This is how future looks like and it's beautiful
This is how future looks like and it's beautiful
Have fun with your Aids-Ebola!
fucking race traitors
disgusting but the situation is beyond saving now anyway
show dem the way
which one is the groom?
I know my kind was kinda lewd when it came to our "Brazilian adventures" and all (damn clergy!) but in all honesty I still would.
it's beautiful
hope them have a great life
She's obviously using him look at the way she looks at him jesus fuck
Who wouldn't?
>the nog in the back
stop assuming gender, bigot!
Eh same
Did you notice how they don't show the guests from his side?
user, możesz sobie w końcu przygruchać jakąś czarnulkę i z łaski swojej wypierdalać? Z góry dzięki.
why do they look so sad on weddings day?
Guaranteed to be a fat ass in less than 5 years.
Link to honeymoon vid?
he looks pretty /sig/
pic related is aftermath
black women were made for BWC.
No to słabo w chuj, bo praktycznie codziennie wrzucasz tu te murzynki i już się to trochę nudne robi.
Is this from that Married at First Sight show?
bambo prosba, jestem tu pierwszy raz po kilku miesięcznej przerwie
Can't blame the bride I mean at least her children will still somewhat look like her and have a higher IQ. Can't say the same for the groom though
God knows I would too. It’s not our fault, brother, Med genes infuse our minds with pernicious thoughts of womb colonisation.