Midwit Peterson

This man is not exceptionally smart. In fact, he seems incapable of abstract thought. His entire schtick could boil down to one statement: "Act normal, because normal is good."

It works on other midwits, but not people like us. We live in abstraction and we are INTP/J. Typically IQ 120-140. Peterson is not this. He is ENFJ... He's a recovering failed normie

The face that he is a college professor should have tipped you off. Truly intelligent people do not become teachers. Teachers are usually hard working, thoughtless people, who think tenure will prove that they are smart. False. They are oversocialized midwits. Peterson's 'internet father figure' might work on other failed normies, but we can do better. Look no further than his mindless acceptance of Christian dogma if you want proof. We can do better than this. Following him is a dead end for your redpill journey. Do not be fooled

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I want stormfags to stop posting JBP and to stop complaining about the amount of JBP threads

Smarter and whiter than you Mohammed

Midwit fag cries

I know OP.
He never states his points clearly on most of the subjects he discusses because he doesn't want to displease any demographics. Always just using big words and waltzing around the topic to fool his patrons for another paycheck and another book purchase.

If only there was a way of recognizing how valuable his work is for those who were bullied into accepting harm done to themselves and others and not becoming a xenophobe...

I'm pro true freedom of speech. I know the reason why direct threats are punishable by law. I laugh at laws protecting feelings and will never obey them.

There are two sexes and a tiny percentage of people born with genetic disorders making them something in between or none could be legally recognized as "third" sex, as long as it's based on medical study. Mental illness - "gender disphoria" can't be cured, just like identifying with younger age group will not make you less old.

Normies don't want raise children in a society where babies are castrated which leads to pedophilia being normalized. If a 6 yo can make a decision about his "gender", legal consent to intercourse by minors comes next.

He's a shitty hero because times are shit, at least he fights leftist cancer.

fuck off leftypol shithead JBP threads are shit but is jBP and you

>t. loser who will never sort himself out

I know you desperately want to convince yourself that you're smarter than Peterson so you won't feel like such a failed retard but you're not and you are retarded.

Sage faggot


Jordan Bernt Peterson is a hero. A Jungian hero archetype in fact. He's trying to save you from yourself you stupid cuck. He's objectively a genius, and Canada's greatest public intellectual.

Maybe the reason you don't like him is because you aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying. Maybe you're just uncomfortable because he tells the TRUTH, and you've been indoctrinated to believe LIES. Maybe you're a feminazi SJW post-modernist cultural marxist, actively trying to tear down the west because "muh patriarchy" but you're too stupid to realize that even if you succeed then Sharia law will take over and throw you off rooftops.

I hope for your sake you eventually sort yourself out and clean your room. I recommend watching this 300-hour lecture series on youtube, it really helped me. I used to be really high IQ but low conscientiousness, but then I started watching Peterson's lectures and now I've really got my life together. I've even stopped chasing those crazy females because it's not a productive use of my time. Yep, that's right, I'm a MGTOW because unfortunately the feminists have won and there's no place in modern society for a REAL man.

I wish JBP would run for Prime Minister he's the only one who can save us at this point.

While I agree with the OP's sentiments, IMO Jordan Peterson is an INFJ.

>Look no further than his mindless acceptance of Christian dogma if you want proof.
Typical kike tactics. Post a wall of truth with one very important lie. We need to become even more traditional Christians, not puss out like a midwit.

>unironically thinks MBTI is actually worth anything

sure thing bucko

>the absolute amount of kike shills in this fucking thread right now

I don't really agree with the OP, Peterson is a smart guy, but he's still a retard civic nationalist faggot, and he has stated that he wants to divert as many young white men away from their self-interest (white nationalism) as possible. I'm sure he isn't knowingly complicit in the destruction of white people's and identity, and may even speak up if he realized the true gravity of what was happening, but he is certainly being promoted as a way to release the pressure of a burgeoning white identity

dude, don't be so stupid.
if Peterson is E then I'm fucking Chad incarnate being E as well. Peterson is Introvert, just like me and most fucking people who aren't complete fools.


> clean your room
> don't be weak

Are such esoteric prose laden burdensome topics only exposed by an ideologue. I am so glad I am more down to earth than him

inb4 jbp fanboys come to White Knight

>he seems incapable of abstract thought
Shill, you los the argument there
how much are they paying you?
Did they told you that what you're doing has no impact in Sup Forums?

Nice kek bro but you are a shitwit
> Bring up retarded personality scheme
> Use IQ as a measure for smarts
> Think that you have special insight
You are just a low tier homo trying to get attention, Peterson is a weak faggot for sure but trying infer shitty schemes and irrelevant tests makes you equally faggy.

agreed brother, our people have to begin claiming our ancestral cultural heritage and all the achievements our race has made , which strike undeniable superiority in the face of the world

The more you whine the more it powers him

>Truly intelligent people do not become teachers
Christ alive, mate.


Tired of leftypol and stormtard anti-Peterson shilling. ITS FUCKING OBNOXIOUS AND BORING. KILL YOURSELF YOU DICKLESS FAGGOT.

IQ is by far the best measure for intelligence

>56 threads and a week later, shills are still focused on destroying Peterson's image with Sup Forums. They did not notice Sup Forums asking them to leave or saying that they didn't care about e-celebs either way.
Y'know at one point I have to assume you're paid to do this. Peterson may be a bluepilled retard, he's still better than most of the teachers and professors I've ever had since he's not a raging leftist.

Literally /ourguy/

I think Jordan Peterson for some people is a gateway drug to Jared Taylor. For criticism on his stuff watch Thinking Ape’s video on Jordan Peterson. He uses metaphors to explain complex concepts rather than scientific jargon and his fanbase is Rick and Morty tier now. I feel regardless of all his faults, he is a good motivator for people and most people who like him are white. So he is influencing white people to go out there, work hard and most likely marry a wife and (who’ll prolly be white) have white kids to take care of.

You guys pushing him away just because of his take on the JQ is dumb or some cuckery is dumb. Let me explain some Machiavelli to you, realistically do you think anyone in today’s political climate would take JBP seriously if he outrightly spoke about the JQ in front of millions of people? No. For now he movement is still in its fringe. He is the best we can do for now. Either like him or hate him, he’s motivated a lot of people. I wouldn’t say he should be away from criticism but please don’t jump in the ‘oh he’s too famous he’s a normie tier celebrity now’ bandwagon just for the sake of it.

Is this pasta

He has an IQ of 245 bucko.

>Canada's greatest public intellectual

That was Glenn Gould, you fuck.

That’s a lot of generalization. He’s definitely got a 130+ IQ and he’s the guy who perfectly summed up the midwit problem. He’s a Canadian and a boomer, most likely an INFJ, which is s toxic mix of feelings and logic.

Do they give these shitwits free reign? It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore.

If Sup Forums is so smart it would be great if some of you would become public speakers because right now the left is completely dominating public discourse--
Oh wait you're all unpresentable pretentious brainlets with no life experience and no talents other than LARPing on the one safe space left on the internet for your kind. Well I guess JBP is all we've got. How depressing.

Remember, folks, all you have to do is click on "Settings" at the top or bottom of the page, to find Filters & Post Hiding.

This faggot is married to a kike and talks mad shit on Hitler and Germans.


Peterson is there for people not smart/motivated enough to read the books themself and need to be comforted by being told/ given the feeling they are something special or exceptional for listening to people, who have "figured" it out. Peterson himself is absolut average intellegence wise, a hundred years ago they would never have considered somebody like him as university lecturer of any rank in any western institution. He however is dedicated, which is what makes people like him perfect to the somewhat above average people to identify with him, who can vaguely sense he is nothing exceptionally (just like them), but he can still present as an intellectual figure. He reads the book and mostly fails to get a decent amount of coherent narrative from the author, but builds his own narrative based on, what he wants to see and wishes to be the moral or facts. He is wise, because he gets what the masses want and how to pretent, but not intellectual.

>everybody here is a nobody, stupid moron and guru woreshiper like me
Maybe you should stop projecting.

lazy pasta attempt