy with a rifle that no one else will pick up a rifle for. I'm not out to convert normies, that's the anti-white left's job. That being said, there's only so much any one man can do. I think things like this are a testament to natural positions. It's good we have people with a penchant for violence. It's good we have "jawboning" types as well.
Do not grow a mustache at all until you have the wisdom that should always accompany facial hair.
It is your duty to make the most of your life. For us Nat Soc/Fashy/Nationalists even more so. Learn how to think appropriately. Philosophy, self regulation, looking within... right thoughts, right speech, right actions. You cannot improve society if you do not improve yourself. You are a representative of your tribe.. cultural and philosophical/political. 8 hour work days 5 days a week are for losers. Use all your time for bettering yourself personally and financially. "Arbeit macht frei".. it really does. Strive and achieve. We are all born into servitude today.. white/black/male/female. Rise above. Create, improve, build. Earn your freedom. Life looks a lot better when you have your shit sorted and sit on a big pile of shekels.
priase kek fellow liberalists
A solid negative example to drive my point home
This cringe-inducing thread becomes even more hilarious whenever I see you fucks in real life –makes me sad that plebbit faggots and trumpcucks ruined /pol.
Pic very much related
It sounds so easy. If only society hadnt been turned against me. Maybe i could achieve those things. I lack socialazation skills because i was a loner. I never learned to communicate. Fashion is for faggots and women. So is bathing. Who am i trying to impress anyways. Im pretty muscilar for aomeone who sits on his ass all day thinking about suicide. Back to the begining. You need friends to meet girls. And i have none. A j-job? Whats a job? Is that where i tell society to fuck off and retreat to the wilderness?
>Is being an angsty contrarian on a Mongolian yodeling forum convincing anyone yet?
Why don't you tell me.
If you were presentable and had all that then you wouldn't be alt right, because you wouldn't be a fucking loser. Idiot.
I am presentable and have personally radicalised three of my real-life my friends.
>get a girlfriend
I'm all that and will vote for NMR
>imply only super handsome muscular men can join your idea
>wonder why less than 1% of the population joins it
The normalfag is a slovenly creature with necessary skills and room for improvement. Their masters, as we have learned, are neglectful and prone to waste. Offer the normalfag that room for improvement (and I mean sincere improvement, not intangible commie crap) and he will support you. The aesthetic improvements will soon follow.
>I know you are but what am I
It's WAY to early in the year for summerfags to be on this board
No you are not. Don't lie Sven.
That's fine. I personally turned 50+ people into Scientology. I win.
>I personally turned 50+ people into Scientology. I win.
Well I guess you do
Got a job, more friends than I have time to visit, gf and probs a lot stronger than you Ahmed
That's right I do. Made a lot of cash.
I have a wife. Your so called GF is a whore no doubt and having friends on Facebook doesn't count. Go away fjortis, men ärligt talat, röstar du inte på SD detta valet så är du ju förfan hjärndöd. Annars kan du lika väl rösta på Fi lol
California surfer fag here. My friends got mad at me for liking right wing shit on normie book. I can't express any of my beliefs without being labelled a pariah. What the fuck do?
I do all of those except have a girlfriend.
Keep supporting what you believe in. If they quit being your friends then they weren't friends to begin with.
"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800
Start small and start with facts.
Alt right is a jewish splinter movement, but the point you're trying to make is an ad hominem regardless. People with principles exist, maybe not in cuckden though.
Att NMR får mer röster än FI är ju mer värt än att SD kan konkurrera med M och S. Det här landet kan ändå inte räddas av demokrati.
>Ludwig von Mises: jewish
>Murray Rothbard: jewish
>Ayn Rand: jewish
Hurr-durr identitarians are a jewish splinter, go libertarian
I don't know what you're getting at. I don't idolize any of those people. Ron Paul is more like it.
This happened to my friend, he's dead now, be careful my brudder
There’s a reason bodybuilders and lifting bros turn right-Wing. I’m not even strong at all compared to a /fit/ autist but there’s a discernible pattern and you’ll find (((liberal publications))) kvetching about the prevalence of right-wingers and misogyny in weightlifting.
I was pure soyim when I could only deadlift the bar with tens on each side. Refugees welcome, wypepow, reparations, Gay Space Communism, Bruce Jenner is a woman. “Democrats are the real racists” when I got to 25’s. “We should have elected Ron Paul” when I got to one plate. “King Nigger should be hanged” at 185. When I hit 200, I found myself thinking “Hitler was right about almost everything,” daily. When I finally reached a 5x5 routine of two plates, I was a walking dictionary of hatefacts.
I used to be really into Ron Paul. Heck, virtually of Sup Forums was, back around 2012.
Since then we had the European migrant crisis, racial riots in the US, hugely intensified anti-white propaganda and so on.
Sadly libertarianism and individualism don't work once everyone else goes tribal.
>be namefag on honey/pot/
>get gangstalked
There is a connection here and it's not having to do with this place getting you on a watchlist.
Ron and Rand are tragic figures. They really have everyone’s wellbeing in mind and could have fixed it if America wasn’t asleep. Too idealistic, too nice, too moral and principled.
History is an endless wheel.
>It's WAY to early in the year for summerfags to be on this board
then why are you here?
What you believe in and what is necessary to fix the world are two different things Sup Forumsand. I don't change my personal ideology based on current events. All I do is endorse a means to an end accordingly.
>There is a connection here and it's not having to do with this place getting you on a watchlist.
No, that's incorrect.
I've been gangstalked for WAY longer than I have been rocking this awesome tripcode.
My point being only mentally ill people use tripcodes.
this game has some great boss design
The first step to self improvement is to not circle jerk on self improvement threads.
>anime philosophy
While I agree, thinking that someone in the wrong cause they're fat or ugly means you're the subhuman. You will never see any good looking weebs, antifa or kekistanis in cringe threads
Your "Duty" is to hold a job (in the real world) a job that produces something for society. Learn how to build or operate. Use your hands. Be a Man. Stop watching and giving money to all these kiketube wannabe edgy NIGGERFAGGOTS.
>>Claims to be alt right
>>Has Patreon
>>Glorified Panhandler
They are wrong for being fat, Ugly, and online... is have more respect if they actually contributed to REAL LIFE society rather than Internet memes. Real productive movement
>My point being only mentally ill people use tripcodes.
What makes you say that?
Your paycheck?
>tfw ive done all this
>tfw I fell in love with a Mexican
What do I do?