YOU GUYS WANT IT. Well the opening of black panther is your best chance. You know what to do.
>You know what to do.
Wait for blacks to start rioting and shooting people during and after screenings?
Stop hoping for a race war.
CIA go away
How to sneak flamethrower into movie theater
Hey Brotha... Whatcha doin'?
you race war cucks are pathethic. keep talking about how if the blacks do ONE more thing they are really going to get it this time. it won't ever happen.
That feel when no white panther movie.
Sorry faggot, but the war starts with the Jews.
This is now a Jew hate thread.
That won't solve anything faggot. It will just lead to more calls for gun control and reparations.
James Holmes was a neuro scientist that went ape shit insane. It became later known he was severly depressed before he committed the mass shooting. Was it due the (((AD pills))) he was taking ?
Did someone say LIBOR?
fuck you leaf.
let them have their movie and their fun. Shit will be forgotten in 6 mo.
I'm JOKING you little bitch. This kind of shit could only happen in the USA anyways LMAO
Let the niggers play make-belief with their Nigger Panther movie.
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
t. leafposter
Go into cinema full of rugrats, celphones and niggers?
Fuck No.
I'm going to a special screening with la-z-boys that let you bring in pizza and burgers and shit.
Go away deepstate.
shoo shoo jew
Just get one of Elon Musk's flamethrowers and walk in carrying it. Be friendly and show it to people like "Yeah this is that Tesla thing that's been in the news no don't worry its fine there's no fuel in it I'm just cosplaying" then in the theater add the fuel and start the fire.
>three letter agency niggers inciting domestic violence
some of you guys are cool. don't come into any shill threads tomorrow
It's too late to plan a proper attack in this short of time.
you kikes used to be better at this
More marketing promotion of the film Sup Forums agrees with. This is a little more inventive way to drum up ticket sales than asking for NEETs to show up, but it’s still BS. We aren’t going to raid just so you can signal and we aren’t going to attack to excuse your rioting. Take your weak-dick shit to 9gag where it belongs.
It's a film about nationalism and an ethnostate, why would pol disavow it?