Can a britbong please explain Mogg to me? I'm hearing that there is a chance he may even become PM in 2020. I've listened to him talk a few times and so far I like what I'm hearing and seeing.
>first clip is mogg btfoing a muzzie
Can a britbong please explain Mogg to me? I'm hearing that there is a chance he may even become PM in 2020. I've listened to him talk a few times and so far I like what I'm hearing and seeing.
>first clip is mogg btfoing a muzzie
is that Egon from Ghostbusters
no, its the honorable member for the east india company
He looks like a British Styx
Jacob Rees-Mogg is everybody's favourite to take over the Conservative party IF Theresa May steps down, if she steps down before an election he becomes PM til there is another election.
Mogg is
>Anti-Mass Immigration
Theresa May is:
Theresa May seems to be directing the party to failure and is unwilling to step down, meaning FUCKING Comrade Corbynchev is gaining ground. But Theresa May would rather see brexit fail as it means more muslims so appears to be dragging the conservatives down on purpose
He's really does now that you mention it.
he's favourite to become next PM
Is he UKIP?
What are the chances that May steps down? It seems like people on both sides are not happy with her, I think the conservativesreally only stand a chance if Mogg leads them
Heres some poetry filibustering from mogg
>What are the chances that May steps down?
I dont think the tories will have a leg to stand on in 2020 if they keep May. I feel like she will be asked to step down
better than our current pm. but he is still a centrist tory by the sound of it. just a bit more nationalist.
That's the sinking ship situation that anyone with half a brain here knows we're in. Shits fucked.
What’s a Tory?
British moot?
Local elections take place in May this year. If the Tories lose ground it's a clear sign that the population is losing faith in Theresa May. The recent snap election was a total embarrassment for her so it isn't inconceivable to think that she would "choose" to step down if another failure was to occur.
Mogg would smash Corbyn & Labour. May is an awful PM, no one likes her and she still defeated the "popular" Marxist Corbyn, all be it with the help of the DUP. Mogg, all be it seen as posh and old fashioned would resonate with the British public and become the next PM, and in doing so make Britain great again post Brexit. Lets just hope he finds himself in a position to become the next PM. If the Tories get nervous enough about their fall in popularity then they may feel they have no choice, which would be a great result for the country, as i feel he is our only realistic hope in saving this country from it's clear and dramatic decline.
>American education
bogdanoffs bow to the mogg
This is all well and jolly fucking good but what of our ethnic crisis?
Haha, ok redcoat. How's Brexit going to work out for you?
REMAIN! hahahahah
Have some Mogg footage from 19 years ago of him being interviewed by a jew pretending to be a black man:
Always love being called that.
calm down, british empire is no longer the center of the world
British politics isn’t exactly a major role in the world stage.
Yes, the monarchy still wields power today...
triggered amerisharts lol, learn something from the best
Impossible. Bogdanoffs are in direct contact with archangel Michael and are dictators of the crypto market.
im not a shart
He looks like a British Tojo.
Take advantage of those weaker than you, it's the english way :^)
nice texas flag sharter
What is he saying at ~3:15, please?
Get that wet noodle May out of 10 Downing, she'll never follow through with Brexit
British empire had well over 90% of Non-White population.No suprise you have such high tolerance for other races and ethnic groups.
tories are in your own history you absolute mongoloid
or maybe not, since i'm probably addressing pedro lopez nunez
this guy is like a Harry Potter professor turned to life
Yeah the guys great, however minorities won't listen to word he says, as being a Tory automatically makes him rayciss.
Labour shit for brains voters are hyper partisan so will never vote for him.
He still, I think is our best chance.
Well we can only hope for the best. He's a nationalist, that's a start. But at the end of the day if nothing is done about the ethnic crisis then the only thing that's effected by who is PM is the time it takes for the country to plunge into racial chaos.
I like based mogg but no way will they ever cut immigration. The tories have promised it for 3 elections and done nothing. Hitchens was right, the tory part must die.
Imagine if Mogg and Trump were in power at the same time
It'd be a great change in bargaining position if we got the Mogg close to the deadline
Everyone British empire conquered were either a Shitskins or the Irish.
It was pro Jewish, globalist and had liberal policies.
You have taste of British empire today in London don't you? Jamaicans, Pakis, Indians, Irish, Sudanese.. everyone is there
With BOJO and Farage in cabinet positions :)
>not comrade corbachev
Immigration is not the issue. Immigration could stop today and the "problem" wouldn't go away. The damage caused by immigration has happened and has to be reversed. There are legal ways to do it, but i can't see anyone even attempting to do so before it is too late.
Only if Trump would actually listen to Rees-Mogg and not Macron.
Solution? Is there one without mass slaughter or deportation?
>hiding his flag
at least we had an empire
Yes of course he's our guy, we're all about propping up establishment conservatives aren't we?
>american education
wew, holy shit you're retarded
Your right, you have to deport the foreigners eventually. But toning down the number of pakis getting shipped in would make it easier, much easier when the time comes. An actual semi-cucked, instead of full cucked, conservative party could reduce it heavily if they had the will, there is public support in britian.
He will be PM .
The literal archetype of both nations aristocrats. The memes from photos together would be fantastic
>That cuck face.
Fuck wrong reply.
>Establishment conservatives
You're saying this about a man who was mocked by people on both sides of the isle for much of his career so he's hardly part of the "establishment". He's got good ideas, you should care more about where people are going than where they have come from, and Mogg is pointing in the right direction.
He represents and older form of conservative establishment that's all, still not fucking good enough.
An idea i had was to use their lack of assimilation against them. If they have no sense of "Britishness" then ultimately they shouldn't care too much about moving elsewhere. So what i would suggest the government do is simply make it very difficult for them to live their culture and practice their religion. So for instance you can outlaw certain practices such as ritualitic slaughter, circumcision and faith schools. This is just off the top of my head.
You can outlaw such practices without "specifically targetting" Muslims, even if it would be obvious. Simply making it virtuously impossible for them to eat their food should be enough, in theory, to make them reconsider where they live. I believe if you made it hard enough for them to live in the UK they'll just fuck off to somewhere like Germany. I don't feel bloodshed would be needed at all.
Sorry, i was replying
It will continue the shift towards nationalism that brexit started here. The reaction from the hysterical left will make sure of it.
How will you ban halal? You might be correct but surely Tower Hamlets should burn.
Halal meat is killed in a specific way. Just deem it cruel to animals, which it is and ban it. Also ban imports of it. Forgive me if i am oversimplifying things but i just see it as a way of essentially forcing them out. Any idea of mass deportations is unrealistic, but allowing them an obvious choice to leave however is something i seem as very possible. Though i may be naive.
I don't like faggy free marketers talking about globalism helping china and fucking india. I don't like in those fucking countries, I care about my family, my neighbour and my country you cocksuckers.
Economists who see raw numbers think globalism is the shit. More money for "everyone". Bullshit. It's core is anti-state because states put guidelines on trade (which is meant to benefit the state and its citizens (this shit is usually agreed upon by its citizens)), so free market globalism is also anti-democracy and citizen rights in those democracies.
Economists don't give a shit if your country is ripped apart as long as the world GDP has risen 5%,they aren't social scientists and they aren't even politicians.You know the theory that when people lose their jobs they go on to bigger and better things, that shit is a fairy tale.Most people will end up taking lesser jobs (because of availability of a lesser jobs) and has a better chance of finding two shit jobs instead of one better job.
How many economists think war is good for growth? It certainly generates money, keeps any country with a half-hearted military industrial complex ticking over nicely.But war by definition is immoral.But immorality isn't shown in the economists statistics, neither is family (except as potential workers)
What is the economists solution to rising unemployment? Most economists think 6-10% unemployment is great because it keeps inflation down. Economists never create a job and can be happy when people lose them
I guess when economists turn most developed economies into debt subsidised welfare states, we all know how those states eventually turn out
And before some libertarian fucktard or ancap piece of shit runs their mouth, you're either for your country or against it.Please raise your hand so we can eject your nickel and diming asses.And fuck commies, most nations should be able to live within their means without your bullshit either.
He's trying reverse the insane progressivism we've seen in Britain in recent years. The "establishment" he supposedly represents has long been out of parliament and that is an issue, establishments in the past were proud of and protect the British national identity, Jacob Mogg represents something quintessentially British, and he is genuinely in it for the British people. He spent a great deal of time in the north and north east of England talking to people who live in traditionally labor voting constituents. I've seen him do more to try and connect with the working class than any recent politician in Britain, and that includes Corbyn, because although Corbyn says he's for the working class his main demographic is the young white middle class.
Tell me what exactly do you believe this "older form of conservative establishment" is? How can it be the establishment if they aren't established? You seem to just be spouting the same vague character assassination propaganda that the labor MP's and progressive media have spread about Mogg.
They can't oppose him on a policy level or with reasoning so they just say that "He represents the old fuddy duddy conservatives!" "He doesnt care about anyone but other private school boys" "He doesnt understand or care about the working class"
Which is ridiculous.
hahahaha so true
Tory but full on Brexit
>anglo genetics
Jee-zuss Christ!
Looks like a nerd space alien.
Doesn't that also affect Kosher meat? If so perfect. Or is that just Jews praying to satan over their meat?
Also, enforce convictions for hate speech committed by Muslims, that'll get to them. Another we should do is to deport any Muslim who commits a crime along with his family. Unfortunately we would only be able to do that with first generation cockroaches. In regards to the welps born here there's not much we could do legally besides what's already been discussed.
The Age of Mogg is upon us.
You've got no idea what you are talking about.
Give me some examples of "Faggy free marketers". Which of these vague free marketers is suggesting we "help" china, most free market economist think we should stop working with china because they're not a free market, they're subsidizing industry and altering the value of products arbitrarily which hurts domestic industry.
>Economists who see raw numbers think globalism is the shit. More money for "everyone". Bullshit. It's core is anti-state because states put guidelines on trade (which is meant to benefit the state and its citizens (this shit is usually agreed upon by its citizens)), so free market globalism is also anti-democracy and citizen rights in those democracies.
Free markets =/= Globalism. Democracy is not something to hold in high regard and only someone who's never read a history book would do it. You talk about democracy like it secures the rights of its citizens, wrong, its the best political mechanism to supersede a persons sovereignty over themselves, democracy is next to tyranny.
>Economists don't give a shit if your country is ripped apart as long as the world GDP has risen 5%,they aren't social scientists and they aren't even politicians.
Just saying "economists" is not sufficient enough, you need to say which kinds of economists you're talking about. Which economists exemplify these beliefs? You're just straw manning and getting angry at nothing otherwise.
>You know the theory that when people lose their jobs they go on to bigger and better things, that shit is a fairy tale.Most people will end up taking lesser jobs (because of availability of a lesser jobs) and has a better chance of finding two shit jobs instead of one better job
Creative Destruction is real but it was never said to be a good thing by free market economists, it was only ever seen as an unfortunate but inescapable phenomenon. You'd know that if you'd ever read a book by Schumpeter.
> pencilhead
> bong PM
checks out
The Tory party has basically split up into two parts, the Brexiteers and the Remainers. The more reactionary Brexiteers are led by Mogg and are the smaller branch of the party, but have the benefit of popular support, whilst the Remainers are led by Kenneth Clarke who is the Father of the House. Being Father of the House means you are the longest serving MP and therefore able to wield significant influence over other MPs and your party.
No he's a fucking cuck
The only Bong you should waste your time listening to anymore that isn't on the grand tour is pic related and Nige
Doing otherwise makes you a cuck
It would also outlaw Kosher meat. Ultimately numerous demographics would be effected by the policies i suggested above. But that will be the case because if you was to solely outlaw Halal meat it would be seen as targeting Muslims, opposed to trying to be kinder to animals.
that's because they are both anglo
bullshit, economists think China and India are the new economic wonderkid and they have driven investment and globalism into its market, bullshit economists are trying to stall China or emerging markets at all. Show me your fucking evidence.
>Free markets =/= Globalism.
Globalism by definition is the ultimate world market. The domination of this market is any economists/monopolists wet dream. They will demonoize people/states and govts to gain control over it.
Tell me what is a better representative system than democracy? No system is perfect, but it's still better than global hegemony.
Just saying "economists" is not sufficient enough.
Any globalist economist. Take any economist at the IMF, UN or any Neocon.
>Creative Destruction
Such a lovely piece of orwellian newspeak
>Guest Worker
>Collateral Damage
>Fake News
grow the fuck up kid.
His wife is a descendant of an earl, he has 5 kids. The man has swagger
is that mogg's dad hanging with the beady-eyed god?
he look like a tea drinker
6 kids now, the sixth one being named Sixtus, I kid you not
Nah, Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd president of yankland. The lass does remind me of Eva braun tho.
What a top lad.
Nigga thats Franklin Roosevelt, worst American president of the 20th century
Go back to high school history class user.
Not really. But I wish it did.
> Economists think China and India are the new economic wonderkid and they have driven investment and globalism into its market, bullshit economists are trying to stall China or emerging markets at all. Show me your fucking evidence.
Economists have not driven anything anywhere you fucking moron, they are not omnipotent puppeteers all economists do is observe and report. They're describing market phenomenon whereby people are attracted to investing in emerging markets that are business friendly, places where prices or labor are cheap for certain kinds of production. India and China generated huge amounts of value and wealth in their country, as a result, businesses are investing there as a way to extract some of the value from those countries.
Most free market economists have no issue with trading with india because they have a relatively free market, however China is a different story. Many free market economists do not see it as good economic policy to trade with china when they're not a free market and their tampering in markets hurts domestic production, however, some free market economists see exchanges with china as still being in our favor because
>1. China cannot sustain their economic policies (Which is obvious when you consider the amount of hidden debt that China has from subsidizing its industries)
>2. Because China is subsidizing its industries, we're getting something in exchange that would usually be more valuable but China is essentially paying some of the cost of it for us
It's very mixed opinions on what the policy should be
>Globalism by definition is the ultimate world market
There is already a world market, we're already living and have lived in a world market for a long time, there is nothing wrong with trading with other countries and in fact its generally in our benefit to trade with other countries as freely as possible. Globalism is the method of control for that market, globalists want to supersede state sovereignty
Is this the best the english can produce? They're more fucked than I thought, putting faith in a literal tory lmao what the fuck am I reading
Watch this movie:
Charles III dissolves the government and goes full Monarchist.
They couldn't barrage the Farage
They couldn't stump the Trump
They shall not flogg the Mogg
by pulling all nations under a super-nation banner, things like the UN. You can have Nationalistic countries that still operate in free markets.
>Tell me what is a better representative system than democracy? No system is perfect, but it's still better than global hegemony.
Democracy does not represent anyone except the people who have hegemony over culture. The meta-institutions made up of institutions like progressive government, academia and media control the majority of people. Its not that these institutions are actively working together but they passively inform each other and the public in a way that ensures all of these institutions and the people that make up these institutions retain their control in perpetuity. Democracy encourages deception for the purpose of control, democracy is Orwellian.
>Any globalist economist
Globalist economist =/= free market economist
>Such a lovely piece of orwellian newspeak
It's not new speak its describing the method of destruction, new technology is CREATED and thus old technologies and industries are DESTROYED, its literal and not deceptive you fucking retard.
Read a fucking book moron.
Why are the British so very against Tories?
Mogg is a quintessential British man who believes in this country and the opportunities available after brexit. His speciality is emerging economies so I'd give weight to what he says. Every interview he gives he's knowledgeable and erudite and is just the kind of leader we need to take us out of the EU
They hate the poor/ lower class and since our country is still very class base its still a big problem. While labour dont hate the poor, they just dont give a toss about them since everyone will be poor in the proposed commie state. All the villages and barracks I have lived are all anti-labour but not pro-tory and since every other party is dead they are only choice really. Also Maggie thatcher fucked over the north of England so there is still alot of hatred for Tories from that.