Dragon Ball Super
Who will Vegeta job to?
Reminder Dragon Ball Super is what keeps Sup Forums alive with 10 threads per day.
Reminder Toei a shit
Leave #18 to me
Sorry Citizen, but I must tend to the donuts.
Reminder that guy got banned.
Holy shit fuck you so much Toei.
This is what will make me give up this stupid fucking anime. This shit right here you god damned assholes.
>being this triggered over a kid's show
Is this how power level fags felt after Mary-Sue Caulifa and Copy-Paste Kale housed Goku?
>tfw to intelligent too knock Kale off the ring
Not Cabbage because there still is Brianne for him to face.
Really? Based Mods hopefully these earlier thread faggots like OP here are next.
Reminder Goku black is more beautiful than this ningen.
Fuck off, no one cares.
I feel bad.
missing the yardrat
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
>dumbass chadposter got banned
Reminder to keep quality posting to a maximum.
He didn't go out nigger
yes he did
Is Son Goku cute?
Yardrat guy is Jimizu
>Toeipablos saving gay porn
No he didn't, watch the scene again, he teleports
Defeats Hit, Jobs to Jiren.
he was teleported to the benches due to falling out of bounds
I always wanted more porn of this scene.
What weekly show is that?
I also don't think the fast-and-loose sketchy half-finished look would suit Dragon Ball
Reminder that Caulifla is beautiful.
Look again, he hits the ground, but bounces himself off in a recovery spin before he warped away
These threads are fucking garbage.
Haha sucker spammer you had to crop the size down
Yes user
This is a better reminder
Should have done both panels with Hitto, Vegeta losing like that was in part a surprise strike.
Rereading the Buu arc right now.
Did anyone remember that both times they fucked up the Gotenks fusion, it was Trunks' fault?
Prove it.
We never saw Zeno hitting his button.
Jobbing is the same as losing.
Welcome to every DB thread since the start of Super
>half of the U10 squad knocked out
oh god someone save Gowasu
Murichim will pull through, right?
No it isn't, jobbing is losing with the express purpose of making the winner look like a threat. A "jobber" is someone who repeatedly does that, like what Gohan or Piccolo do.
No it's not
That's the fucking reason I made the chart
his name literally means hopeless team
who wrote this episode? that jelly vegeta guy?
>tfw your favorite godtube streamer gets erased from existence
He's done lads
losing is only a small part of jobbing
not all canines are wolves, dipshit
Could I trouble someone for a gif of Cauli growing buff and a gif of her shrinking to normal in reverse? I would appreciate it it.
Also I really wish Kale just became super confident instead of "kill son Goku" when she transformed.
What a waste!
U10 will be next to go.
The difference is jobbing is when you lose for the expressed purpose of boosting someone else up.
Its obvious because its never a struggle fight, and Goku is usually next in line to fight.
>oh god someone save Gowasu
Zamasu will arrive to the tournament and save his team
>Also I really wish Kale just became super confident instead of "kill son Goku" when she transformed.
It's a berserker rage user. That's her thing.
edit with the second last frame being them fucking when?
She would try to attack the gods and angels.
I would use Yamcha as the ultimate example rather than either of them. Gohan and Piccolo at least got to be relevant and important at times.
Yamcha was always (in Dragon Ball at least) shown off as "look how much stronger he's gotten!" only to be taken down relatively easily by whoever Goku faces in the finals.
She can still be that and not be mindless. Even the Hulk as some level of rational thought.
>Also I really wish Kale just became super confident instead of "kill son Goku" when she transformed
You only managed to set yourself up to disappointment user. Not only did this shit happen almost the exact same way with Cabba and for similar reasons to boot, most of her rampage was an "homage" to the broly films.
Dragon Road made like 20 doujins of it.
Trunks is a Butch, if it was up to goten he would have fucked buu's shit up, since HR was angry as fuck about his mother turning into a snack and trunks literally didnt gave a shit
>gets erased
And nothing of value was lost.
Yeah then they passed the torch to Vegeta.
Beerus is next..
what were the ratings of this eps
Did the Namek/Frieza arc have the least amount of jobbing?
Everyone who won the fights made sense. Yeah there were a few asspull zenkais but overall probably the best arc.
> mfw goku jobbed to kale to make her look good
> mfw kale jobbed to hit seconds after
ss blue is the biggest jobber form. Ss3 isn't a jobber form but proven to be useless. There is a difference. Blue has been used to make other people look stronger.
They really didn't though with Cabba she smiled at him and said "Cabba I'm gonna kill you first." Which IMO seems more like a split personality then fembroly.
But your right I shouldn't have expected them to play it smart.
Fuck, I hate Broly so much.
Yeah but his artwork is pure garbage.
Can Vegeta actually go SSJ3? Is he too dumb to figure that form out?
Vegeta won his fights after Goku weakened them, Gohan somehow was able to damage Frieza, Piccolo was there for no reason, Nail who?, Frieza jobbed to himself
Vegeta also managed to be relevant. Yamcha and Chiaotzu are the only characters who never were.
Frieza's arc had the most absurd power level shifting in the whole series.
It's pointless like that bulky muscle form.
Broly is finally God tier!
18 is cute!
Frieza arc had the biggest bullshit because of the huge jumps from zenkai boosts.
Cell Saga had asspulls but not really a lot of jobbing I think? Piccolo & 17 were evenly matched outside of 17 literally just not getting tired by nature of his design. Fucking Tien did a thing. 16 held his own for way longer than anyone thought he would. Goku fucked himself over against Cell.
I'm seriously trying to find out but can't find it anywhere.
Whoever it is has to be the biggest piece of shit I know. This is straight up NTR bait.
I'm so goddamn angry.
On top of it being mostly useless it's treated like something Goku invented and not something that's normally natural to saiyans, weirdly.
Goku disabled them, Vegeta killed them because he wasn't stupid at that point. Gohan's rage was still hinting at his potential, but Frieze shook it off pretty quickly. Piccolo was there to get Frieza to his next form.
yeah it did but Frieza lived up to the hype as a really strong character, you just had the zenkais massively boosting people. It was great when Vegeta got his and still got his ass beat.
Even though Gotenks could do it?
You forget that everyone got butt raped by Cell Jrs.
Admittedly I completely forgot that Gotenks existed, disregard what I said then.
>Toyocucks saving gay porn
Pfffff hahaha
Broly is a shit tier character. Kale is an even worse version of him
pretty inconsistent from episode to episode.
>forgetting the one true God of Destruction
nobody told me geekdom was a spic wtf.
He's fine.
Calm your tits autismo it was just a joke to tease him
Super Saiyan 3 drains far too much energy. I don't think Vegeta was particularly interested in it as a form.
Especially since he has Blue now, which is better in every way.
in terms of Arcs with the least amount of jobbing in Z
Frieza might be the one.
Saiyain saga was that only the C-listers were outclassed besides Krillin and Roshi
Cell saga had some equals to the androids and somehow Tien manages to hold off Imperfect Cell
Buu saga was Job city down to Gotenks, Gohan not once but twice, Vegeta, and Fat buu himself
and part black
Cell JR stopping final flash
Goku made it seem like the natural progression of transformations when talking to Caulifla
So did dragonball just forget that saiyans had tails?
>Admittedly I completely forgot that Gotenks existed
That's reasonable.
Fuck, when are they going to age them up already and we can have a more mature Gotenks rather than annoying brat Gotenks?
He probably could. Question is if he'd look better than Goku in the form