The end is nigh brothers. Collapse is upon us. A new system will arise from the dissolusion of the old one...

The end is nigh brothers. Collapse is upon us. A new system will arise from the dissolusion of the old one. Degeneracy is done and onward will come a new system with a strong sense of morality. Its pretty funny, cause Ive been talking to various types of big spiritual figures from various countries and disciplines/religions and they have all agreed that there is a sort of big crisis (of the identitarian/societal one) coming. What are my fellow Sup Forumstards doing/learning/teaching/developing that can very well help you or help others transition to the next society?

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I actually agree. Look at all of the problems in our culture and then look at frustrations between men and women and women acting like whores while also getting more political and economic power. The effect on men has been devastating on male leadership as well and emasculated entire generations.

The 'sexual revolution' began as people, mostly women, wanted to destroy traditional puritanical morals concerning sex and marriage, then we got Roe v. Wade, then we got no-fault divorce in the 70's and now everything is just fucking great.

The logical conclusion to all of this is that Whites need to adopt their own form of Islam where we bring our women back under the domination of men. That is the only way we survive. Doesn't have to be Islam but Islam provides the best model for such a society.

We have about 1-2 decades to make an about face with regards to our ideology or it's game over.

Islam requires that you point to Mecca and visit at least once in your life. It is inherently submissive to Arab culture and Arab people.

Things go to shit and we start over, it won't be the first time it has happened. Emulating and submitting to third worlders isn't going to make a damn bit of difference.

Islam is a shit tier model. Islam wrecks entire civilizations. The only thing they get right is patriarchy, and it isn't even a sensible form of patriarchy, it's a retarded polygamous shitfest.

I Freaking hate how women decided that they basically wanted to be men nao, and they took the worst elements of "manhood" i.e. Promiscuity, Workaholicism, overagressiveness on competitive settings.
Im a psycotherapist, and this is the profile of every highbrow women. And the worst part is they are ALL miserable. The overly promiscuos are incapable of sleeping around and cant hold a solid relationship, the workaholics want a partner but when faced with the fact that it WILL detract from work suddenly they dont want one? and the agressive ones are obvious, they get hyper betamales cause any men with self respect wont want a women who wants to dominate and humiliate them (They eventualy cheat on the beta males).
It is quite a situation really

>sexuality must be restrained in a world with limited resources and complex social structures
Color me shocked

A society that spends so much time watching porn and taking drugs is bound 2 fail.

Look out world, the Jews will need a new host!

Societies Always Fall.

Ive never made a thread or post before, I gotta admit that I get the (you) meme now. Not a newfag, I just lurk and keep it at that.


First rule of civilization: keep that pimp hand strong

Well yeah, that's a given. The point is that there are stages for every civilization and there is always a road to collapse. The one being featured in this thread is the dissolution of the morality withing sexuality

What I always find strange is how women seem to think "being strong" is the same as "being abrasive and unpleasant". Most guys I know don't consider that a sign of strength in another guy.

Everyone here gets that, senpai.

>Things go to shit and we start over
This right here is the spirit of Americana. Embrace it, you silly cardboard-house-in-tornado-country-building motherfuckers.

But in Mexico you can get married young so why not just get a young girl who hasn’t been corrupted yet and turn her into your housewife? I’m 24 and my family tells me I shouldn’t date a girl below 20. They even tried to set me up with a 28 year old woman. Can you believe how cucked that is? I work my ass off making a good career for myself and they expect me to settle for a woman who has not done anything of note besides sleeping around for 10 years since finishing high school

Se siente bien, viejo.

Preach it brotha


Reading this shit just makes me want to go to church.
>tfw raised in a secular family

Things are very traditional in a LOT of parts of Mexico. Even the cartels get that shit. I already have a redpilled gal. Im getting married this year. Probably having children in some more years. Im 25 but Im working on some career stuff (im actually a psycotherapist and an Opera singer) to see if I can get accepted into an opera house

Do you need some tissues for your masculinity, snowflake?
Talk about an emasculated generation. Fucking scared of women having sex, literally. I'm sure a fair lady virgin will allow you to take her precious cherry one day, and you two can both have pure, virgin sex.

White sharia

Not Mexican, but his southern neighbor. We also marry young, and even tough many woman work today, nobody takes shit from them. In our countries the man is still the king of the house. The one who is a beta is mocked by everyone. There is still a pride in being the provider and head of family. You are still respected.

Latin America may have many problems, but bitches ain't one.

These sound like problems men have with the same issues. I.e., workaholics have trouble holding a relationship over their work. You really just sound like your mommy didn't hug you enough at night.

I was raised in a chatholic family, but we were never into it. I discovered spirituality through various esoteric therapy branches. I recomend just the buhddist philosophy if you want. Its great and it leads to redpills that this board needs. But they will accuse me of a jew conspirator if I tell them.

>In human records there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on pre-nuptial and post-nuptial continence."

Surely this is the sort of thing our society should be at least vaguely aware of.

Fucking finally someone that the appeal to authority simpletons will listen to admits this ffs

t. Butthurt roastie

This NipLatin poster is right. Women know their place (as long as you are not in one of the big Amercanized "now with extra freedom" cities, which are the equivalent of leftists cities on America.

Cucked britbong

Go read the history of the fall of Rome. There’s a reason they implemented a bachelor tax.

>Spoiler: it’s because women became hoes and men no longer wanted to marry them.

When ideology takes over its game over. They can only see whatever forwards the ideology. Feminism/liberalism/socioreductionism is a hell of a drug

Actually sorry I insulted you, I don’t really know how to read, but you also don’t know how to write well.


that puts shit into perspective now..


Just here to remind you all our culture is reaching it's Winter

Better writer than you shaniqua

>The more men a woman’s has been with, the higher chance of divorce with her future husband
>Women initiate 80 percent of divorces

If you don’t want your kids to have to suffer through a divorce of their parents, it just makes sense to date a virgin only. I’m sure you will find some loser to share his betabux some day, but if a woman wants my alphabux she needs to give something in return

If you step back a little and look at history it really is clear we're all doomed. The same pattern repeats every time.

You are absolutely right.
Here is the thing, these are afflictions that had only affected men and started to happen to women when second wave feminism came by. They didnt just want to be legal equals of men. They basically wanted to be better than men. And apparently to be better than men they had to do worse things than men. So they adopt the worst things from "manhood".

This is literally my diet

Dont worry, the world will go on. System will collapse, but we aint going anywhere. There is always the option to rebuild, and this time not let the jews in.


I would take Greek yogurt out, it's high in sugars. But that shit is so good.


Societies begin to fall once women start to enter positions of power. Women should be treated with respect but also put in their place.

This is true, widely practiced and accepted transgenderism and homosexuality are always the final domino before total cultural collapse

We've a global economic powerhouse in our hands and it isn't going to fall because of gender rolls. In reality we will see the markets shift and money decides which companies are going to last and which companies won't. We're not seeing a fall of all things, only a fall of degeneracy as regular traditional ways will continue to survive. Anyone who cites Rome is an idiot. First of all Rome didn't have the same magnitude of an economy as it is now and neither has the same resources either.

I don't even know if they are major causes, but it's certainly concomitant with a general moral collapse.

>Intellect - Disney movies
>Decline - The Lewinsky Scandal

How you know this shit was made by a boomer. DIE ALREADY

Never said a total collapse, but a crisis in the population will inevitably affect the nation and its systems as a whole

I've never understood this about Sup Forums. So because I'm a good looking 27 year old guy with a career and I have casual sex often, I'm a degenerate? How? I'm not lying or promising these girls a husband or anything. I think you're just angry and bitter. I'm in a good position in life, I enjoy sex, I love women and I like seeing them enjoy my dick. Maybe you're just ugly...

>Roaring 30's
The chart is overall correct but what a foolish error


>muh dick


We’ll all take the Patriarchy Pill in the end whether we want to or not.
Either we reinstate patriarchal norms or are conquered by a civilization that has them.
And by “conquered” I mean they will simply outbreed feminist societies over 100 years to the point where they simply have to step over the bones of our deceased ancestors.

Your 27 years old not 18 anymore. You should have settled down already and had kids.

Maybe I'm not seeing the picture as bad as you do.

Well said user, well said

No, you are trying to justify promiscuity, but the truth is, that whoring around is degenerate, whether you are male or female.

There are many good reasons to have sex only in long-term relationships/marriage, for example emotional stability and abilty to bond (applies mainly to women), microchimerism, STDs, impact on culture and society in general.
People like you are part of the problem, because by behaving like a whore yourself, you give whores chances and validation. Therefore the will think their behaviour is alright, yet it does destroy our society and culture. It does stop us from achieving bigger goals. It does stop us from evolving spiritually.

Sorry, citet the wrong sentence by coincidence ... *facepalm*

The only way this can work is if we can stop these fucking kikes.

I'm not sure anymore.


t. teenager

more on topic

Lesson from history transgender mania is sign of cultural collapse camille paglia

Dr. William L. Pierce - Why Feminism Means Genocide

Adolf Hitler On Feminism

Get right


>good looking 27 year old with a career
Yeah you’re a degenerate because the non-degenerate thing to do would be to start a family at this point. Instead you’re just ruining a bunch of THOTs further and contributing to the downfall of our civilization.
You think cause you have money and you get girls to tickle your weiner you’re accomplished?

Not the annon your responding to but I'm curious, what have you personally done/ accomplished for the betterment of our society?

Also no, posting on Sup Forums dose not count.

prayer is retarded as fuck. imagine being so full of yourself that you honestly believe you deserve to be heard by God. you stupid fucks seriously need to stop spamming God with your worthless prayers. whatever you're praying for, just nut up and do it yourself you fucking faggots. God probably abandoned this world because he was sick of all your spam

Because someone does nothing you don't have to do the same.

Stop sprouting bs, get your shit together and follow us to reclaim our heritage.

Meanwhile Italy:

>Abolished alimony
>Reinforced fault-based divorce law
>Reinforced Father rights
>Before - 40% of "refugees" got denied refugee status; now close to 65% .
>Non-whites in decline - only western country where this happens
>30% less arrivals thanks to new international agreements with Lybia/Chad/niger.


I am going to miss fapping to foot fetish, mommy pov, and scat videos. Hopefully I will get to keep my files when the new society forms.

see for an example on that it IS possible to turn your state around.

I guess I better start learning spanish again then.

> all powerful deity couldn't handle full inbox of prayers

Yeah but why? What's the anthropological explanation?

what's even going on in that picture

Greetings Brothers and Hail Victory to the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler - Soon what I predict is that our people shall mobilize - they must be mobilized and trained in self-suffiency and the labor that entails. I was thinking that the model Nazi Germany had for their youth in a labor organization to train our youth to produce things of value to our nations, and ultimately train them to fight, and become soldiers for todays and tomorrows battles

Deutschland, Sieg Heil !

It's not being "scared" of it, it's seeing it as the worthless devaluing of yourself that it truly is. Sex and who you have it with has meaning. I'm sorry to burst your hedonistic little selfish idiot whore bubble that you use to convince yourself that you aren't, in fact, a worthless whore, but you are and I will.

It goes the same with men who whore themselves around. How can you expect a woman who's been prudent with herself sexually to pick you if you've been out banging a bunch of skanks? Worthless people like you don't even have the capacity to begin to understand virtues such as these, which is why you're running around aimless as literally the most pathetic generation of self-destructive, retarded morons the human race has seen in centuries.

Sexual modesty, chastity, and monogamy are evolved traits. Monogamy is actually a far healthier environment for raising healthy children, and we don't act like fucking animals any more because we have the capacity to reason and make sound decisions. We also have self-control, but how dare anyone suggest that sex actually has a purpose and implied responsibility (actually the most crucial and important responsibility - creating and raising a human life) when you fucking selfish and pathetic pieces of shit have bought the lie that sex is just for fun and you should be able to do it whenever and with whoever you want with no consequences.

We need White Sharia.

Women are property and not entitled to male rights.

>a psychotherapist and an Opera singer
Good job, lad.

No need to do something special like create a new technology or plan a nation's future budget to impress a woman if you can get your dick wet whenever you want on the side of the road.



Wow. Just wow. Are you actually considering Islamic ideas? You don't need to control women with Islamic laws or any kind of laws you idiot leaf... all you have to do is reduce the number of laws, i.e. Shrink government. The only reason women can get away with their current lifestyle is because the divorce courts, single mother benefits, abortion clinics. You take these things away and reinstall the threat of women paying for bad decisions and the nature of women will change drastically.

>And the worst part is they are ALL miserable
They could have it so much easier. Just get pregnant and run a good household, and stay pretty without spending too much money.

Their lives can be so easy. In the end, they are looking for the same thing men look for in older age, having a family.

buying guns and getting jacked. also looking for a wifey

>What I always find strange is how women seem to think "being strong" is the same as "being abrasive and unpleasant". Most guys I know don't consider that a sign of strength in another guy.

And this mentality doesnt stop with adults. For example in schools female teachers will reinforce aggressive behavior for girls. If a girl is aggressive and mean towards boys, female teachers nowadays will consider it a positive attribute and encourage her to not change. It is truly a disease of gigantic proportions affecting everything.


>jaded whore that regrets giving her virginity to scum bag Steve when she was 15.
It's ok. We were all lied to about sexuality. Just learn from your mistakes

Every society an anthropologist examines has failed.

White Sharia is a meme.

Once you accept Islam all other identities come on second place. You are first a Muslim, then you can be whatever the hell you want. But remember, you can't discriminate against your fellow brown and black Muslims. It is haram.

I remember reading a story or watching a documentary about rome before it fell. They said something about people becoming obsessed with sex to the point where they were drawing dicks on everything. And growing up i noticed the same trend happening in america. Everyone thought 8=D was the funnies thing ever. I saw this coming.

Just stop beating around the bush. Every society fucking fails. Society is a shit idea that needs to stop happening.