Memes aside, it was a cute show. I'll still watch the second season.
Kemono Friends
We were doing so well with waiting until the thread was archived before making another.
I want to geimu
3 seasons, a movie, and a mobage
No take a bath first smelly fox.
Is the user uploading the 1080p version of the stage play still here and if so, whats the upload ETA?
Black/green kemono Caban when?
Cute jag, bad OP.
Jag is always cute and frequently hot as well.
What if...Kaban had big boobs?
When is the OVA coming out?
What if this entire time the fans have been wrong and Kaban hasn't actually been wearing pantyhose? She's actually been wearing yoga pants and we just couldn't tell because the CG was so bad?
Would Kaban then no longer be cute and instead be a thot?
Why would she be an Egyptian god?
They are tall socks. Not pantyhose. Legitimately in some scenes you can see.
pantyhose > tall socks
Yoga pants are fine too. They're basically thick tights.
Is that a Saint Seiya reference?
You mean like they're only theighhighs and not full pantyhose?
Going to need some visual proof of screenshots from the series. I don't ebelieve it.
There was a time when they weren't full pantyhose, but that was when they were regenerating.
humburuto pengi
So for that whole month nopan Kaban was running around, until the regeneration made it all the way up?
Why aren't you designing and drawing your own Friend?
because that's one step away from being autistic enough to write fanfiction revolving around the OC character, donut steel
But if you make a nice design they might use it officially. You don't have to write anything.
1. the morning after her rescue, and defeat of bigdog
2. the celebration / repaired bus/boat unveiling
3. when she is about to actually leave
No, it’s a Jojo.
Seems like a lot of people elsewhere are jumping the gun on that being a S2 announcement.
Not if you're actually good at it
I want it to be true so bad, but we need more info first.
Humbaruga pengin
What is this trying to prove? Its obviously still regenerating.
Is the bluray subbed and released yet?
I wont be surprised if ANN/Crunchyroll start reporting it as fact soon.
I wonder if Crunchy would still be on the production committee for S2?
Actually it would be great if S2 ends up getting, at least partially, funded by the zoos.
Has it become ok to lewd the friends and treat them as sex friend/sex pets?
Which are off limits and which are encouraged?
Dunno why they wouldn't be, its not as if the anime is massively popular over here and the rights could be really expensive or anything.
All the females I draw end up looking like males though. If it wasn't for that there would be fan art of a bearded dragoo Friend.
I think KF would be in a better position to fund zoos than vice versa
draw reverse trap bearded dragon
no that seems like an idea
Is KF in a good position to fund a real Japari Park with genetically modified kemonomimi girls or android Friends?
is there subtitles or anything?
>Which are off limits and which are encouraged?
All are off limits. None are encouraged!
I'm sorry but I can't even draw twinks.
There are some new ero mmd videos of the kemono girls. Pic not related.
Link them.
Was getting banned part of your plan?
I'm a superior phone poster. It cost me 15 seconds or renew ip and flush cache. Worth it.
Piss up a rope, purity-fag.
i thought he was asking for evidence of when her stockings were socks. my mistake?
I will reborn as Capybara in Japanese zoo in my next life.
What about Emperor? Wearing such slutty outfit is basically the same as saying "please, fuck me."
I want a pet capybara. They seem like nice creatures.
You should be a comedian, user
Does Japan have any animal stereotypes that are different than in the US/west?
For example, here in America, we think pigs are lazy, owls are real smart, raccoons are thieves, etc. Does this all translate over into Japanese culture too or do they have their own stereotypes?
That feeling when the hot spring on your property is now gone and no amount of digging or re routing will ever bring it back.
yea i'm deleting that, it was terrible.
World trigger lied to me about their size.
Those things are huge.
Would lion tenderly nurse a wounded hik back to health?
this is funny because of the way more of them just keep appearing and all appear to expect to fit into this tiny pool.
Why are you asking about Lion?
there's probably some reason why it's a bad idea, wild animals sort of thing.
That's one tiny Capybara.
Ehh? They have been pets for a long time bro, i have 5 of them.
Ones in the wild have ticks but apparently the domestic ones are fine.
That was after she got nearly killed and her skin got melted away so she was regenerating. This proves nothing.
Pretty sure there is NO proof Kaban doesn't canonically wear pantyhose that go all the way up.
They are good pets, but not for everyone of course.
okay i am sorry for my lack of knowledge, i will research domestic capybarae.
Most people own several of them since they pretty much need to be in groups.
This user is probably not lying.
I suppose the only way to know for sure is for someone to pull down her shorts.
I was thinking about that. You wouldn't want them to get too lonely. I was wondering if they would get along with dogs or other pets though.
>“Capybaras are not the right pets for most people, or even for very many people,” writes Ms. Typaldos on her blog, Capybara Madness. “They require a tremendous amount of time and attention, they can be aggressive, their teeth are extremely sharp, they need a pool for swimming and fresh, non-toxic grass for grazing, their food is expensive as are any veterinary expenses.”
Yo user, you mean like this?
The Black Cerulean ate her gloves and underwear. In the the screens you showed, they're regenerating...
This is correct. They need a pack or they develop behavioral problems such as living in their mother's basement and masturbating to anime.
whats the source here?
Gimme a week or two, and I'll bring the number of pictures of Saltwater Crocodile up to three. Probably won't be colored, but it'll exist.
If you must, better to take it to
>As herd animals they need a constant companion. If a capybara’s primary bond is with a human and he becomes separated from that human, the separation anxiety the capybara experiences is far more intense than that of a dog. For this reason if you care about the capybara’s happiness you must be prepared to be with him/her day and night. Not many people have the time and commitment needed to have a pet capybara.
That's pretty good, I'll grant you that. Still borderline autism, but pretty good.
Bear is fucking scary
>living in their mother's basement and masturbating to anime.
But that seems like a pretty normal behaviour.
>Before you go ahead and adopt a capybara, reconsider your choices.
>While they are extraordinary animals and are very tame, there are many drawbacks to keep a capybara as a pet.
>First and foremost, in some places, it is illegal to keep them as pets. In Texas and Pennsylvania it is allowed to keep them, and in many other places, you would need to consult your local legislation to see if you need any special permit.
>But legal formalities aside, make sure you understand what keeping a capybara as a pet involves.
>Capybara Family
>As you already know, capybaras live in groups, thus adopting one animal only will not be good.
>You would need to adopt at least two capybaras, but preferably more.
>Secondly, consider their size. They are huge. They are more than twice the size of a jackrabbit, they are the biggest rodents. Keeping at least two big rodents in good condition may be challenging and costly in itself, but besides that, they have special needs as well.
>capybara drinking
>Because they are semi-aquatic creatures, you would have to provide them with plenty of water at all times.
>And they need plenty of space. It is not a wise idea to keep them indoors, as they will chew on everything they find. Your carpet and furniture won’t be safe with a capybara nearby.
>If you still decide to get a capybara as a pet and provide them everything they need, make sure you have a nearby vet who can take care of the pet if needed. And make sure to fence the place where you keep them, as otherwise they will run away, as they are very fast animals.
It's be, at least in part, like having a fuckhuge Guinea Pig. You've interacted with Guinea Pigs before, right? They chew on literally everything.
Jesus christ man
Capybara san please go out and get a job. You cant spend all day masturbating to anime girls. Me and your father love you.
I wanna have tanoshi with Otter's butt.
I hate deer, but that doesn't seem very nice.
I want to fall asleep holding otters hand so we dont drift away while we rest.