Who's the best girl in Monogatari?
I personally think it's bat with snail as a close second.
Who's the best girl in Monogatari?
Bat > Cat > Math > Spoop > Snake > Bird > Doll > The rest
loli trio, imoutos & kanbaru are best
this one
Do we really need hourly monogatari threads?
this one
I woke up just now, didn't see one, so I made one.
Kaiki > meme man > monkey > bat > spook > snail > crab > cat > anyone else I forgot about >>>>>>>literal shit >>>> snek
RIP ranking website.
You're spot on.
>casual tier
>hipster tier
>objective good taste tier
>spooky tier
>true patrician tier
How is Monkey hipster tier when she gets more screentime than atleast 2/3rds the chicks in that list?
Snail is best but I can respect this choice.
All girls are great except crab.
Snail had the best rapport with Arararararar
Shinobu has similar rapport with Araragi, but the scenes got cut because Shaft can't into schedules.
*most of the scenes
Araragi, all of them
Literally best SHAFT girl.
She isn't even Shaft's best vampire loli.
>implying that either Eva or Mina hold a candle to her
>not liking Mina
Get out.
cat > bat > gorilla > snake > doll > snail > crab > birds&bees > self
She's okay. Bund is something you use to pass an afternoon or two when you don't have anything to do, not a series to give a fuck about.
spoogy ougi
This is correct
Not like she's the only character who that happened to. Kanbaru had a lot of her character-defining banter in Nadeko Snake cut out and most of her internal monologues cut out of Suruga Devil in favor of Rouka's backstory being dragged over have an episode and a half for some reason. Way more substantial than the bits of Mayoi Jiangshi that got cut out.
Heck Araragi himself suffered from so much of his own internal monologue being cut out of Kizu. Also in the Sodachi stuff, cutting out the fact that his parents temporarily took in kids all the time back then and that Sodachi was just another one of those kids and not especially memorable changes things.
This one, because I suck.
Also, does anyone have the transparent version of this image? I lost mine
Gonna have to go with this. He's even more pure and selfless than rararararagi
You fags are insufferable.
>He's even more pure and selfless than rararararagi
Why make shit up about a character to justify liking him? Just say that you found his character and arc interesting or entertaining
Because it's the truth.
Bat > Monkey > Snail > Everyone else > Cat >>> Crab
>He's even more pure and selfless than rararararagi
He's not more selfless than anyone, he tried to have Araragi's family killed over the pettiest shit. He tries to persuade himself that he has some duty of care over Kanbaru but does nothing for her the entire series because he ran away from that too like everything else in his life, all over some one-sided crush that went south a few decades ago.
Every other male character (which there aren't a lot of to be fair, sure) in the series is less of a pussy than he is. Even the literal teenager. Even the literal dead guy who plays with dolls. The cast is filled with people dealing with actual traumas and he's being a perpetually depressed angstlord over the most menial thing ever, he was atleast entertaining as an antagonist before but his backstory in Hana makes him too ridiculous to take seriously and too pathetic to sympathise with now.
When did he try to have araragi's family killed?
He's probably refering to him selling out Tsukihi to Kagenui
1. Spook
2. Monkey
3. Bee
Spoonfeed me, Sup Forums,
Does Tsukihi's hair mean anything? I know with a lot of other characters their hair color and length means a lot, but Tsukihi changes haircut every other scene.
Does she die and is reborn every time she has a new haircut?
It reflects her capricious nature.
I'd like to know the name of the artist.
Some of her hairstyles do have a meaning. The long one from Tsukimonogatari, Hanamonogatari and the coming Owarimonogatari2 for example. She lead her hair grow out as a prayer to the gods, she wished that Nadeko would feel better soon (she was really about her friend) and also wished that Koyomi would be able to get into college.
After both of these wishes were fulfilled, she asked Koyomi to cut it for her again. Or rather, she wanted to have it cut professionally but Koyomi owed her 30k yen he couldn't pay back so he offered to cut it for her. Most of the time she has it cut completly on a whim. She thinks "I should het a new hairstyle" and it just has to be cut by the same day. See Tsukihi Brushing for that. She's super fickle about everything and doesn't really know what kind of person she is, her constantly changing her hairstyle reflects that.
Also, her hair grows stupid fast, it's kinda dumb nobody ever noticed it. From the short bob to the braid hairstyle from Nekomonogatari Shiro it only took her a week.
Finally watched Kizu 3, can anyone remind me how it went from comatose Shinobu in Bake to genki Shinobu in Nise and beyond again?
She got bored of just sitting there and it's probably pretty awkward being in the shadow of a person you have no contact to. Also she accepted that she cant forgive him and that he cant forgive her.
>Shinobu wore the helmet in Bake so Araragi wouldn't be able to pet him
So why did she wear the bandaid ?
She just got over it on her own. All the fun she has with Araragi helped speed things along too.
Her OP is godly and she's fun, but she's weird looking
>weird looking
Thanks anons, I should probably do a rewatch of the entire series and try to catch more things this time around.
Shinobu > Karen > Nadeko
I like weird.
>liking the one who ruins muraragis life
How long did it take the rest of you to realize that:
There are no ghosts, monsters, or apparitions in the story whatsoever and that all of those are being used as metaphors to explain mental problems? I didn't get that Hachikuji was a real girl from his past whose death traumatized him, or that he did not literally catch Hitagi, but rather, caught her attempting suicide and stopped her, until just recently. Did you guys just understand on first viewing things like that? Or how all of these stories are Araragi's memories that he is sharing years later with his current wife ("Shinobu"), which is why she appears to be all of these different ages? Or how Shinobu was married once before ("minions"/"taking hands")? Like, It took me forever to get all that.
I'm hoping it really was this difficult to get, rather than that I was just retarded and thought the story was about ghosts, vampires, etc.
How did Ougi ruin Araragi's life?
>cute girl/boy and member of his harem
>makes him face problems he tries to ignore
>makes him rekindle his friendship with Euler
>lets Nadeko be her true self
>indirectly causes the death/severe injury of the one person Araragi actually hates
>Only because of Araragi's beloved mentor comes back to town
Ougi did nothing wrong. If someone's actively ruining his life it's himself (or Gaen)
Was this more apparent from reading the novels? Because I didn't get that at all from the anime. What I did get was that each "monster" was associated with some mental problem that each person had, that much is obvious.
Fuck off with your fan theories.
holy shit this is gold
>trying this hard
Neat little theory, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
I don't like any of them much more than the others, but Crab has the best banter and she features in all of the best episodes.
Then where do the specialists come in?
Do Rouka, Gaen and Kagenui have special names like Cat, Bat, etc or do we just call them by normal names?
The best is a girl with the spirit of a male cat.
I can't express how much I need the new season. I need best girl back.
Rouka is devil.
As a backpacker, that's a pretty retarded backpack and she should get a nice internal frame pack with proper hip hugger supports.
As someone with eyeballs, you should post fanart that isn't shit.
it's a ghost backpack, it doesn't weight anything
Cripple, rainbow, lesbian
I fucking agree, the wait is unbearable.
>this is drawn by hand
the fuckin Mona Lisa was drawn by hand too, so that's not an excuse for shit art
>catfag standards
I wanted to say that this is pretty good for something thats drawn by hand. Of course drawing with fucking drawing tablets on pc looks way better but this is pretty good.
jesus fucking christ neck yourself
or at least feel bad for posting mediocre fanart, your call
i don't remember a snowball fight. Which arc is this?
Look into my eyes...
Tsukimonogatari, shortly after they meet up with Kagenui
>patreon artist
You have shit taste.
Tandy... Do I look like a cat?
what the fuck was his problem?
Okay nevermind, I take it back. This is just really fucking disgusting.
So we can only agree that Cat was only bearable in Bake, right?
He can*t even let somebody die who kidnapped his kohai and his little sisters.
Pre-Nekoified Cat was bearable in Kizu