I sure hope y'all want to support segregated black joy, you aren't racist, right?
I sure hope y'all want to support segregated black joy, you aren't racist, right?
Imagine having a mind so polluted that you can’t plan for the cinema without these ingrained rules dictating whether or not you are allowed to see a movie.
Virtue signalling is a hell of a drug
These people are sick.
White liberals
Im just sick to death of super hero movies in general.
>the white person sucking Black joy
lol, i was wondering what the twit was. I wouldnt mind her to suck some of my joy considering she is so good at handling the balls at the planetary society..
this tweet is fake. can't find it
how have we been losing to them for so goddamn long
it would be great if she got raped and killed by a nigger.
>literal 56% on the left
She deleted it ofcourse
Follow up
Looks like arsene wenger after a sex change.
(Oh wait, i mean gender reassignment surgery.)
>a white man said tha...?
owait its a dyke nvm, literally opinion discarded
I too have been carefully not buying #BlackPanther tickets, and will continue to do so. Enjoy your Black joy.
That entire conversation is pathetic. My country is slowly dying from cancer.
>search her account for "jew" and "jewish" and find nothing
I die a little inside when it's legit brainwashing.
jokes aside she talks about real space science so no don't hate her. She even has her own asteroid
yeah i dont even have the proper words to describe my disappointment.
Shes literally bottom left in pic related.
>I live in all white neighborhood and the local theater have majority white customers
>I won't attend on opening weekend so muh african-americans who are nowhere around won't lose tickets they wouldn't buy either way
She actually thanks someone for a gif.
Too late for that my old chum.
Good point. She doesn't look like she goes to ghetto cinemas.
They don't have ghetto cinamas any longer. The closest poor niggers get to the movies is when they get out of the city limits.
How are there people in the year of our lord 2018 who don’t hate niggers? How the fuck could you not?
>I don't want to go to a theatre full of niggers, the tweet
I'd have laughed but it's unfortunately just serious and pathetic
Translation: I am expected by my shitlib friends to watch this cgi shit and have a discussion about how wonderful it was but don't want to sit in a theater filled with screaming, whooping, lip smacking baboons.
>liberals backing public segregation
Are the old Dems coming back?
guy knows his shit: white people need to go see it, otherwise no more marvel-gibs
So ehrm, what she's trying really hard not to say is.
>When are all the loud, obnoxious stinking niggers done with this movie, so I can go watch it in civilized company
Arsene is more attractive
Sounds to me like she's more worried about being assaulted by coons. She's just asking in a politically correct way. More or less, she's asking when's the best time to go to the theater so that her experience isn't ruined by hordes of smelly niggers smacking their lips together.
All that money for Stan Lee, a white guy.
Why do they always have such ugly faces and retarded haircuts? Self hate coupled with arrogance is such a toxic mix.
Wypipo are not allowed to see this movie.
Your racist eyes defile everything on sight.
>Yes ma'am
that woman masturbates to black on white lezdom porn
this bitch should just give ALL her money and possessions to black people.
now that you have the URL,
go get 'em, boys
a beast like that is real Ireland bro, what the images do not portray is the smell.
She looks like she sucks joy wherever she goes, black or not
Lmfao Australians always cut right to the chase. Nothing else needs to be said about this ordeal.
They're children's movies for fucks sake.
>We didn't want to offend black people, so we gave them their own space to develop their own culture and legacy, which coincidentally is africa.
How the fuck do you "carefully" not buy a ticket to something?
By being extremely rich and segregating yourself from them so long that you would forget that they exist if you weren't surrounded by (((them))) in your extremely rich neighborhood.
... no....
what then is an adults movie?
some chickflick drama or f/art shit?
These characters are all impulse-driven. These people already put substantial effort to abstaining from screeching like a pack of banshees at absolutely everything.
careful not to wreck her career, but also careful to virtue-signal about it.
Why would anyone go watch this garbage, anyway?
So are we going to do a live watching? Could be better than CPD scanner threads
Her husband is Darius Lakdawalla, who is of Indian parsi descent.
I was pretty careful when I didn't buy mine. I suggest you do the same. Anything, and I mean anything involving niggers require the upmost caution.
It is highly advised not to relax around basketball Americans.
This. I'm so burned out on capeshit movies.
No, when you see past that you'll see that she is saying "thank you" for a black woman telling her what is acceptable to do.
Something with a more complex plot, with deeper characters and situations that explore subjects with an equally deep analysis?
Teenagers at most.
I'm sick of adults trying to find a meaning in trivial kids and teens movies/books.
Also, if your social group needs a superhero movie to feel vindicated and stop being disenfranchised, then your social group is scum.
Pretty sure she sucks “Black joy” on the side all the time.
>Something with a more complex plot, with deeper characters and situations that explore subjects with an equally deep analysis?
Give me 3 examples.
She looks awfully Jewish
Is it virtue signalling or subtle racism?
I want off this timeline bros
just let baizou be baizou, user-tachi
focus on the jews more
This is hilarious.
>subtle racism
its like an adult stepping aside for a child to get through.
filthy low life goy like you.
'Cidade de Deus'
'The lives of others'
'The Spongebob Squarepants Movie'
'Mulholland Drive'
wait, isn't racial segregation what we've been pushing so far?
In the realm of books, well, do I need to give you 3 examples? Really?
White liberals are the original racists.
Most of them don't even race mix.
This inverted world is funny af
Capitalizing "black"...ffs
It's especially confusing when it's "Do I see it and support the cause?" or "Do I not see it to not bring my privilege/I'm not allowed to see it" which will always result in still thinking your racist.
ah fuck is that a k-on gif
gotta save it now
Lol theatre cucks. I’m gonna watch it free on some streaming website for free when it comes out in bluray. Niggers will never get my money hahah
>MFW I'll pirate this movie like every other Marvel film so (((they))) don't get shekels
>Claim to fight racism
>Try to push for racial segregation
We should put signs on water fountains for blacks only, so they know wypeepoh didn't poison it
Keep them separated, unique and beautiful.
Look at how they worship the ground they walk on, liberalism is an interracial cuckoldry fetish.
You spposeta buy dem tix 4 a black KANG and KWEEN ta go cee dat muvee. Yo craka azz ain needs to be all up in dare.
Ya fell meh?
Hey. Hell yeah. We up in her!
Watermellon, chickin wing!
Watermellon, chickin wing!
Wolrdstar, purple drank!
>Watching it at all.
I do not understand this mentality. Same as the gaming cucks who know that a game is going to be bad and that they will complain about it but they still get it and play it.
It is as if you are addicted to consuming the flickering Jew and you cannot help yourself even when you know that you are being fed garbage.
>Stan Lee
>forgot Disney
>jews and fags
You must be new here.
Turns out he's a filthy jew.
I took the tweet at face value but now that you mention it does seem to have a mocking tone to it, especially when she asks when it's okay to buy tickets. Possibly /ourgirl/ undercover.
Even if she was brainwashed into this shit, she is still just trying to show how woke she is. If she really cared about this, she would just do it and not brag about it. Wait 2 weeks and see it. Instead she has to tweet about it to show how "woke" she is and win black people brownie points lol.
"blackjoy" more like "BlackCock" FAGGOT
Which one of you fuckers made this account
White women are the same as niggers at this point as far as Im concerned. She would blend in perfectly at opening weekend.
>Beginning its sentence with the discourse marker “So”
Très current year!
Screenshots? I'm blocked from viewing that account that I didn't know existed until this thread.
Three reasons
>wanting to go to movies, not to enjoy a quality film but as a social event, so film doesn't matter as long as it's a simple blockbuster
>muh mahvel cinematic universe
this is what i'm saying, the only thing we should do is making liberals anti-race mixing because "whypeepo destroy muh royal bloodline"
That intrigues me more. What kind of thought process delivered such stupid comment from an intelligent person in other complicated fields of study, ignoring all the underlying hypocrisy and double standards that it entails?
And even having to post it on social media. Liberalism is truly a mental illness.
The fact that some people turned this McDonald's movie as a poster of black progress is depressing; it stopped being funny when people began being serious about it.