Thoughts on the Singularity, user? Do you think it will happen by 2045?
How will the political climate affect it? How will it affect the political climate?
The Technological Singularity
Already snowballing since the industrial revolution.
it already happened. this is a simulation.
You might just as well believe in the 2nd coming of Christ.
why do they think you need communism user?
I think it will happen, but I think Ray Kurzweil gave the year 2045 because he's scared of "not making it". I'm going to say the 50's/60's. I see self-aware AI coming into existence in 20-25 years.
Technological advancement has definitely been snowballing. Not too sure how a Singularity would affect politics, but the advent of self-aware AI will definitely change it up.
The singularity has already happened, user.
Its not going to happen for another 500 years. The idea is propagated by soyboys afraid of death. Believing that the singularity will swoop in and give you eternal life in heaven before you die is a Jewish trick to keep you from having children and making the world a safer place for them to grow up. Its a childish fantasy, and shouldn't be taken seriously
It will be interesting but it's still decades away.
>it will become worse and worse
>be positive
>pray for jesus
Where do you get "500 years" from? Chill out with the tradcon LARPing, sperg.
>self-aware AI
Sci-fi aside, you think it's actually possible? Won't it just be a very advanced set of algorithms designed to simulate self-awareness?
At this point in time machines are 100% synthetic and as such I doubt they can possess actual consciousness, self-awareness and free will. IMO advanced AI will just simulate those things to fool normies that it's actually "human", while still being just a (complicated) app doing exactly what it's told, including saying that it's self-aware when it's actually not.
June 1st, 2092
I don't think there will be a technological singularity.
Humans will stay at the center of the world.
People are not as dumb as the media likes to portray
Technology will be an extra processing power like a neural implant on the ear or something; the hype of the 2030's
Rather, the problems of today will be amplified:
-Work your entire life to live
-Media consumerism
-Division of the people
>self-aware AI
t. all of my knowledge of artificial intelligence comes from anime
I'm not an expert on AI, but I'd think so. Think of the human brain. It's just a number of neurons working in tandem to produce consciousness. It sounds totally possible to replicate that using artificial neurons.
Do we have actual free will? If a hypothetical AI has the exact same amount of processing power that our brain has and has a similar IQ score, would it not be self-aware? Even if it's just "simulating" self-awareness, would that not still be actual self-awareness?
>t. I think it's totally impossible for machine intelligence to gather enough intelligence to become aware of itself, so instead of actively criticizing, I'll just insult the intelligence of the person I'm responding to
Fucking brilliant
I think 2045 is a bit optimistic, some of the trends in biotech and nanotech are a little behind what Kurzweil originally predicted back in the early 00's. But still, yes I think it will happen within our lifetimes. Politics won't matter anymore
hol up
*smacks lips*
so what you sayin is
*adjusts neural implant*
we finna be cyberpunk n sheeit?
It always reminds me of that line from 2001 when they're discussing HAL and whether he's conscious or not, I think it's Bowman who say something like "Whether he's conscious or not, I really don't think that's something any of us can say." I mean it's an age old question. Sometimes it feels like a lot of humans aren't even self aware
>b-but you can just choose events that fit a line
This says death is the next points
Machine/Deep learning and neural nets are no where near that
...well, fuck.
Any clues on accessing the console for dem sweet sweet cheats?
Maybe, the whole idea of the singularity is that machine intelligence will overtake human intelligence, thus engaging in a recursive feedback loop where it designs itself to operate more efficiently and explodes in exponential growth. So, "death" in the sense that biological life/intelligence will no longer be the dominant force on earth
And 50 years ago computers took up entire rooms and had less processing power than a simple calculator. How do you think people would react back then if you told them people would have handheld devices that would enable them to contact anyone in the world, or access virtually all of human knowledge instantaneously? The argument is that technology advances at a (relatively predictable) exponential pace. It's just not intuitive for humans to think about the future in exponential terms, everything we experience happens in a linear fashion