I've assembled all the ancient sources, from the Greeks and Romans themselves, describing their physical features. Certainly, there may be more, I just haven't found them yet. If you see any examples I've missed, feel free to post them, and I'll add them to future versions of this graphic.
Final proof that Ancient Greeks and Romans were "Nordic"
Other urls found in this thread:
In ancient greek and latin , colours don't exist. So hair is hair coloured , wood is wood coloured and so on. If you had studied even basic ancient greek or latin you would know this.
>another stormfag circle jerk
Prevaricated and homosexual
>using the word stormfag on pol
>how to prove you're a kike or complete moron on Sup Forums in one posts
>retarded commie meme flag
Literal nigger IQ.
>In ancient greek and latin , colours don't exist.
False. There are books and books filled with Greek and Roman philosophical debate about color.
> So hair is hair coloured , wood is wood coloured and so on.
You contradicted yourself one sentence later. It doesn't matter what they named colors after, they still had words for colors.
Get off my board faggot.
"my ancestors being successful justifies my present lack of anything notable"
literally we wuz tier
We were your greatest leaders. Rome was a multicultural empire.
You really have no idea what you are talking about...
Go research WHG/EEF admixture in europeans.
Firstly most europeans are related to the romans due to the fact that spread across europe.
Second Romans have been proven to be most closely related to modern Italians based on genetic testing (cant be fucked finding the study)
Third Phenotypes correlate more closelt with meds based PURELY on the amount of EEF DNA in southern Europeans....
If you want to get into further details you can look at writings of romans jelousy of the germanic peoples blond hair and height and the fact that blond wigs sold for high price in rome..
So sick of this nigger tier shit from you cunts... Its really we wuz kangz level shit at this point... Clearly you have some kind of inferiority complex.. Further more you attempt to undermine a peoples history in the same way the jews are doing it to all european people. You are both a jew and a nigger.
That's all good evidence I'm sure, I'm just wondering how to explain why all the Greek and Roman sources describe people as Nordic looking. Its a legit mystery.
You realize that they were kikes, right?
You also realize that ethnic groups were more defined back then, meaning villages could be genetically distinct from each other, making a gravesite dig in a certain area meaningless when talking about a much greater area.
Your bullshit chart is cherrypicked and I doubt you actually ever read it since you should know what a minoan is.
well maybe they just was blonde
who knows?
many notable Italians persons were blonde
some of the probs had lighter hair.. As i said look into WHG/EEF admixture it will clarify so many things for you.
Mediterraneans civilizations treated snow niggers like trash. Snow niggers were considered barbarian, so they wouldn't have permitted a snow nigger to become emperor.
das right maane we wuz kangz and shiet1
is this man a Mediterranean?
The we wuzzing of this thread reached levels that shouldnt be possible.
I feel bad for the actual Nordics, that are being ridiculed by these retarded we wuzzers...
Bullshit studies taking genetic info from selective graves.
>blue eyed nigger
the fugg
>let me teach you the history of your region
So, how would the way they looked have changed since then? How many Italians and Greeks still have blonde hair and blue eyes?
I'll take your word for it on the genetics stuff, biology isn't really my frote and I bet it wouldn't clear anything up for me. It's just weird that for so many years, apparently, Greek and Roman historians were saying everyone had those features.
IKR? Most if not all of the nordicists on Sup Forums are either memeflags or americans, you never see a scandinavian flag
>everyone was blonde haired and blue eyed nigga!!
you are aware of the celtic/germanic/norman invasions of Italy no? Europeans in Italy have a stronger Dark phenotype sue to increased EEF genes.. You nords have MORE WHG DNA.. This is actually good for you guys.. Both groups originate from the same region though but they are seperated by about 25,000 of separate environmental influence. Look into it people, it links us with ancient egypt and explains european diversity of appearance.
Fuck sake il find a noob friendly video and post bt you really should watch some lectures on this before you ever post about any topic relating to "white" again.
>How many Italians and Greeks still have blonde hair and blue eyes
just made some research fag
also translating "capillum leviter subflavo" as blonde is the clear mark of the wewuzer subhuman
>cedes villa, flavus quam Tiberis lavit
do you think it makes any sense for a river to be "blonde"?
"flavo" can be translated as "reddish", sub-flavo could easily means something like a medium-reddish brown and, surprise surprise, would actually match the UV based color reconstruction of the Augustus of prima porta
lol instead of being salty and triggered, why don't you just explain. I admit I'm not an expert, and I'm not siding either way. I'm asking hypothetically, supposing what is claimed to be true, what explains those ancient sources?
Instead of getting so upset, why don't you just explain it simply to me?
I never ever met any real Scandinavian who claims ANY Nordicist belief. Its like, the people who actually LIVE in OUR areas, KNOW whats the truth, and the rootless retarded from far away( USA, Australia, Canada, etc) are desperately trying to connect with some ancient glory, through a cultist belief system.
You know, like the rootless afroamericans with their afrocentricist we wuzzing theories that ACTUAL Africans laugh at.
If you will see this group almost all europeans have More EEF genes but we all contain the same "ingredients" Just in varying amounts.
I guess italians have more mediterranean genes because they live right in its fucking middle?
>o you think it makes any sense for a river to be "blonde"?
When you leave your basement, you notice nature turns all sorts of colors, and sometimes poets describe things incorrectly for other reasons.
It is true that ancient Greeks and Romans were light eyed, fair skin and fair haired. It wasn't until Rome conquered Egypt and started importing African(black) Egyptian kings into the Medeterrian did race mixing and the Browning of the Medderatian people began.
> OP "1 Post by this ID"
>wewuzer subhuman telling anyone to leave their basement
we are reaching irony levels that shouldn't be possible
Yeah probably this
>medniggers will bump this shit-tier bait
why can't you subhumans just fucking ignore it? It's your fault we have these drooling threads every single day
>celtic/germanic/norman invasions
are you implyng that were all blonde and blue eyed?
jesus christ leave your room
i have been in Stocolm many people have brown hair
there are no proof that nordic people were all blonde and blue eyed
No matter how much oil, makeup, and careful placement of camera they do sheboons still look like apes. Once you see it you can't unsee those monkey features.
Dude, we explained these things INFINITE times over and over and over again. Its a matter that has been debunked by every genetic/anthropological/historic study that occured in our nations.
Stop living in illusions and live in the real world. Dont be like the afrocentricist nigger apes who claim everything as black, using some random OUT OF CONTEXT art pieces.
>mi amigo you want ancestry?
ITT extremely butthurt meds REEEEEE but can't explain why ancient sources said what they said
>wewuzer subhuman telling anyone
lol listen to this sperg rage at everyone who posts -- i'm not arguing with you or anyone here, I'm asking legit questions. You can't even give simple answers, it indicates you're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about.
>Dude, we explained these things INFINITE times over and over and over again
Maybe you should make the explanations into a simple graphic then, or leave your basement and stop living on Sup Forums all day. Its making you sperg out over literally nothing lol
Thats how i imagine the Greek Goddesses looked like. Look at those facial features. Perfection
see no point in repeating the same shit every single time if it's going to be spammed again anyway
no wewuzer cares about learning stuff
because 90% of discussion on Sup Forums are made by americans for americans
nothing interesting for us
only generals
Again check WHG/EEF admixture.. They CLEARLY carry more blond hair/blue eye genes...
>no point in repeating the same shit every single time
Well, if youre going to waste your time posting, maybe you should make it count instead of making it look like op is telling the truth and you're doing damage control
Anyway this is clearly a bait thread.. Enjoy the circle jerk
WHG had DARK skin/hair, NOT blonde. The blonde hair comes mainly from EHG or Yamnaya. The white skin comes mainly from ENF.
Celts and germanics weren't all light haired and light eyed (a lot of them were though) and ''nordics'' only invaded sicily (where a bit of their blood remains, check pic related)
then fuck off of Sup Forums already you stupid wop. We wouldn't have shitty bait threads if we didn't have retards like you that take the shitty bait
no point in spending hours after this sort of shit, already did it plenty of times
years of being on Sup Forums made it quite clear wewuzers do not care for truth, they are just sad individuals who need to be ridiculed
I know but they carry the Blond genes while the EEF do not due to spending less time in the region .
Fuck off american pile of shit. nordic wewuzzing threads only appeared once luca traini shot 6 niggers in italy and got Sup Forums-wide recognition as a hero.
you were the first to reply to la creaturail goblino threads
Utterly meaningless. That's relative. Brown hair is fair compared with black hair. This is not evidence whatosever
meds traded extensively, surely they enountered the occasional blonde, which was a rare sight so it's not all surprising that that trait would find its way into mythology as it has in other places and times.
>no point in spending hours after this sort of shit, already did it plenty of times
LOL i fucking get it, but you're wasting your time REEEEEEing instead. Just take an hour, make a fucking infograph in photoshop if it drives you so fucking insane. Meds are fucking worse than burgers getting triggered by 56% memes.
>nordic wewuzzing threads only appeared once luca traini shot 6 niggers in italy and got Sup Forums-wide recognition as a hero
fuck off newfag
Good luck in the election mate.
We wuz kangz n shiieet? Doesn't make us fantastic now any more than what we do now, it's about the present and how we do things now that matters desu. Even if it's true. I'm not going to consider myself royalty or some shit based on this kind of history. It's just history. If we go into the we wuz kangz shit even if it's true, we're little better than niggers who just make things up to compensate for not having done much. And for blacks aswell it's about how do they do in the present. Neither white or black have any use of pretending to be royalty or whatever if they suck at something today, it's about being in the present and taking responsibility for yourself and your life and countries today.
I support stormfront, or at least I'm fine with it, but in this case OP is using the most retarded evidence to make a wild claim that inserts his people into important history. This is literally what niggers do
infographs won't change anything, wewuzers gonna wewuz anyway
even after ancient DNA from Mycenenans got published, showing they were overwelmigly pigmented, literally nothing has changed, wewuzers act like nothing happened
pure aryan stock
I mean i'm not trying to poo poo your argument OP, if it's true it's good to know, but ultimately what matters is the present.
>infographs won't change anything
then your 6 posts (and counting) of getting triggered will just feed the trolls instead of make it go away. Maybe you should learn not to care if you aren't going to actually debunk anything.
>u-u-ur triggered!!!
screaming it continuously like you have been doing shows who is really triggered
top kek
Yea i know. The main thing that people need to know is this:
Western Hunter Gatherers(like the cheddar man) had dark skin/hair and SOME of them had blue eyes.
Eastern Hunter Gatherers or the later known Yamnaya, had the blond hair/eyes and darker skin.
Early Neolithic Farmers had the white skin with brown hair/eyes.
All of the above groups, combined in different percentages and created the modern Europeans. The phenotypical differences in Europeans are just the different percentages of the afformentioned groups combined.
Ancient mediterranean cultures were almost 90% ENF, with some WHG and almost none EHG.
Ancient Northern cultures were almost 100% EHG and some WHG and almost none ENF.
MODERN Europeans are much much more related with each other, than ANCIENT Europeans were, but still there are diferences, as shown in the graph i posted.
>N-no YOU are the one REEEEEing
lol Pastamutts eternally BTFO
Stormfront bans nordicist liars. They dont support divisiveness.
I read somewhere that sardinians were almost 90% ENF
>nordic wewuzzing threads only appeared once luca traini shot 6 niggers in italy and got Sup Forums-wide recognition as a hero.
They have literally been here since day one.
your demographics are the real joke here and your desperate projections on us and history won't change them
enjoy your ethnic genocide
Coming from a rational point of view it would be reasonable for some ancient Greeks and Latins to have fair features due to a recent common ancestors with northern Europeans who carried these genes into the Mediterranean population. Recessive genes would naturally decrease in frequency with time in warmer/more arid climates with larger populations. Even today some recessive genes are dying out (red hair, blonde hair, blue eyes) with time.
>"No DNA link found"
Why the fuck you you make him nigger then? The fucking Goyims lap this shit up...
>turks being this raging buttmad
holy shit this explains the 56% meme spam, look at all this rage hahaha
remember guys
race is skin deep
this guy the inventor of calculus was mediterranean
so was John Von Neumann and many others
>race is skin deep
As i said, light features existed in ancient Greeks as they exist in modern Greeks(although modern Greeks have higher chance to show these traits due to higher steppe admixture).
The case is that there werent some ''nordic supermen that conquered and spread civilization over the swarthy meds'' Thats we wuzzing...
that's exactly what nordicists imply, you are so braindead you don't even see the irony
somewhat fair feature = pure nordic
The problem with these arguments, even if it's true, is that it can be used to take away responsiblity for it. Admittedly this has a lot more credence/evidence than the black we wuz everything crowd, which flies against historical evidence. But you see how damaging it is to blacks to make these things up. They think if they suck at something or fuck something up they go
>well we wuz royalty n shiiet so the reason i suck is not me because i'm fucking awesome, it must be someone fucking me over and that's why i'm bad at math and whatever.
It does tremendous damage to blacks in the present, and they take away personal responsibility for their own decisions and lives to just pretend like they are the most awesome person ever and best at everything even if they aren't, and then if they aren't they claim it's somebody elses fault.
It's nice to know this kind of history and it's ofcourse important to find the truth, but whatever the truth is, what matters it taking responsibility for yourself today, and your people and your nation etc. And try to do the best you can with your life. So if you approach it as anything else than a historical thing, and if you instead try to superimpose it on top of you today and start considering yourself royalty even if you royally suck at many things, you also stop trying to improve yourself. And i think that's a bad way to go about it.
>be med
>give birth to civilization
>be snowniggers
>get raped into extinction by somalians in the 21st century
nords are truly the master race
Neumann was a Jew
But the top left is polish
brown eyes+brown hair+light skin = mediterranean you silly! race is skin deep!
Lazarides' study is better imo, not from wiki and they actually did autosomal DNA tests on whole europe (samples from ancient minoans and mycenaeans compared to modern day europeans)
Jesus, Medmutt fragility is intense. Were Meds the original mutts then? Can we trace the decline through the race-mixing of the Roman Emperors?
keep projecting mutt
Yup, Sardinians are the closer resemblance to the pure ENF.
You seem to be master of stupid right now. What a lying picture too. Everything seems to be about who is master race to idiots like you. Why don't you focus on yourself in the present instead. The fuck has nordic people ever done to you jackass? It's also very easy to build a massive monuments in the past when you had empire level labor and a gracious climate.
Dont worry, mate.
We dont have anything against our Nord brothers. Its just a meme attack to the retarded nordicist we wuzzers.
But it says right there in clack and white that Emperor Caracalla was Afro-Syrian. He also opened Roman citizenship up to Africans for the first time. Maybe ancient Italians just got BLACKED. It would explain why Sicilians are 10% Sub-Saharan DNA.
Also btw. i have great respect for greek history and achievement, i'm not a cultural chauvanist, i have respect for other nations and people and what they have achieved.
Wait, weren't you saying ancient romans were nordics? Did you just contradict yourself?
>one (1) half syrian emperor