I need muh second amendment to protect me from da governme-*BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM*

>I need muh second amendment to protect me from da governme-*BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM*
>"Got him. Kill confirmed."

Other urls found in this thread:


US soldiers are never going to agree to kill US civilians. Their oath is to the constitution, not the military.

The only you faggots need is more dick.
Fake and gay.

God you fucking eurocucks are so bloody stupid. This same idiotic non-argument is repeated almost daily when you know it's been refuted 20 years ago.
The fundamental truth of a government being hesitant to attack armed citizens is self-evident, but I guess if you understood the basics of human responsibility, checks on government power, and the duty to arm and defend yourselves as citizens, you wouldn't be the pathetic, conquered shit hole you are today.

I can't wait until you're just another third-world middle eastern country. It won't be long, faggots.

Death has Tyron's face


>muh dronez n shieet

>US soldiers are never going to agree to kill US civilians.

Someone post the nips general response to this nonsense and then sage.


No one posted it yet?

>never going to agree to kill US civilians

>hurr the US will bomb its own country

Lol you're retarded. They can't drone strike everyone. I can 100% guarantee you that if they DID drone strike an American patriot, there would be no less than 10,000 patriots in DC the next day with guns under their shirts, waiting to blow the head off any politician in sight.

>some random 2nd-generation sandnigger who joined a terrorist group

And yet it hasn't happened. Funny, that. Those pilots DO go home, and that home would be here with their families , not conveniently across the world in sand-nigger land. Food for thought.

why does this stupid and dishonest argument keep getting spammed

the instant the government uses heavy arms against the citizens, the entire government ceases to exist within 24 hours

small arms prevent the government from abusing or over-using the only strategy it is capable of using against citizens, and that's a soldier based security apparatus

There aren't enough drones + drone missiles to take out every gun owner in the USA. Every town outside the big cities would have to be wiped out completely.

Hahaha fuck SLIMPF and fuck the mutts!

Imagine Burgumpf trying to fire a rifle anyway. Dumb fuck would probably point the nozzle at his head! Dumbfuckmpf!

if there is no politicians to give orders then how will they command the army

>untrained civilians cant-
>*entire vietnam war, iraq afganistan entire US foreign policy happens"

we have this thread every day. the same Predator drone picture, the same stupid fucking premise. slide thread.

use that options box nigga

Fuck this shill thread. Stop replying to this fucking thread newfags.

wow! And you call us bootlickers.

so if some isis sand nigger grade retards can shoot down drones, how can Americans fail.

>the goyim will continue to go to work, consume and pay taxes while cities are subject random drone strikes

WHY does this thread get so many replies every time? Is this Sup Forums now?