Sexy people sway public opinion. We need to make reason and logic sexy again.
Ugly anime loving autists who heil hitler are literally the only thing stopping the rise of conservatism right now.
Sexy people sway public opinion. We need to make reason and logic sexy again.
Ugly anime loving autists who heil hitler are literally the only thing stopping the rise of conservatism right now.
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fuck off boomer faggot
if you can think of a way to fix the 2016 immigration issue, im all ears. im on the side we let /k/ loose. arm bands must be worn on the inside, at least 7-8 more years.
Im 23 you retard
This extreme shit turns people off. I know thats something you like for the board but what I dont like is the ugliest 100 animefags making a bunch of white power shit and marching around for cnn.
The way we win this war is by being irresistable to women. Ive redpilled 2 feminists so far and counting. What have you done other than talk big shit that you'll never back up?
Hispanics can very easily be redpilled. I know we need to be concerned about racemixing but as whites become fewer we become more valuable. I dont see the last white man fucking a black chick I just dont.
The hispanics are currently on the edge with this whole DACA thing. If we can show them how racist the dems are theyd swing hard.
>Ugly anime loving autists who heil hitler are literally the only thing stopping the rise of conservatism right now.
Are you implying conservatives care about reason and logic?
LEt me spell this out for you... the human species reliance on APPEARANCES is what is holding this species down.
You only ever scratch the surface, you never delve deeper into the truth of the thing.
Its easy to just call everyone stupid and leave it at that.
The masses must be appealed to, this has always been the case. Joe Blow doesnt read philosophy or history.
But he likes to fuck, bitches control the narrative right now. If we swing them we swing everyone.
>Its easy to just call everyone stupid and leave it at that.
Yeah, the truth is pretty easy, isn't it?
>The masses must be appealed to, this has always been the case. Joe Blow doesnt read philosophy or history.
>But he likes to fuck, bitches control the narrative right now. If we swing them we swing everyone.
Basically, yes... this is why memes are more effective in swaying normies than well reasoned arguments.
I mean, duh.
Nazism is Sexy; conservatism is not.
Memes are undeniable our most valuable asset right now.
The death blow will be when hot, alpha men start voicing this stuff publicly. Right now people are afraid to do this but believe me. People want to be told what to think. Theyre generally sick of cultural marxism but theyre not sure what to replace it with. A E S T H E T I C men can be the tip of the spear.
I cant believe your high school doesnt block Sup Forums
>The death blow will be when hot, alpha men start voicing this stuff publicly.
No it won't.
If you are really thinking that having attractive people voicing memes would be any bennifit to our movement, then you have completely missed the fucking point.
People aren't swayed by our memes because they are aesthetically pleasing or attractive...
They are swayed because they are clever, funny, and crude.
what is this jehovas witness section of conservashits?
no amount of marketing and preaching can turn your vile ideology into anything palatable for sane people.
You have to look at how the social justice warrriors got into the peoples heads. There was a point where gay marriage was crossing the line for most people and it wasnt that long ago.
>You have to look at how the social justice warrriors got into the peoples heads.
Yeah, it's emotional arguments, and bright flashing colors.
Using reason to convince a broad voting base of your position is a recipe for disaster.
You have to draw the shit out in crayon.
Hence, memes.
This is who is voting, okay?
Memes are great buy they dont share our memes, they shout down any of their friends who think they are funny. Im telling you guys you have to make them crazy for you and then set expectations. When they realize what vile sluts theyve been all their lives they flip in about 5 seconds to wanting traditional marriage.
Nobody can redpill a feminist faster than another feminist. Sooo many girls regret butchering their hair. Start there.
The problem is, that most of the problems of the world, and their correct solutions, are FAR too complex for the average person to even comprehend.
These people are literally incapable of making an informed decision on most political topics.
Thats why you have to tell them their opinion. Women do not form their own opinions.
They will go with whatever is more socially acceptable. We have to make our arguments socially acceptable, its not that hard. We have control over the top (presidency) and bottom (pol fags and other such publicly silent idealogues)
We need to move in from both directions. Trump is doing his part.
Use DeepFakes tech to paste hot people faces on intelligent speakers.
Or lift and make sluts wonder why they cant get with you
If smart people waste time lifting, they won't be as productive. Plus you can't fix ugly smart guys with lifting.
>They will go with whatever is more socially acceptable.
And what causes them to think/feel something is socially acceptable?
Is it popularity?
Youre literally shitposting in an echo chamber that is just as bad with identity politics as the left. Dont tell me you have more important shit to do than spend a few hours a week improving your body
When high value men voice an opinion it has high value to women. They will kick and scream but it makes them wet as fuck when someone calls them out on their politics. Read about social forcing functions.
>When high value men voice an opinion it has high value to women.
Wrong again.
Try this.
Women will AGREE with a high value man if he says something, but that will not change her vote.
Women are slaves to social proof... to popularity, to fashion.
Whatever the media TELLS them is popular or in fashion, is what they BELIEVE is popular or in fashion..
self fulfilling paradox.
Women don't agree with high status males, they just give the answers that they think will please him.
>self fulfilling paradox.
or prophecy.
This guy....Is why Bill won....Is why Bill was seeking a 3rd term through his wife.
You guys REALIZE that there is a fucking REASON that a cartoon frog won trump the presidency, right?
You misspelled "charisma". Sexy is a degenerate form of charisma. Hitler, for example, wasn't sexy, but he knew to hold a speech and get people riled up.
Napoleon too.
t. soyboy
I can push myself harder and longer than most because of training; stamina is important.
The problem is that you guys just don't know enough about human instinct and psychology to convince a voting majority of anything.
Pepe the frog, on the other hand... is likable, non threatening, funny looking, humerous, cleverly used at times, and makes a good protagonist with the wide range of emotions that he displays, without making anyone look bad.
You’re not as smart as you think you are, tripfag. I can talk a bitch into my point of view easily because they are slaves to fashion. They’re easily influenced for just that reason - they have no deeply held beliefs.
>I can talk a bitch into my point of view easily because they are slaves to fashion
No, you can talk a bitch into SAYING that they agree with your viewpoint...
You are the fool.
Youre actually totally right on this, I had charisma before I ever had looks. IF YOU DONT HAVE CHARISMA GOOGLE IT AND PRACTICE THAT SHIT
No, you’re a white knight faggot. They are that stupid.
You can't just use idiots to convince other idiots of things, either... because they will just yell at eachother for hours.
What you NEED, is intelligent people who are fluent in moron.
Women never have solid opinions. You can never sway their vote permanently, thats not what im talking about.
Charisma can only be trained to a certain degree, it is more connected to your genes. Just like all other traits.
That’s a tough sell, ain’t it? Swallow the red pill and like some shitty Dorothy let that ruby magic transport you home.
I actually agree here on some level.
>No, you’re a white knight faggot. They are that stupid.
You aren't going to actually convince women of anything.
All you are going to do is get them to SAY they agree with you, so that they like you.
They aren't changing their mind, they are just trying out your opinions like a dress.
And once you are gone, it's back to their feelings holding sway.
>What you NEED, is intelligent people who are fluent in moron
This is very true. When it comes to dealing with groups of people you've gotta expect there to be morons and instead of trying to avoid them you must use their stupidity to your advantage.
No they're our peasants and make nazism easier for normies to swallow
>Women never have solid opinions.
That's what I'm saying though... they follow whatever is popular or in fashion.
You aren't going to convince them otherwise, except for a few orgasm filled hours, and then it's right back to being a raging feminist.
>I actually agree here on some level.
Thanks... I happen to be an intelligent person who is fluent in moron, and extremely experienced in arguing with idiots.
You’re getting lost in the semantics, tripfag. I don’t think we disagree. There isn’t a difference between them saying it and them thinking it, if only while in your circle. Feelings will always be the captain of their ship, but you can control a bitch’s feelings easily.
>you must use their stupidity to your advantage.
Wisdom is knowing others, Enlightenment is knowing yourself.
And you need both.
>but you can control a bitch’s feelings easily.
And so can everyone else, which is the problem.
You are trying to build a fortification on shifting sand... tis folly.
>meanwhile back at HQ
God I wish that were me.
How is that a problem?
>tis folly
Back to the Renfair, faggot.
>yeah me too, and this would be my gf
>How is that a problem?
The second she is out of your sight, she changes her opinion to what the next person giving her attention says.
>Why is it a problem that your base of support completely disappears when the next, more handsome, guy comes along?
Hmmm. I wonder.
How many women have you fucked, tripfag?
>How many women have you fucked, tripfag?
2, once each. didn't get off either time.
And don't ask me how to red pill your women.
It's not my problem.
What happens to this civilization does not affect me at all.
30+, I lost count. I was a depressed youth who found validation through sex. You haven’t raised as many sluts as I have, you’re green, tripfag.
It was more than 10 years ago for me.
>You haven’t raised as many sluts as I have, you’re green, tripfag.
So, you would rather the women in your civilization become sluts, if it gets you laid a lot?
Not at all, I see the folly of my ways. See? I can be pedantic too.
I understand women better than you because I have far more experience manipulating them.
>I understand women better than you because I have far more experience manipulating them.
No, you don't.
Manipulating a woman into having sex with her isn't even close to changing her political affiliations come voting time.
Women LIKE sex, get it?
Obviously he would. As would you I'd imagine. Having fucked two different women.
And also, I prefer not manipulating people.
women are irredeemable whores. the cat went out the bag after 1960. to them being able to fuck whoever they want is more important than the future of their race and civilization. For all their shit about female empowerment they are going to feel the rod very hard when this brief liberal feminist phase ends with white decline.
Roasties are going to be shocked when their daughters get raped for not being covered up and have to start wearing burka everywhere.
im all for islam at this point. just cant wait to have multiple wives and to be allowed to beat them for disobeying me. its a completely shit tier phillosophy but if i benefit from it who cares right? i mean afterall, women get to benefit from paki cock as it is now, so we will benefit from paki laws in the future.
>women made their own bed. now sleep in it you fucking idiots. inshallah god is great
Yes, but when a bitch is in love with you enough to want a baby with you that means she also respects you enough to be the father of her child. She had to be on board with my way of thinking, otherwise she’d never go that far with me.
>Obviously he would. As would you I'd imagine. Having fucked two different women.
having sex with women, and understanding them are two different things.
>She had to be on board with my way of thinking, otherwise she’d never go that far with me
For all your "experience" you really don't get how women think at all.
>she also respects you enough to be the father of her child.
What women told you that women are capable of respect?
Not the respect I might give to another man, but love and respect are closely related.
Women don't choose partners based on political views.
>Not the respect I might give to another man, but love and respect are closely related.
this is where you are wrong.
You are trying to justify your sexual proclivities by deliberately conflating a woman lust for respect in some character attribute you assume that you posses.
You are not a respectable person, user....
You are just attractive to women.
he means that women dgaf about politics. they are just hardcore sexual progressives who dont want to stop shoving foreign objects in their anus and vagina. that and being able to terminate any unwanted spawn that comes from their actions. they want to be able to be gluttonous without accountabillity. this is the female brain, period. literally nothing but cocks and cake in there. i have yet to be proven incorrect.
You misunderstood me. Once she’s decided she’s into me, she’ll be into what I am into.
>Once she’s decided she’s into me, she’ll be into what I am into.
Nah, she just does that to try to keep you happy, so you will try to keep her happy and keep fucking you.
She doesn't actually hold your values or opinions, she's just trying out new clothes.
>B..B... but women never fake orgasms!
What would you know, Mr. two-times-and-didn’t-make-her-cum?
The same thing that makes her like me is the same thing that makes her want to fuck me. There is no difference for a woman. Stop thinking women think like you do.
Two mistakes here.
>She will be into what I'm into
Far from true. Many partnerships exist with the partners having very different hobbies/interests/political views
>Once she's dedicated to me
You act as if this is some permanent spell you put on the woman. It's not. Divorce and break-ups happen all the time because people lose dedication to one another, even if they've previously been dedicated enough to each other to have children.
You are all very welcome.
#2 happens because of #1. You’re a bunch of MGTOW squares.
>What would you know, Mr. two-times-and-didn’t-make-her-cum?
it's more like, "sobered up real fucking quick and realized that I didn't want a one night stand so I stopped"
But, feel free to baselessly assume shit about my life that you don't know in order to try to salvage your fragile little ego, if you care.
>The same thing that makes her like me is the same thing that makes her want to fuck me. There is no difference for a woman.
That's what i'm saying though... women don't like you for your political beliefs, they like charisma, confidence, physical attractiveness, and money.
You probably have some of those... but to say "I had sex with her, so she now believes what I tell her to" is just naive.
>Stop thinking women think like you do.
I don't. You do.
You're not making a very good counterargument, not that I'd expect you to have any.
>You're a bunch of MGTOW squares
Says the person who can't find a stable relationship, not sure I want to hear that from you.
next time i see a neet i'll shake his hand and offer to buy him a action figure for a job well done.
women will never be footsoldiers in the initial phases. they are too weak willed. they are naturally followers. they will always side with the popular people who argue against conflict. they are the natural cucks of society. they raise mulatto children and beg the government to pay for it. they are the number one enemy of the white race, and its all because a bunch of bantu negroids cry to them in pop songs.
I say this as an ardent white advocate: women are slaves to black people, and always will be as long as they are allowed to vote.
>women will never be footsoldiers in the initial phases.
explain feminism then.
You are more honorable that I am, if that soothes your ego. But I know pussy. Ultimately women are looking for a guy to settle down with, and they hope and pray that the next guy they fuck will be that guy. They can get sex whenever they want - love is a lot harder to acquire. They know i’m better than they are - i’m smarter, i’m charming, i’m handsome. It’s not sex that does it, it’s the Man you are.
>You are more honorable that I am
>if that soothes your ego.
IT does not. my ego was never on the line.
>But I know pussy.
That's sort of all you know, though. which is the problem.
>Ultimately women are looking for a guy to settle down with, and they hope and pray that the next guy they fuck will be that guy.
Not all the time, sometimes they are just looking for no strings attached sex with an attractive man who they never want to talk to again.
>They know i’m better than they are
At some things, sure... but they are better than you at other things, this is what you keep failing to understand.
>It’s not sex that does it, it’s the Man you are.
What is the longest relationship you have ever been in?
Your ego is obviously in play famalam. It’s breddy funny. Pussy isn’t all I know, which is also what makes me attractive to women; i’m worldly and unabashedly arrogant.
Yes, they often look for no-strings-attached sex. How many single women do you know over 30 who are happy doing that on a weekly basis?
Sure there are women who are better at things than I am - but they’re still women, and subject to all the flaws of their gender. The longest relationship I’ve ever been in was 5 years; she left because I was a fuckup at the time, and she was right to do so.
thats them doing exactly what they are told to do by jews. there is nothing risky about it. women will never take the risks to their reputation like that in general. thing is you have to ask: how did it become that being a whore for free was ever a good thing for women? i think they are realizing slowly that their pussies are worth less than ever before, and that the diminishing return of pussy power is going to ruin them long term. maybe some of them realise this, the others will just keep shoving stuff in their pussy and ass and expect money and love to come out afterwards, but to no avail, unfortunately. how dumb do they think we are. only problem is: blacks and arabs are not as discriminating. to an arab, getting a white mans sloppy 102nds is like finding alladins lamp. this is why they like them. gluttony without accountabillity. watch the cucks get replaced by different race men as we outright reject them for the generation below. its a big problem tbf. some of the cuckistanis are just going to have to settle for a whore, or pay for a surrogate and raise the child alone(by far the best option in my eyes. women are terrible influences on any child.)
>Your ego is obviously in play
no it is not.
>Pussy isn’t all I know, which is also what makes me attractive to women; i’m worldly and unabashedly arrogant.
So, unabashedly arrogant is a form of knowledge, huh?
>How many single women do you know over 30 who are happy doing that on a weekly basis?
Quite a few, actually. although the happiness part fluctuates with the tides, as should be expected.
>The longest relationship I’ve ever been in was 5 years; she left because I was a fuckup at the time, and she was right to do so.
So, she was looking for a meal ticket and you proved yourself nothing more than a good lay, so she left once she realized that you weren't actually a good man, and just a dude looking to score?
>Is confronted about being a shallow person
>"N-no you're the one who's ego is in danger"
>how dumb do they think we are.
Dumb enough to willingly allow muslims to slowly replace your population because you hate beta white men.
You’re a tripfag. You’re not anonymous on an anonymous forum. That’s ego friendo.
Everything else you wrote is pure emotion - in fact it reads like a bitch wrote it. I’ve go to go anyway, I have to see a client soon.
Drop the trip and lurk moar, faggot.
>Single fathers should raise children
A child needs both a proper mother and a father figure to grow up well. If either fails at their role or is completely missing the child is liable to issues along the line.
Also, children who are born from surrogate mothers/sperm donor fathers have a natural obsession with meeting their unknown parent, and the fact that they can't is a part of what makes them unstable.
>You’re a tripfag. You’re not anonymous on an anonymous forum. That’s ego friendo.
You are again trying to assume shit about my life that you have no Idea of.
I don't trip post for attention, I trip post so that I can quickly look through all of my past posts. it's for posterity.
>Everything else you wrote is pure emotion - in fact it reads like a bitch wrote it. I’ve go to go anyway, I have to see a client soon.
Nice insult from someone who is making an excuse to run away.