Why are servers so cancerous...why do they demand to be tipped for just doing a basic function
Why are servers so cancerous...why do they demand to be tipped for just doing a basic function
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Fuck off JIDF shill
Sage if you respond
Other than that, tipping is optional. It started off as a bribe to a server to deliver your food before others. It remains a custom in America. Not tipping is a dick move, but not that much of a dick move that you should bitch about not getting one. Also, that church was filled with dumb prots. They deserve any guilt they get.
I served while in college. Made good cash.
But it was the only time in my life I wished I was a girl in yoga pants. They make more than rocket scientists.
Until something actually changes you have to be a real dick not to tip, ya the restaurant is supposed to compensate them but restaurants usually only have a 15-30% profit margin-per-plate, and that's being generous. I worked in dinners to get me through HS and college, most places won't even tell servers they are supposed to be compensated
Tipping is just one of many things which shows how lazy is Americans are. In Europe you get way better food and service and they don’t even usually expect a tip. American servers can be the rudest person ever and still expect 15-20%
Tipping was originally a way for servers to make extra money in states that didn't have mandatory minimum wage. In places like California there's no reason to tip a server any more than there is to tip a cashier at a retail store.
I refuse to tip. My industry friends are all insufferable cunts.
this lmao. every guy can appreciate a nice looking girl in yoga pants.
i am not tipping
pay your staff properly
if you want extra suck my dick on the way out and i will hand you a 10incher and blow up inside your anus
HA that lazy cunt didnt even wait the table it was a take out order
she wants money for doing literally nothing, and she says 15% at least which on that order would be 100$ or so
Because in the US the pay is so extremely low they NEED the tip. For that sake they've ingrained in their culture that tipping is obligatory.
Stupid americans.
>flexing $600 total
the absolute state of females.
>In Europe you get way better food and service
hahahahahaAHAHAhAa NO
>Coming in to eat or takeout, you should automatically be wanting to tip 15 percent
Not true though. In some state they have a minimum wage imposed (higher than ours).
I should have used past tense.
As I said, it's ingrained in their culture.
Tipping actually encourages individuals in the service industry to work more efficiently and hold their work habits to higher standards.
Source: Worked at the car wash throughout highschool.
I like tipping.
yeah then I agree
I deliver pizza for this local pizza restaurant in my town. Last night i worked from 12-9 and got 88 dollars in tips, the previous day I got 69 dollars working from 4-9. Also get paid 8 bucks an hour. Dumb easy money.
>poor people think $200 is a lot of money
lol. Poor people never change.
tipping was made for when you got excellent service not for being a faggot
I almost never tip. Also, the only places I eat twice are places that I tip the waiters. The rest of them I just give them a bunch of shit to see if I can't make them lose their shit or break down.
>I don't even give a fuck.
>when you hold your months salary to your face and brag about it
What's tipping? Never heard of that before here.
I used to be generously but I am disinclined these days, since generosity from customers is exploited.
It can not be in my opinion that a waiter demands a tip as a matter of course. He must do his job, tip or no that is his occupation there.
And it can not be that the manager adjusts the salaries because waiters get tips. That is tantamount to a flat 10% price increase across the board that he forwards to the waiter and the waiter to the customer.
So both waiters and management exploit the generosity of the customer.
Hence why I am reluctant to give tips these days.
I work at a restaurant and the managers just make fun of the waiters/waitresses that complain about tips.
>"What were you saying about terrible life choices?"
>won't pay the server because you feel the owner should pay better.
>reward the owner's poor behavior by doing business with them.
Moral relativism and/or mental gymnastics to avoid realizing how selfish and cheap you are.
Why not both?
Euro food can be pretty bad, and the service can be quite shitty. Also, Europe is mostly White so your argument is irrelevant. It's like compare apples to monkeys.
>why do they demand to be tipped for just doing a basic function
IT was a carry out order.
Nigger lost her job for being a nigger.
Being stingy on tips (unless you're punishing bad service) communicates that you see the servers as your equals who you want to win out over in some way rather than as servants, who it would be noble for you to look after with a small token.
Not tipping in a culture where it's normal broadcasts loud and clear that you're low on the totem pole, just like your server. It's absolutely plebeian.
What do you know? It's a fat woman. Fat people in general are pretty cancerous. Their laziness and entitlement bleeds out into every aspect of their life and is made apparent through their physical features.
Have fun serving at Denny's or George Webb when you're 50 and too old for any other restaurant to hire you
That's $200 EACH.
Why would anyone stop being a waiter when it clearly pays so much?
Servers usually always make more money that the line cooks.
Just saying.
Last restaurant I was at, they had touch screens at the tables because they were trying to phase out the servers, and just replace them with "Runners" who took your order to your table, and nothing else.
But they're probably offering him a better price for service because they aren't paying their staff.
Fuck it, why not take advantage of a broken system?
Also, McDonalds employees are paid better than waiters at these places. If they aren't making that much, work at mcdonalds instead.
He doesn't have to think about how fucked those employees are, he can just enjoy whatever food he wants for whatever price they show.
“Coming in to eat or takeout, you should automatically be wanting to tip 15 percent,” said Yoder
>tipping for takeout
who the fuck does this? why do servers think they deserve a tip for takeout? fuck these entitled pieces of shit
>Fuck it, why not take advantage of a broken system?
White people generally don't have this kind of shitty attitude, Achmed.
That's all well and good when you're 23 and hot, wait until you're over 30 and still a server, no husband prospects, no education. You'll end up working a truck stop and giving blow jobs on the side for a stiff $20.
>15-30% profit margin
Thats actually pretty high
>Because in the US the pay is so extremely low they NEED the tip
frog posters are worse than leafs
>$200 bucks for 4 hours worth of work
u mad
I'll tip a little bit if I have a complicated order and ask the waitress for a few extra things, but nowhere near 15%. They're not serving me drinks or otherwise hovering over my table.
My brother made 110k a year serving in a fancy restraint in Monterey, fucking bullshit
Servers in the US (excluding CA) are paid $2.13/hour. The tips ARE THEIR PAY. If you like tipping, don't go to restaurants.
That said, it's a horrible system that allows restaurant owners to not pay their staff when the restaurant is slow.
Jesus you idiots are mind-bogglingly ignorant.
>she thinks she is entitled to a tip
>of AT LEAST 15%
>$735 order
>she thinks her unskilled, uneducated, overweight ass deserves over $100 for waddling 15 steps from door to car with 4 or 5 bags of takeout.
what you said makes sense but this dumb bitch said you should be wanting to automatically tip 15% even for takeout
I was mad until I read it was a carry out order.
You don't tip for carry out, literally all the server is doing is handing you your food that the kitchen boxed up.
Now if they had come in and sat down, and ate all that food, and stiffed her. That would make some sense. Still not something you should share on facebook, but it's at least a little justified.
>at all
hearty kek
A good rule of thumb is, if everyone you know is a "cunt" chances are you are the one whose actually a cunt to be around.
You're obviously a fucking idiot and don't know how shit works. Whoever rings up the to-go order gets taxed as if they got tipped for it. You get automatically taxed for every dollar you sell, both on to-go orders and the tables you wait on. When some cheap cocksucker doesn't leave a tip the server ends up literally losing money for having served you.
Tipping on take-out? You don't tip cashiers at the grocery store, why here? It's different if they serve you.
only filthy kiks demand gibs and harass goys for shekels
That's tiny. I work for a mill making company and the profit margins are upwards of %500
500% That's ridiculous.
I'm in a totally different industry and I only mark up the proucts I sell by 50-60%
another incident that made me think ((US)) service is the worst in the world.
I was in sephora buying a shitton of make-up on behalf of a chick i know.
the cashier, around 20-25, says "hi how are you?" without any eye contact, no smile, just scanning the shit i bought. i pay, and want to go out. cashier: "oh can i just see the receipt?" me: "why?", cashier: "i want to know how much promotion i got". so the only actual interaction with the customer was to get to know how much money she made off me - and that was after i already bought all the crap.
i have never experienced a more egotistical cunt than this. service in the US is on garbage, par with india. fuck it.
Tipping for takeout is retarded.
I was told by the director for the mining board of Canada (who also works for our company) that we could build the parts and ship them and scrap them five times and still make a profit.
Cry me a fucking river. I'm not leaving tip because you tied up a bag and handed it to me, go fuck yourself retard
She probably rightly assumed you were a faggot since you were buying makeup.
I tip nearly everywhere i go especially on vacation but NEVER in the USA because they are entitled assholes.
I even got in a fight with the owner of a restaurant once who put a obligatory 15% in the total and i refused to pay it.
>"Ends up literally..."
Reddit/woman detected
[Citation needed]
>director of the mining board
>also works for the company
is that even legal? I'm a 19 year old brainlet who makes his money dropshipping chinkshit so i have no idea
kek, didn't realize this was takeout. Bet she was expecting a $100 tip to carry a few bags out to a car (I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even split tips). What a dumb cunt.
Except that's not true.
In Minnesota, servers are paid minimum wage plus tips. It's the law to pay them minimum wage, and no less. Tips are a bonus.
>is that even legal?
Its Canada, this place is more corrupt than poverty tier eastern europe or south american countries. the only difference is that no one talks about it because everyone here assumes this country is great and perfect and everyone is so nice, eh
He carries a lot of weight in the industry. And it sure is. He's built a reputation for himself and as far as I know it's perfectly legal.
Do you have brain damage?
Wait what? Americans tip on takeout orders? Why? There's no waiter to serve anything to you.
Do you tip the attendant at the gas station when it's self-serve too?
>I brought it out, put it in the car
Bitch did her job.
>Implying anyone who is a cunt gives a fuck
you wanna tip? pull down your pants, bend over, and spread your ass cheeks real wide and you'll get a nice long TIP
The tipped minimum wage in California is $10/hour, same as the normal one, which means a bartender in California will get $10 plus tips. Let's say they get $1 tip on average per drink (would probably easily be more if it's a hot girl with her tits hanging out but whatever). Let's also say they serve an average of one drink every two minutes on a busy night. Again a relatively conservative estimate.
So now you got some fucking bartender making $40+/hour on a Friday night while someone working at McDonald's or doing physical labour carrying boxes at Walmart only deserves $7.25 per hour. Because that's what American society has decided is the right thing to do.
According to a common labor law provision referred to as a “tip credit”, the employee must earn at least the state’s minimum wage when tips and wages are combined or the employer is required to increase the wage to fulfill that threshold. [1][2][3] This ensures that all tipped employees earn at least the minimum wage: significantly more than the tipped minimum wage.
I used to sweep floors back in highschool and this old white guy gave me 100 bucks and told me to use it for college because sweeping floors is nigger work. Thats the only time ive ever gotten a tip.
Bartender/Server for over 25 years here anons. I loved every bit of it cause I made a shit load of money and and banged alot of chicks. If you don't have a college degree it's a great profession for above reasons. Don't hate on it.
This is complete bullshit. You only get taxed on reported tips, and most of these cunts never report their tips. Get fucked.
I don't but some people do. I probably would on a $700 order
credit card tips user. it's why we prefer to be tipped in cash
How is expecting others to subsidies your paycheck not a commie thing?
Most of us don't tip on takeout.
If they're anything like the servers I've worked with they're about to go blow all their cash tips from the night on lotto tickets and wine
utter bullshit
I never tip cash, pay your taxes like everyone else, nigger
But why? The cooks make the food, you pick it up. The servers don't do anything. Why would you give someone money for doing nothing?
If I come down there, and watch a guy change your tire will you give me a tip?
Former server/bartender here
This shit happens all the time, the good ones let it roll off their backs because they know it's not the only table, smart servers and bartenders don't work for corporate restaurants, for long anyways
I made over 40k when I was bartending, sure you get stiffed sometimes, and trust me they WILL REMEMBER YOU, but you let it go because there's always more money to be made if you're good at your job
These fucking idiots posting to Facebook crying about getting stiffed are privileged little faggots that never faced adversity in their pathetic lives
She wants a $110 tip for walking bags of food over to a car
*subsidize, still drunk I think.
Waaaaah kill yourself. It's all a tax dodge. Tipping needs to be eliminated so all these scumbags can be forced to start paying taxes again.
>while someone working at McDonald's or doing physical labour carrying boxes at Walmart only deserves $7.25 per hour
so find a new job
it's all good user, it averages out in the end
This is blatantly wrong.
Servers can be paid a MINIMUM of $2.13 an hour, but only if this + any tips they earn exceeds minimum wage.
If this $2.13 + tips is less than minimum wage, then the $2.13 has to be increased so it + tips is minimum wage.
It is the law that people have to always earn minimum wage without exception. If they make more than this from tips, they can be paid less but never less than $2.13 an hour.
I don't tip. Servers are too entitled and they always suck at their job. I worked as a server for a year once, so I can tell when someone is slacking off, which is 99% of the time. So fuck em. I want to eat quality food without having to subsidize your shitty wage.
Only in America would this ever be an issue.
I don't tip. If you want more money, get a better job. I already paid you, so fuck off.
Go to Japan and try tipping a server there. They’ll flat out refuse it
Having a real career is still better though, tips are only good money until you reqch a certain age, at that point you could have easily earned more. Went through this with my gf, she used to make way more than me as a server but after a couple of years and a couple of promotions i make about twice as much as her now. Serving is great but its pretty dead end.
you probably sucked at it then user. If your good at what you do, you bank.
That's untrue. You get taxed on your sales. Do you honestly believe the IRS is going to just take your word on how much you made? They assume you get tipped 8 percent. If you're a cheap prick and don't want to tip then fine. But don't justify it by acting like you know how shit works when you don't.
The real question is this. Do you tip for takeout? I don't
if they have a tip jar out i throw a buck in it what ev.