Seriously, he was dealing with complete wrecks and lifelong abuse victims as a clinical psychologist. Months and even years long repeated therapy sessions to try to get involved and try to help. Of course you get depressed if you're human.
What if his depression was caused by people not cleaning their rooms?
>What if his depression was caused by people not cleaning their rooms?
then he needs to sort himself out.
Nobody except the cloistered spergs that post antipeterson threads and some fringe political factions hate him. You don't have to convince Sup Forums OP.
This cocksucker is not worth talking about.
No his entire family had alcohol and mental illness. Then his old lady has depression and his fucked up kid is on alot of meds. I actually attended a TVO kids concert/event thing back when I was 11 and Peterson was there with his daughter. He and his old lady must have been in a fight because they were both kinda yelling. You could tell daughter felt awkward with all the attendees staring at them lol. I never thought I'd be reading about him on image boards and seeing him on news shows all these years later.
No, depression runs in his family. His father had it, and so does his daughter.
I'll also add that he's really changed since he switched to a keto diet.
Seriously, carbs are the devil. Most things that are wrong with you mentally and physically is probably because you eat too much bread.
Stop eating bread.
You can't sort yourself out if your fate is to die on the cross for humanity's sins.
>Stop eating bread.
But I need the energy to clean my room.
His depression was caused by years of being too low in the lobster hierarchy and having a low serotonin feedback loop as a result. He cured it by having his largest rival boiled alive and cleaning his room
It was caused by not naming the Jew
Ketosis produces the energy you need. Carbs make you depressed, fat, and lazy. Bread based diets are the work of the jew.
Here's some food fir thought: what if he's the modern day divine reincarnation of Jesus?
>leaf education
Food produces energy.
You literally stole this from my previous post.
What if he was a soft Liberal shrink that saw a subculture blow up and then self-promoted himself to be said subculture self-help guru without actually committing to any of its tenets.
What if Navalny works for Putin?
Fuck you i dont read posts
He clearly works for one of the internal factions in the PA, which is about the same thing in the long run. Don't know what this has to do with Peterson being a shucking and jiving sellout, though.
What if Putin works for Navalny?
He won't name the Jew, he's a leftist, abandoned Faith Goldy for talking to the alt-right, and won't debate anyone on the alt-right. He's probably a Jew.