Whatcha think /pol ??
OK Sup Forums what is your observation and opinion on these Portraits?
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Here's the other one.......
Strangely aesthetic
Obabo looks good, mitch on the other hand...
The "artist" of Obama's portrait is Kehinde Wiley. Who also painted pic related.
Holy fucking shit do these niggers ever stop
Gustav klimt rip offs
It's a cool portrait but it's not very presidential looking.
That's pretty cool but it also screams of butthurt.
>nigger commie around a bunch of flowers
looks about right.
Of course the potato thinks nigger shit is good. This is why we don't consider you white
I'll bet they both had to stand there and grin despite their disappointment. Do you really think Obama wanted a floral scene all around him?
what the fuck. a fucking leaf?
He also made this. He must really hate white women. Probably because he's a fag and feels like he can't compete against them for the straight men's attention.
I always thought thats what i would do if i were black, is get all these historical styled paintings of me like what white people have/is featured in European culture
seriously what is wrong with niggers
Can I get an explanation of why the decapitated head is a white woman. What is this shit trying to convey?
yea because no nigger has ever done that before
ape white culture to stick it to the white man
thats such a fucking tired motif, like where have you been?
because its the only thing niggers can do
we wuz kangs
Why, oh, why do we allow niggers to live with us?
no shit. this is the typical hack art you find at your average 'trendy' studio in LA. Talentless artists painting over photographs with shitty, unimaginitive, wallpaper filler tacked-on.
Terrible composition, the background is far too present. There is no symbolism of who he was or what he did. The posture is not one fitting a leader, he looks like an old fart watching sports on tv, only lack the beer.
Its just bad:
While the technique is roughly ok, the painting doesnt convey any kind of feeling, emotion or message. If you didnt knew who he is, you would never guess.
We wuz level. The subject is whitewashed to appear more beautiful (internalized racism ? Kek). The technique is average, at best. Once again, there is no composition. We get the idea that the only thing the author could think was to make her appear more beautiful. The posture reinforces it, more fitting for an actress, a dancer or a whore than a first lady. Once a gain, if you were not told who it is, you would never guess, and in fact, it looks so much unlike her than even knowing M.Obama, you would not make the link with this portrait.
Both show people with low to average skills, but clueless in term of what a portrait is and how it can be done.
>American flag
>so a non white
>thinks the Irish are non white.
i like how the only thing accurate about this one is the man arms
you fucking people like anime tho
Honestly I liked Barack's. But this is truly, truly terrible.
The style looks good here disregarding the content, why do the obama paintings look so much worse?
kill withey
Why is Obongo unveiling a picture of Jordan Peterson?
a lot of focus on the horse anus/balls
Hi, I'm Obama's chosen portrait artist and you may remember me from such works as "Powerful Black Woman beheads a White" and also "Powerful Black Woman beheads a White #2"
Totally racist, they made the greatest president in history look like a monkey in a jungle. Sad!
I thought J Burton summed it up pretty well
He's a homo.
Obama's portrait is okay, but madame sheboon's got fucked up bad.
I'm saying this as an amateur artist that could do about as well as on her portrait as the black woman who did do it.
All of my wat.
Michelle's painting looks strangely amateurish, doesn't look much like her.
Barack's portrait on the other hand is incredible. Finally they broke with those ugly traditional leaning-on-a-chair portraits. They had zero value or expression, really dull. But that looks pretty amazing, well done.
I agree. This level of symbolism is too dense to decipher for me.
Also, not pictured in the portrait of Michelle Obama: Michelle Obama.
I think it turned out really well.
Michelle's on the other hand
Michelle's looks like the type of crap you'd see on DeviantArt.
There's no detail to it. You can't look at it and say unmistakably "that's Michael".
"All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!"
baerys looks ok. michelle, not so much
That's the same thought I had, too. "Generic black video game character number 4"
HAHAHa saved
Nigger looks like he's trying to shit and can't
I don't care.
I unironically like it. Pretty good technique.
this one is fucking crap, tho.
> (OP)
>The "artist" of Obama's portrait is Kehinde Wiley. Who also painted pic related.
Looks more like moochelle than her official portrait