If Jesus wasn't a Khazar then what was he?


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What was he, Sup Forums? Was he black, arab, white, or some other race you can tell me about?

he was the son of Julius Caesar and a kike slut named Mary who was married to a carpenter that didn't show her enough attention
So i guess: Nigger

He was God

Sure, but what body did he choose? Did he come here as a weak khazar like the media says or a strong built white levantine like the shroud depicts?

He was God

Who cares?
I tell you a man was God and you ask how much pigment he had?

...Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear?...

Why don't you just admit Jesus was white already? It's the truth so why not say it? Has the board really been subverted this badly? How long will you insult your God by calling him king of the kikes?

A jew?

So god is a jew?

Here's what Jesus looked like, according to the letter written by Publius Lentusus to the Roman Senate:

"Lentulus, to the Senate and the Roman People, greetings,

There has appeared in these times, and, indeed, is still living, a man of great power named Christ Jesus, who is said by the Gentiles to be the prophet of truth, but his disciples call him the Son of God.

He raises the dead and heals all diseases. He is a man of average size and pleasing appearance, having a countenance that commands respect, which those who behold may love or fear. He has hair the color of an unripe hazelnut, smooth almost to the ears, but below his ears curling and rather darker and more shining, hanging over his shoulders, and having a parting in the middle of his head according to the fashion of the Nazarenes. His brow is smooth and quite serene; his face is without wrinkle or blemish, and a slight ruddiness makes it handsome. No fault can be found with his nose and mouth; he has a full beard of the color of his hair, not long but divided in two at the chin. His facial expression is guileless and mature; his eyes are greyish and clear. In his rebukes he is terrible, but in his admonitions he is gentle and kind; he is cheerful, but always maintains his dignity. At times he has wept, but he has never laughed.

In stature he is tall and erect and his hands and arms are fine to behold. His speech is grave, reserved, and temperate, so that he is rightly called by the prophet, "Fairer than the sons of men."

Thank you, finally someone praising their God instead of calling him by a name that currently refers to monsters.


Get right

>"unripe hazelnut."
So his hair colour is green?

All this mental gymnastics that he wasnt a SHITSKIN JEW.

He was racially caucasoid with light brown skin color. Ethnically a semitic jew.

I'm almost certain they mean brown, but my dirty blonde hair looks green in certain light.
Pilate was referring to a different tribe than what normies call jews.

>he was the son of Julius Caesar
Kek, that's what Christians wish


He was a sami

>Publius Lentusus to the Roman Senate:

Lentulus is probably a fake though. Too bad.

A Jew.

He was an Asian Buddhist

>Why don't you just admit Jesus was white
Bro, Jews aren't white.

Letter is most likely apocryphal, as are other similar descriptions of his appearance.

Unfortunately, it's not really known precisely what genetics the Nazarenes had. We don't even know if Hebrews were originally Semitic, or just mixed with Semitic tribes. Their origins are, at best, unclear.

So Jesus was a Berber?

Hold up, Masonic Talmudists never had a relationship, the man and woman would fuck until she got pregnant and go back to her husband.

He doesn't behave like a jew and condemns the jews. If God came as a rat would you step on it? Rat Jesus died for all rodents not just rats. Also Jesus was huwhite.

a middle eastern.

/honorary huwhite/

Amen brother

The arguments against the authenticity of Lentulus's letter are basically summed up as:

>There wasn't a Judean Governor named Publius Lentulus
>A Governor would have written to the Emperor, not to the Senate

However it's been noted that the earliest manuscripts make no mention of Lentulus being Governor of Judea, and that this was likely a later addition or (more likely) a mistranslation (invalidating criticism #1). Given the time period in which it was written Lentulus was most likely a Roman Counsul, who would have addressed correspondence to the Senate, not the Emperor (invalidating criticism #2).

>born in the kingdom of judea in northern israel

>eastearn european
>born out of a long dead kingdom who converted to judaism who's former inhabitants spread across eastern europe and parts of western europe

make the connection yourself retard

Pure aryan nordic goyim. Stop asking questions

>that this was likely a later addition or (more likely) a mistranslation
Well, show the latin original in that case.
>Lentulus was most likely a Roman Counsul
Why would a Roman Consul visit Judea?

Why would a Roman writer use the expressions "prophet of truth", "sons of men" or "Jesus Christ"

sorry to break it to you
but Jesus was black
the people everyone shits on and hates
those are God's chosen people
can you guess how fucked everyone is
when Jesus gets back