GOWDY: Director Brennan, do you know who commissioned the Steele dossier?

GOWDY: Director Brennan, do you know who commissioned the Steele dossier?

BRENNAN: I don’t.

GOWDY: Do you know if the bureau [FBI] ever relied on the Steele dossier as part of any court filing, applications?

BRENNAN: I have no awareness.

GOWDY: Did the CIA rely on it?


GOWDY: Why not?

BRENNAN: Because we didn’t. It wasn’t part of the corpus of intelligence information that we had. It was not in any way used as a basis for the Intelligence Community Assessment that was done. Uh ... it was not.

Other urls found in this thread:


a known liar

>did the FBI ever rely on the Steele dossier
>I have no awareness
Even a liar is afraid of the oath and can't help but to reveal the truth while under it.

If I liar says he has no awareness of an issue, you best bet he does.

Everyone who served at the top levels of the Obama administration are serial liars. Not stupid, pointless lies to inflate their own ego like the ones Trump makes, either. Nefarious lies to cover their own unethical and criminal behavior.

The Obama administration was in every way many times worse than the Nixon administration and they'll get away with it because they're part of the ruling elite. They're on the inside of power and we're not.

>4188 permutate 1488
CIA Niggers get lynched by black patriots. inverted karma

Bump for rope

Brennan is a commie traitor who deserves the rope.

except they no longer control nukes, cant really hide, and will be put on santas (satans) naughty list and vigilante justiced by cupheads when the Don calls their bets. they went all in on 2016 and busted on black jack clubs high vs a red diamond king royal flush. Never go Full retard in 4d chess.
Only the ace of hearts can Trump the stacked deck when this HoC falls

And now he works at NBC, so he can make up more fake shit.

Please post link op. Validation is more important on Sup Forums than it is to a FISA court.


redpill me on the 41 words

>being this autistic

Isnt Gowdy the one who shielded Hilarry during Beghazi?

No he ran the investigation he wasn't shielding, in fact I'd say outside of the first hand accounts of the guys who were there he was able to shed the most light on the whole thing

Bump for evidence.

Back to plebbit newfag

But he failed to get anything from it
Hilarry remained free.

No shit fuckhead welcome to US politics, Trump isn't getting impeached and Clinton isn't going to jail

So then Trump lied on it all for personal gain, which makes it fraud
And Hilarry has been dead since December 16

I want to believe all of this is satire but I've actually met people that are this fucking dumb.

We must secure a shitty image board using 2003 era coding stolen from some Japanese guy who is now our beloved but not really overlord for the future of our shit posting troll 2D meme children because that feel when no waifu.