Suijin no Ikenie

Continued from the previous thread.









>What's your desire?
>Shitty water god probably thinking "I'm gonna fuck that loli"




Christ the writing with this quote. It just screams literal shoujo prince.































This manga is way too fucked up. Keep posting though.

Another boy for the harem?



Smartphone isekai



What's the point in bringing this up if nothing is going to come from it? It's just needless suffering.









I forgot she got blue eyes.





I thougjt they said they were grey in the beginning when she was with her parents.

Side note, why didn't she try using the woman's phone to try and call home? It would definitely have a bit of impact if she kept clinging to it as her one shot and last chance to contact her world, and the failure of doing so would be much more empathic.








The screen is cracked. It's probably broken.





>Never had a cracked screen snartphone
The possibility of it nit working exists, but it's just as likely that it's only the screen that's damaged.

I would have thought it wouldn't work because it's been so long since it's been properly charged.












I wanna say thatbwater god isn't doing that much of a better job, but he seems oddly attached to her.

I'm pretty sure he dragged her from her world subconsciously.







Oh boy. Prepare to get your hopes dashed once again.

