Take the diaspora pill. Come home when the time is right. Leaving this year.
Christian Rivera
Lads 1880 was 138 years ago
Feel like pure shit i just want him back
Isaiah Allen
where too?
Jackson Reyes
Japan. It was a route I set myself on fortunately long before the referendum so the timing has worked out.
Tyler Jones
why is the Bayeux tapestry all white people??????? its 2018 come on
Gabriel Smith
I still fucking hate you for this you massive cunt.
Tyler Walker
I'd just feel like an interloper in Japan. They no more want me than I want Abdul next door.
Samuel Anderson
are you becoming an english teacher? japan seems crap for me desu, too much work no fun culture and tokyo makes london look like some small town
Nolan Evans
Keep having to come up with other says to just go "japan" and without sounding like a weeb lol
David Morris
Fuck Holyrood, raze that ugly shit to the ground.
Easton Jenkins
It's just my year abroad this year. I'll be moving after graduation. And nah I don't wanna be an English teacher. My degree's in (for the most part) the history/culture/geopolitics/etc of the Asia-Pacific Region but I'm also doing the Japanese route so I either want to work in diplomacy or at the very least interpreting or translation. We had a talk from mi5 about the possible career aspects of it and it's pretty prospective.
Jose Allen
phew some fucking sense at last
primary sources are obv racist
Hudson Brooks
I've considered moving to New Zealand but they're just turning into a chink colony. There is no unpozzed anglo nation, and I don't want to go live as an interloper in somebody else's culture.
Aaron Garcia
It's not as bad in some areas of the south from what I hear
tried cutting my hair and it went very badly, might have to go full baldy
Julian Lopez
Liam Murphy
> might have to go full baldy probably for the best if it looks a state
Jace Hernandez
>EU migration is good becuase it balances out the pakis
Thomas Wilson
Triggers me every time I see that building.
Nolan Parker
*blocks your architecturely bigoted path*
Ayden Wood
What percentage of Brits you would say look more handsome than average European? Srs..
Justin Baker
Ethan Phillips
Poles out, Pakis in, to you stupid cunt. It's the future you chose.
>Also ironic that you post an image of some brave Polish girl's attempt to make Britain white again. In the future that child will be part Anglo rather than part Slav.
Oliver Jones
WTF I want to be Anglo/Briton now
Cooper Taylor
Does any of you owns a gun
Landon King
>introducing even rootless wiggers and half-niggers >implying that we haven't took in 90% of eastern europes gypos (who are litreally 10th generation pajeets who got kicked) >implying that all of the rapefugees wont be getting there passports very soon
David Brooks
Do you Vlad?
Nolan Roberts
el goblino
Ian Gonzalez
>rapefugees >gypos >implying those are even a significant percentage
Why are Shit/pol/ mouth breathers innumerate?
Mason Carter
Did some Poles bullied you? Because you made anti Polish threads already.They must have Also you took gypsies from Romania and Bulgaria there are more of them there then in Poland.
In the future that will be you sister's child. No more crazy Pole sluts coming over to be blacked.
Henry Hall
i personally ok with most poles im just fead up with the 5 million threads on outerpol trying to shame us becuase brits mostly want free movement ended
Elijah Evans
No wonder she burned coal, that face is dumb ugly.
Nolan Kelly
Honest question louiseposter, BREXIT ASIDE what are you views on race/islam?
Gavin Thomas
Newspapers should contribute some cash. At this point they're the only ones likely to benefit from this investigation.
Jonathan Adams
>shame us You're an idiot. You deserve to be shamed.
Bentley Turner
UK is leaving EU why are you so worried about Poles now?The other guy is right,immigration from places like Pakistan will continue without any change of stopping during Labor or Tories.
Jayden Hughes
Joshua Young
Still waiting for you to post tits montenigger...
Jace Reyes
> muh false dichotomy
They all need to go back.
Owen Butler
Never get on London public transport.
Juan Foster
Perhaps he's in shadow?
Jaxon Hughes
Christopher Sanchez
Any of you lads at uni? What do you think of this upcoming UCU lecturer's strike?
One lecturer at my uni has sent an email around saying us students should support them and 'consider ourselves more as citizens of Uni rather than customers'. Cheeky shit.
Jaxon Wood
>race/islam I think you all worry too much about them. Most of the ideas that worry you 'redpilled' morons are not based on realistic maths or science.
>> muh false dichotomy It's not though. It's probabilistic rather than binary.
Grayson Barnes
>saying us students should support them Will it affect the outcome of your degree?
Grayson Cook
Are the trad wife threads just an excuse to post babies sucking tits?
Carter Harris
Yeah, run away like a bitch and hope that the men who stay behind and fight for Britain win. Cuck.
Jaxson Rivera
>The other guy is right,immigration from places like Pakistan will continue without any change of stopping during Labor or Tories. I understand that, and my main reason for voting leave wasnt immigration wasnt immigration, it is muh sovereignty. The EU courts allready stoped us from deporting arab criminals like Abu Hamza, imagine how up our arses they would be if we actually wanted to do something.
Also i dont automatically think just because an immigrant is white they are automaticlly OK In american and canada 1st generation white immigrants vote as left wing as non white immigrants do
Justin Anderson
me on the left
Easton Thompson
>consider ourselves more as citizens You should ask what share to the taxes (fees) he contributed as a citizen.
Jeremiah Wilson
>Come home when the time is right. >run away like a bitch and hope that the men who stay behind and fight for Britain win
So you're saying you're not coming back and won't fight for your country?
Mason Rogers
>I think you all worry too much about them. >Most of the ideas that worry you 'redpilled' morons are not based on realistic maths or science. so what are you actual views on race then? Are you ethno or civic?
Cooper Diaz
Austin Mitchell
The truth is Britain out of EU is still more like EU in laws than Poland. Labour are socialists and Tories are liberals it looks like EU parliament
Eli Thomas
fucks me over quite a bit, can't see my dissertation supervisor as much as i'd like and i'll end up losing 2 3 hour seminars that won't be made up because of it.
Elijah Russell
>sovereignty This. At least theres a chance (slim) things will change. With the EU there was none. And if we go down, at least it wasnt imposed on us from without.
Xavier Stewart
what do you mean? I cant really grasp how is that possible
Nicholas Murphy
>lol I know you're paying nearly £40k to be here, but my job's haaaaaaaaard so you should support me not providing the service you've paid for Universities attract such horrible, self-oriented cunts.
David Anderson
Civic it is
Liam Roberts
We lose 25% of interaction with lecturers this year. We are also still having to pay for lectures and seminars which won't be happening. It costs around £50 per hour for lectures.
Zachary Brooks
>BBC shows new upgraded study showing Cheddar Man actually looked like this
Kayden Wright
*also the strike goes on for 4 weeks
Jeremiah Rogers
People can still immigrate. They could before retard. We can potentially control for it however.
What you might want to think about is the fact that criminal cartels of Pakis destroyed and ethnically cleansed east London (momentum are still aiding this) bought up the housing stock, turned it into rent controlled by absentee landlords, whose gangta loving sons use it to coerce sexual favours from poor european foreign students who can't pay up (prime location for students).
That is where your Polish and any other ethnicity european people end up.
Wyatt Williams
no he look like this Grey Skinned Beady eyed and a hatred for ayrans
Xavier Ward
Why the fuck is Dubai so rich? I get it they have lot of oil.what else?
Aaron White
this as well, the EE immigrants in more english towns like bognor might be different but areas like this is what most yuros see as the normal
Josiah Kelly
>Grey skilled
You got that right kek
Nicholas Lee
Angel Howard
Understand Chinese finger traps, quick sand and what you should do if you fall off the ferry into the sea.
You answer in all cases is not to struggle. Resist your base animal instincts and use your sophisticated human brain.
>Civic it is Which given time produces a ethnically homogeneous society and leads to the latter.
Ryder Gomez
Its no biggy. Chedder man is just an early hominig is all
Dominic Nguyen
>Which given time produces a ethnically homogeneous society and leads to the latter. But it won't be us, so it doesn't matter to me.
Henry Mitchell
>But it won't be us, so it doesn't matter to me. You should stop pretending you care about Britain.
Carter Torres
can you give me something non cryptic please What is your opinon on the average pakistani? average indian , average african etc?
mostly oil, but also alot of shipping traffic and banking
Nathan Reed
James Butler
>No Kebab shops
That's racist
Ian Baker
Sebastian Morgan
The battle of ideology comes first. Without winning that war against all the owen jones etc, we'll just find ourselves here again...
Nathan Howard
Occupational hazard, innit?
Levi Price
Good riddance.
Kevin Mitchell
Sounds too generic but yeah I think he deserved it.
Adam White
the new paki food of choice is fried chicken
Nathan Cook
Sex slavery. And oil.
Ryder Stewart
This is part of London. Is there honestly perferable over even the lowest of the lowest class Poland sends to UK?
Thomas Cook
>brexiteers SEETHING
James Sanchez
>Sounds too generic It is though. If your occupation is hunting apex predators, getting fucking killed by them is just one of those risks you're going to have to run.
Logan Gomez
>Is there honestly perferable over even the lowest of the lowest class Poland sends to UK? thats not what we are sayinf
Matthew Diaz
You want a robot waifu, buddy? Join us.
Jayden Gutierrez
>tfw no niggermountain gf to dominate me through the medium of UK immigration statistics.
Why even live?
Lincoln White
The regular, labour slavery helps, too.
Low-class Poles are the lesser evil, but ideally we don't succumb to any evils.
Alexander Hernandez
No, I meant my statement sounded too generic. People say it all the time about any animal but I think somebody hunting endangered species on a wildlife reserve deserves no sympathy. You're right though, occupational hazard, and maybe the circle of life. It's not as if the lions gave a shit about whether he was a poacher.
Jace Rodriguez
Is he lying over his part Nog ancestry?He has been attacking Blacks even made a video calling them criminals.
Is he is lying so that nobody can accuse him of racism,because it worked