Kiki's Deliverty Service

Just watched this in theaters.

Holy FUCK is this movie overrated. Not only was the theater filled with a bunch of fucking children ruining the experience, but the movie had absolutely no conflict. The thread about her wanting new clothes to fit in with other people wasn't resolved, and the ending was contrived as fuck. It was just a bunch of self-contained stories that might have worked as a mini-series but certainly not as a feature film. There was very little growth other than her wanting to save this one dude, did she ever find her passion? Her inspiration? There was no conflict with other human beings other than initial hestiation to interact with them. Absolute garbage IMO.

Any fellow anons have a better experience?

Jiji is my waifu

This isnt uncommon Miyazaki movies. They vast majority of them has good visuals but shoddy writing and cradboard characters. Kikis and Totoro are just the worst offenders. Many people will call you contrarian because these movies are often treated like same holy grail, but youre not alone in dislike this overrated shit. Kikis bowtie is cute, though.

It's not that kind of movie.

Why not just stick to watching shitty hollywood flicks?

Not everything needs conflict or character growth to be good. Fuck off, peabrain.


>liking Miyazaki

>he was expecting michael bay action and chris nolan drama in a miyazaki film
Holy shit nigger, what the fuck are you doing?

Very good flight scenes, typical miyazaki.

Live action is better.

Lol retard loves planes so much but doesnt know how to give them realistic ascents. What a delusional otaku.

A lot of miyazaki films are "nothing too interesting happens"

It's a comfy movie, like totoro is. Not a master piece in any way but isn't supposed to be one either.

>I watched it for the plot

my experiences with Miyazaki so far

what you said

>Princess Mononoke
preachy jumbled mess

>Spirited Away
has some really plodding didactic storytelling for something that tries to sell itself as a phantasmagorical visual experience. She randomly realizes that kid is her childhood friend? huh?

jesus mary sue vs. bugs

fuck it.

He's hanging out with anno, the otaku of otaku. retard.

>quick ascent over and above your head

Didn't say the ascent wasn't part of the picture. There's more to it.

Holy shit dude, are you ESL? I was being facetious in my original comment.

>Princess Mononoke
>preachy jumbled mess
Preachy as in: "If you kill a bunch of forest critters, the Forest God is gonna get you"?

>Spirited Away
>has some really plodding didactic storytelling for something that tries to sell itself as a phantasmagorical visual experience. She randomly realizes that kid is her childhood friend? huh?
So you didn't realize the bathhouse represents a whorehouse. Okay, I get why you didn't understand the movie then.

>jesus mary sue vs. bugs
The entire point is that it isn't versus the bugs.

It never ceases to amaze me that people keep coming to this site to flaunt their idiocy

>Not describing nausica as evangelion 0.5

>Totoro are just the worst offenders
Holy shit this, I watched it because I keep seeing it referenced and praised. What a load of shit, are the people who actually liked that movie high?

>So you didn't realize the bathhouse represents a whorehouse
This is some next level headcanon

I mean, I was high when I first watched it. But thats not why it holds a special place for a lot of people. Miyazaki really is nip Disney. Do you think The Lion King and Aladdin are boring nonsense you have to be high to enjoy? Maybe you do, but I enjoyed those movies as a kid, and I still enjoy them as a 25 year old. Same goes for Totoro and Kiki and Cagliostro. Somethings are just quality and you can tell the difference. You proabably just went into the films with expectations of seeing a 'masterpiece' and were doomed to be dissapointed.

die OP

Where the hell did you even find a theater showing it?

Stop this. Beauty and the Best, Alladin, Lion King, Mermaid, etc. All of those movies have actual plot lines. Its compelling story telling. Please do not compare the shit that are most of Miyazakis movie to them. I adore his art and animation and prefer it over Disney but holy shit are his writing skills atrocious. Theres being a fan, and then theres being delusional. Compare Disney classics in regards to writing to Miyazakis works is nothing short of an insult.

>Not understanding the very clear differences in storytelling between 90s Disney movies and things like Totoro
Fucking stoners.

I mean im not comparing solely the writing though. Im talking about aesthetic and feel as well. I cant argue that Miyazaki might not compare to the greatest Disney classics, but who does? At least Miyazaki comes damn close. Especially in Cagliostro, that's the closest you're gonna get to a Disney masterpiece. The fact that Kiki lacks a Scar, Jafar, or Ursurla doesnt make it less of a compelling story for me. In fact, I find those sort of differences to be part of its charm. Im not even a Miyazakifag, im an Annofag. But I still maintain Cagliostro is one of the best movies ever made. Ok hate on Totoro or Kiki if you really want to be a snob, but his peak is as close to Disney as any other animator/director is ever going to get.

Disney isn't even good, m8. Not outside of pure animation quality and the songs. Miyazaki at his best is much better than the supposed "Disney Classics".

I like Laputa

I agree. That pixar fat dude that looks like he wanted to suck miyazaki's dick played the 'japanese anime so mysterious card' card that everyone including their grandma were falling for. They ate that shit up.

Youre nothing short of delusional. And I honestly dont even see how not valuing his work is "being a snob". The only impressive works that Miyazaki ever procuded are Nausicaa for its fanatsy backgrounds which completely pale in comparison to movies such as Macross DYRL, Wind Rises for its story and Spirited Away for the overal experience. Outside of that his movie tend to mimick more realistic settings, which isnt an impressive feat in regards to art direction/reproduction. Calling the mess that the Lupin movie the best movie ever made is mind blowing as well. The pacing is shit, the roles too transparent and straightforward and the overal plot-line too flat and tiresome. Quite frankly, the fact that you spout this bullshit and "not consider yourself a Miyazaki fag" is absolutely hilarious.

I didnt say it was THE 'best movie ever made', but honestly, I doubt we can even engage in discussion if your opinions are that radical. Like I honestly dont know how to engage in conversation with someone who thinks Cagliostro is utter trash that isnt worth watching. I would have to write an entire essay to begin responding to your allegations and assumptions.

So Ill just say, The Wind Rises was boring, faggot shit and planes are stupid and boring.

I hilarious how you try to turn this into me insulting the movie and calling it names, when I provided actual points of criticism. Neither did I claim that the movie wasnt worth watching, I simply claimed that it was a mess. But that applies to most of his works yet they are stil worth the time due to their visuals (which, again, are matched and outclassed by many works out there, those simply happen to be more ambigious and controversial which is why they'll never receive the same amount of praise). If anything this posts proves just how delusional you truly are. Say that you like his movies and that you dont give a shit about writing, but please dont tell people to share this sentiment since its one of the reasons why anime become dumber every season with the audience asking to have every little story aspect handed to them.

>Just watched this in theaters.

Look man, if you just want to shitpost and play the part of professional redditor/internet debater, go somewhere else.

Sure, you didnt explicity state 'the movie isnt worth watching' but you called it a mess that has bad pacing, bad characters, bad plot and bad writing. That sort of implies that you think the movie is trash and not worth your time. Hiding behind "omg i never said it wasnt worth watching haha u fanboiii' isn't really a compelling argument. Seeing as how you think every fundamental part of the film is lacking, it would take me thousands of words to refute every claim you made which I dont feel like doing on my Sunday afternoon. Please go spread your angst somewhere else, we are just talking about anime here.

Google it if you're in the U.S. Showing tomorrow subbed

I agree about it being overrated, OP. Never got the appeal.

The worst part of Ghiblifest is that they don't show Porco Rosso

Are there subtitle screenings for this Ghibli theater run? Not only does it make it more "PURE", but it should eliminate the chance of kids, or really anyone, being around.

I saw The Wind Rises totally alone in an enormous theater. The kind that sits like 200-250.

When it came out, miyazaki said so in an interview.

my bro
porco so underrated.

Maybe it's the least marketable of his films?

I don't get why the Ghiblifest has no Mononoke though, that was one of the things that gained him normalfag attention over here. I get why they're playing How Is though, because that's somehow the most easily taken of his films.

OP are you in MA? Possibly Boston? I think Kiki is only airing in MA around this time

Same with Koe No Katachi and Your Name, all trasg

its actually one of his weakest films but its still an 8/10 in my book. It seems like something girls would enjoy more anyways. I love castle in the sky a lot but other people think its boring.

I tend to like vignette movies, but I also thought Kiki's lacked something.

Totoro is a much better movie than Kiki's, and has much better characterization. I don't think anyone outside of the nostalgic consider Kiki a masterpiece

>Wind Rises
The story was all over the place because of awful pacing, ridiculous time jumps, and the plane portions contrasting hard with the TB plotline.

They should have left the TB plotline on the cutting room floor like God did.

Kiki's is Ghibli's second best after Mononoke. Your taste sucks.

Because it already had a theater run like 3 months ago for its 20th anniversary.

I pity people who cannot let themselves get swept away by the magic of Ghibli films.

best scene in the movie was when she sleeps naked in hay and has a cow tongue her, even as a kid I knew what's up

>king of otaku
>doesn't watch anime
>thinks 3D animation is good
the old generation is nothing but trash, only the ones that kept watch anime through the 2000s are the true fans.

I don't get how normalfags like Ghibli movies but hate SoL with a passion.
At least SoL has comedy

This has to be a troll. No one can possibly be this retarded

I like putas too, amigo

Most SoL shows fucking wish they could get on Ghibli's level, though it isn't fair to compare a movie to an entire cour.

>Most SoL shows fucking wish they could get on Ghibli's level
How so, besides animation?

K-ON is better than most Ghibli movies but it doesn't get credit with normalfags.

If you want everything to end with your answers plus a morale, get back to your simplistic american cartoons.

but its americans who worship miyazaki's films

Still amazes me people can be this dense. There's plenty of conflict and character growth in Kiki's Delivery Service, you'd have to be blind to not see it. The show is your standard coming-of-age tale, so the conflict and growth is all internal.
It's one of Miyazaki's better films, made near the height of his career. Probably the best of his non-action films. Still doesn't hold a candle to Whisper of the Heart though.

>whisper of the heart and porco rosso for max comfy

Why does every board seem to have special agents sent with a mission to piss me off?

This. Jesus christ.

>good SOL
It is good CGDCT but not good SOL

OP, are you still here? If so, are you new to anime and/or Sup Forums?

>He watched the dub
>he thinks he can have an opinion