This is Spain, say something nice about him
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Thanks for this guy
He's an honorary US citizen too
Nice people. Certainly much better than their northern neighbour. Also, Francisco Franco.
Emilo Mola was a good guy.
Great food, wine, and beaches
Its not France
I said say something good about Spain, not one of their worst creations.
sexy women
pretty much my favorite non-slavic europeans
You're the master race
Dont have to work because there are no jobs.
At least they are not niggers. Oh wait...
>Be Spain
>Vote leftist government (which I used to vote for every single time)
>Leftist government spends a fuckton of money in welfare programs
>Leman Bros crash
>Spain becomes laughing stock of Europe and we are completely fucked for years to come
>PM inserts law that states that Gender Violence can only be commited against women
>Exclusive number that women can call (016) in order to get men into preventive jail for a couple of days
>Men are put into the sex offenders registry WITHOUT PROOF OF ANY CRIME
>Most are released after 32 to 48 hours but they remain in the sex ofenders registry
>After this law was stablished, the number of men being killed by their wives stopped being published by the ministry
>Number of female victims of gender violence has INCREASED after the law
>Number of male victims of domestic violence has INCREASED after the law
>SO WE VOTED FOR A RIGHT WING GOVERNMENT against that leftist government
>Our right win political party is one of the most corrupt Ive ever seen in my fucking life
>Literally broke a bunch of hard drives when they were going to be taken by the police.
>We get hate from EVERYONE because we are the only ones that are not accepting a massive amount of refugees, but we are the only ones that have been dealing with refugees since the 80s
To be Spanish is to fucking suffer
They have finally started issuing warnings leaflets to tourists, to inform and protect them from their SJW laws.
I also laughed a lot at the reaction of the triggered feminists.
We have good wine and games are preety cheap!
I agree with you Spain is currently a fucking shithole and is extremely saddening to see this country turn into a sad sack of shit. But have faith that we'll collapse.
Spaniards aren’t white
I agree, we're Iberian.
Vox when?
Thanks m8
NP bro, come see us any time, we are very welcoming!
They're alright
Spain is kind of a meme country now, but everyone in europe is so who cares
>get the Iron Cross in 1943
>go to Washington in 1955 negociate the installation of US bases in Spain
As soon as people get their fucking act together over here, damn
Go away
Ive heard that the whole rap culture in Spain grew around American bases.
Whiter than you
Thanks for the (you)
We are not white, we have the blood and skin in our bodies of hundreds of nations all around the world. If I had a DNA check I would probably be just like 10% white and everything else would be 4% arab, 5% african, 7% etc.
I dont understand why we became so cucked, I do not like Franquismo but, at least they were not full on hipster faggots
Thanks for the (you)s
Man, of all nations I wouldn't expect Uruguay bros to be mad at Spain. Ive got so many friends from there, cool place
so they're just like New Zealand?
Np bro
Dont forget that what franco hated the most was communism, the spaniards that fough in the second ww were straightly tought to only fight againts communist in the russian front, in the cold war its normal that Franco wanted to possitionate against the urss again
>Tfw a friend's father died here, burried in the snow, never to see his family again.
>Tfw my friend told me he wasn't even a political person, just wanted to defend his family and country
World War 2 fucking sucked man...
I was considering shit posting by saying that you were/are muslim Africans but I’m embarrassed to say that I know almost nothing about that time period. Plus I am feeling lazy so I figure I’d go for the classic b8
Yeah. Rapebabies are desperate to go there. I was recently to the airport and the people that boarded for Spain were all a bunch of favela type people.
We will always envy you.
show bobs
I like the moor bait, works every time.
Don't envy us Mexicanbro, we are merely your parents, te queremos
Well basically it was muslims came and destroyed the fuck out of us and france. We joined the crusades a few centuries later and fucked them back to the place where they came from, we even took a lot of land from them. Nowadays muslim apologists mention the crusades time and time again but they never mention the reason for the crusades. Cheers m8
Didnt know that, well, I must had been lucky with my m8s
best flag, pic related
Yeah man take care!
To deny North African admixture would be autistic but it's interesting to note that the Moors viewed Infidels as 2nd class citizens, and as infidels they would not have mixed with us and we would've paid the infidel's tax that is paid in every Sharia country. Most north african admixture comes from the Carthaginians and Phoenicians
satan pls no bully
same to you, mutt.
Muttbro, I don't care if you're a mix of Yurop, but it annoys you all so much that we can't stop
Nice beaches n shiet.
jaja, que payaso
Traveling to Portugal this year. Should I bother hitting Spain?
I have a jar of Pure Honey Unblended from Spain, it is pretty alright.
Yeah man, come check us out, just be careful to go to catalonia. Its not that its a bad place its just that theres SOME catalonians that have gone full retard and hate Americans for voting Trump.
Of course, muttbro. Spain's a wonderful country with beautiful history, you can't go to our portuguese province without going to the other ones
Potatoniggers > Anglos.
We'll help you take over Britain if you help us get Gibraltar and Portugal back
Fuck Gibraltar, I want Sahara
Based Spaniards.
Hey man are you implying that Muslims conquered and sacked Spain? Islam is a religion of peace m8!
Charles should have won. We could have had a giant Habsburg empire dominated by Spain and Germany.
When I went to Spain for vacation
Mostly everyone was white
I do too desu, a lot nicer, but what can we do. It's probably too late.
Most people in North Africa look white, been there, seen them
Arrest=/=Jail, mysoginist cuck
What yu tryin to say?
i went to spain once and the air smelled bad
thats not nice but it was pretty interesting
Went to Tunisia, I agree. But go to Morocco or some place closer to sub sahara and you'll start seeing nignogs or nignog north african hybrids.
Good starting position in EU4.
Saw a few obvious nigger migrants and Arab looking people but the general public was very white
You come to Spain to fuck and take drugs, not to breathe the air.
Yeah definetly, I dont think its bad to look kind of moorish, it speaks about our history and the conquests. Preety rad desu
it was in valencia have you been there?
maybe i smelled the niggers all the way from africa i dont know
We do have a good amount of north africans and gypsies here to be quite honest, but yeah I know what you're talking about
To be quite honest, I think that it depends on the time of year, for some reason when it gets cold in Madrid it smells preety bad, and I dont know why. But this has only happened to me like twice and it was always during winter
Spotted the Morisco. Almost 20% of native Spaniards don't look white, they're at best 10% of NAfricans, counting the descendants of Spanish and French settlers
went to menorca and madrid , it rocked! my grandfathers were from vigo.
Ehh, how about no. I don't mind having admixture from our history but the moors... I don't know why I have such disgust for moors but not phoenicians, carthags, byzantines, romans. Maybe it's because Moors didn't really do much? Idk
I live there.
Man I dont really care, I probably am. I was born in the Canary Islands. I dont think there's anything wrong with it, but after travelling to morocco and Sahara I saw that most people looked very white
I see!
Come back to me when you birth such beautiful races onto this planet.
ahhh, you're from the canary islands. That's different then. It's like expecting a nigerian to look asian because it's a colony. That's completely different. Yeah I don't mind that type of admixture
have you noticed a stink there? or maybe notice a difference in other cities?
Yeah man, come visit us any time!