what does this mean?
>not posting archive link
Just as planned
So Is Poroshenko a Yanukovich 2.0 already?
Why to Poland tho??
Any confirm on whether this guys is a kike?
Has the schnauzze thats for sure.
He came to Ukraine from Poland. A last border crossing I guess. Not sure
He's a Georgian, so more of a Russian turkroach.
Ukraine's president is Jew tho, I think.
What will you do if we refuse to accept him? He was here illegally too.
Maybe because poland was helping georgia during the war with russia. Selling arms and shit
Why do this loser keeps coming back to Poland? He is Georgian, isn't he?
Send him to us, would like to see what happens.
We have a hard time deporting. Pls
We have a hard time deporting brown skinned illegals.
But we don't want him.
He's from Georgia. May be he has african-american ancestries
>no georgian passport
>no ukrainian passport
i wonder who is facilitating this fucktards travel? hmm, let me guess,everyone's favorite goys
Well he can't go to Georgia so,,,
Poland needs to take care of their Tatar gypsy cousin.
What would Jesus do?
He was deported for supposed illegal border crossing through Poland.
Fuck off, you pedrobot.
he went to the same school in ukraine as poroshenko, tho
>saakashvilli still around
Jesus christ i assumed this shit died down last year.
Ukraine is a joke post maidan
Punished Saakashvili
A man denied his whateverthefuckatthispointidontevenknowanymore
Can Jews get any more based?
I'm in awe of them. But then again, I'm a shitskin lol