Who is america's greatest foe?

Who is america's greatest foe?

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the central banking system



a bunch of farmers in vietnam

Probably Wilson

George Washington is named Britain's greatest foe? Even I think there are better contenders.
To answer your question, I think the United States' greatest foe is itself. We wish for nothing but peace as we fund both sides of a war

Sup Forums


Probably Japan. We roflstomped Britain and Germany twice but Japan fucked us up pretty good for a year or two.

The British are secretly our greatest foes ever since we broke from them. They have wanted to control us ever since and attempted to do so through central banks until they achieved permanent control through our federal reserve banking system. Rothschilds are their court Jews who control their people in Hollywood and media to demoralize Americans and whip them up into war for oil monopolies that are tied to the British aristocracy.

Pic of Andrew Jackson President of the United States who defeated the central Bank and an assassination attempt by a British subject.


The Jew

>France btfo


Didn't he get his ass kicked in military clashes with the british, even when outnumbering them by quite a bit? Seems silly.

The Jew



Painfully true.




J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and their "Aldrich" scheme to take over the entire country via an enormous banking trust.


Fuck you leaf. fpbp

Why though? He did literally nothing while the French won for him.
I would have thought that Hitler who, you know, spent 5 years bombing London would have been a bit more of a worthy opponent, rather than some Amerimutt twiddling his thumbs across the ocean.


Well Britain are the reason we got involved in WW1 and 2 so I agree

Your reading it wrong. George Washington said the US greatest enemy is the UK.

Jews, Christians, Mexicans


>absolute state of Amerimutt reading comprehension

I mean I suppose so.

Imagine if Britain kept the 12 colonies and had the manifest destiny policy as well.

We'd literally at this point control the whole world if we had the US' industrial capacity

It's the fucking kikes DUMMY.

Who is america's greatest foe?
Same as any country greatest for



Fucking ridiculous, I can tell the idiots who ran this contest have never heard of Napoleon, or Agricola, or anyone from the plethora of enemies Britain has faced. This guy was a second rate general AT BEST.

this, Napoleon could have won if his Generals hadn't been retarded at Waterloo.

Napaleon definitely wasn't Britain's greatest enemy, Wellington's or Nelson's maybe but not Britain's.

He absolutely was one of Britains greatest enemies.
While he may not have actually laid siege to the British mainland, all of their colonies were at risk.

Yeah but Napoleon lost ;^)

The Mongrels, just as the Eternal Anglo fears the Aryan man.

the City of London and Wall Street. And more directly their owners

Saul Alinsky.

I love President Washington more than I love my own father, but let's face it guys... he was a mediocre general.

Incredible statesman and President though.

Maybe not the biggest threat Britain had faced, even if he had won at Waterloo Britain would've trundled on, however he was certainly the most capable opponent our nation has ever faced.

Washinton is the best person who was enemies with Britain.

The romans/saxons/normans are Britains most successful enemies

The French are Britains greatest enemies.

Hitler or Willhelm II stacked the most British bodies.

He really wasnt mediocre though. He handled intel and logistics very well.

44% of their DNA.


The cancer known as liberalism.

>I love President Washington more than I love my own father, but let's face it guys... he was a mediocre general.

Yeah I know all he did was beat Great Britain in a War and gain our independence. What a fag.

Sure he had a good grasp of generalship but he wasn't anything special, there have been far greater American generals than Washington, stellar president though.

Fuck off happa.

Nazis. Mudslimes. Communists. Globalists.
Not the Jews though.
You are aware EVERYONE who posts here is on a list? Did you think we would not track you lowly goyim?


Britain's greatest foe was Hitler.
Nobody did more to destroy the British empire.

Russia. Maybe after 20-30 years China.

Patsy for

They should have picked Napoleon honestly.

Hitler speaks only truth.

Fucking checked. The Queen and London are America's enemy number 1. We didn't have the means back then but now we should take the Revolution to Britain and behead that old cunt. Watch out snaggletooth, we're coming

He was a mediocre general but a great leader overall.
Also, unlike overwhelming majority of military leaders, he was fully aware of his mediocrity.

>tfw you went head 2 head w/ the reptiles and lived to tell the tale


Furthermore, he could've easily become a dictator of the new country, in fact it would be the expected move. Yet he refused to do so.
There's a reason why Washington is seen as a great man, and it's not just American propaganda. He was seen as such well before America became powerful.
But with that said, I don't really see how Washington is the greatest British opponent ever. Loss of America wasn't really some heavy blow to UK at the time.


I mean, there's good reason. Look what he did to the British Army against a bunch of fucking "yanks" kek. Fuck Britain. Buncha cucks.

He did what he had to do. It took a couple victories to convince the french. He kept control over most of the population. It was a war of popular opinion, And popularity for the war sunk faster in Britain than it did in the colonies.

You would have lost it after ww2 like every other colony.Never has a country lost so much from winning a war.

Washington is definitely not Britain's greatest foe, not even close.
If we're talking about Britain (i.e post 1707) then greatest foes (no particularly order) would be:
-Wilhelm II
-Tsar Nicholas I
-Tsar Alexander II
-King Louis XIV
-King Louis XV
This is based on the assumption that 'greatest foe' means 'largest threat'

>wants to destroy greedy hook-nosed run Britain
>let's British forces retreat instead of annihilating them


Churchill was Britain's greatest enemy.

But the brits beat most of these people

>most outstanding military foe

Usury in general

He lost tho.

>hurrdurr Napoleon
>Washington wuz bad

I bet you fucks think Hitler was a military genious too

Newsflash:both he and Napoleon lost against the brits. Washington didnt.

Winning impressive battles is for nothing if you loose the war


Yeah, but in a coalition of the other great powers.


Accurate pic

Yeah, nah.

The Anglos just wanted an Anglo to be their greatest enemy.

Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II or Hitler killed the most island niggers.

Either General Lee or Admiral Yamamoto. Field Marshall Rommel and Crazy Horse are up there as well.

t. andrew jackson
5/5 leaf

Washington was a great general when it came to planning military actions. His flaw was his inability to see that the forces he possessed couldn't actually carry them out. He would devise pincer movements and try pulling off defeat in detail actions only for the brain dead militiamen under his command to fuck off because sentry duty was boring. Once he actually got the fully trained army he wanted he was effectively sidelined as the British were in an entirely different theater and getting destroyed by guerrilla actions. Even at Yorktown it was more a siege than a pitched battle.
His ability as an escape artist are unmatched. I doubt any General of the era was able to extract forces from a fucked situation as well as he could. But this begs the question. Do you need to be an escape artist if you had the ability to measure your troop quality properly?

America's greatest foe is actual white people

Der Eternal Anglo

Trump and his dumbass fanbase

Meme flag hiding...
Show yourself Mohammed

Aleister Crowley pushing the satanic law "Do What Thou Wilt" which influenced the British rock scene to convince kids to break from Juedo-Christian tradition.
The "Do your own thing" is an offshoot of this ideology pushed by rock group a such as the Beatles. Hippies started practicing all sorts of degeneracy (free love and drugs).
These hippies grew up and became the liberal boomers we see today in politics who always push for "equality" in the name of "love". Trudeau is an excellent example of one of these fags who believes this ideology and is in turn sacrificing a working system that lasted hundreds of years. But wait we need more rapefugees because were so progressive and loving!

Washington believed in Multiculturalism.

>mfw the founding fathers were liberal (although classical liberal

Thank you :)


I almost wish that were true!

What did he mean by this?

Establishment GOP
American Universities
Mainstream Media (CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.)

>george washington
>Not Hitler
>Not Napoleon
>Not Kaiser Wilhelm
>some bumfuck colonist in the middle of nowhere that threw a temper tantrum instead

Just say Jews