If America becomes majority non-white it'll turn into a third worl-
If America becomes majority non-white it'll turn into a third worl-
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Leaf, we are pretty much there already, le 56 is not a meme.
Why does the left always use tragedy for political gain?
>not just spending $60 on tamiflu out of pocket
What did they mean by this?
Healthcare wouldn’t cost so much if we didn’t have to subsidize the shitskins.
Medicine shouldn't be privatized, nothing should be privatized but capitalist Jew propaganda gets hammered into you from every angle, everything should be state run and everything done for the volk, socialism is perfect with the right ideology to keep it on track, Natsoc, i.e
You will hang by the neck until you're dead.
The only tragedy here is out medical system that literally gets good people killed so that already rich kikes can make a little bit more money off the rest of us.
>$116 co-pay
She was probably on Obamacare. My co-pay is 25 fucking dollars.
>not going even cheaper with a $15 bottle of bottom shelf vodka
>my life is not worth 120 bucks
I'm sure the kids will be happy with the saved money
>gets health insurance from being teacher
>makes at least $4k a month on top
>muh $116 copay
this woman was teaching children
Who dies of 'flu unless they're an infant, a geriatric or a weakling? Just go to bed for the weekend, drink hot water, you'll be fine.
NHS is the right model tbqh, little bit out of your wage every month and all your healthcare is 'free', the only problem is with the EU we let any fucker from europe come here and then forget to send the bill back to their government.
Wrong, it's insurance companies and administration scamming out cash in price fixed system. You know this if you weren't an eternal mongoloid with a burger education, stop being a faggot.
>Teachers union doesn't have insurance
Sure thing bud
why is this a tragedy?
We'll see who hangs race traitor, forsaking your kin for (((wealth))).
So Holland is kill?
What does the Netherlands have going for it now?
Calling bullshit.
I had tamiflu (not that it helped, at all), my copay was $10.
what "flu medication"? its a viral infection, its not like you can just take antibiotics. I guess you take anti inflammatories to treat the symptoms?
>socialism doesnt work
>vaccines dont work 80% of the time anyways
You're a lefty-fucktard-bootlicker.
Literally died of the FLU
Who the hell does that anymore?
It's like dying of FUCKING DIARRHEA.\
>But what if you're an old boomer fuck?
Olds deserve to die.
Babies should be protected, but don't give them the fucking flu shot every year.
>had government provided insurance
Everybody should have government provided health insurance!
and then there's this faggot
Whomstever dies from the flu probably deserved it.
This. Subsidizing that part of the population in your case is just a drop in the ocean of inflated costs from your "coincidental" masters.
It's a pretty big expense on the taxpayer in my country, though.
some feminist public school teacher is not my kin
just goes to show these people will never stop at just socialized insurance (oboomercare) until literally every aspect of healthcare becomes communist.
Holland fell ill long ago..
insurance company profit margins were not that high until obamacare
A country's economic success is limited by the cognitive ability of its workforce. Look at their cognitive abilities, of course it will turn into 3rd world.
Lots of people die or come close to dying because of diarrhea. Maybe not directly but dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and resulting cardiac problems kill.
>Babies should be protected, but don't give them the fucking flu shot every year.
this. the flu shot stops working after several years of use anyway. even when it does work, it's only for a few strains, ie, not a strain you're likely to get.
ironically this is the effect of cartels created by government intervention
Those "postcode unknown" cost £3billion (out of the annual budget of £140bn) so while, yeah, fuck them for not trying to recouperate the cash, but in the scheme of things "employ less worthless admin managers, and halve the Executive of every Trust" would be a better way to making the NHS a lot more viable.
I work in a functioning Trust (ie not London). We could halve the Executive and pretty much halve the Band 6 managers without any impact on patients. If you give a fuck about the NHS incidentally, write to your MP and suggest 360 Appraisal for all NHS staff about Band 5. The reason the NHS is top-heavy is because they fucking promote idiots out of harms way instead of firing them when they don't do their job properly. If their pay increment was subject to anonymous 360 appraisal by normal staff, this shit wouldat least slow down, if not stop altogether. Too many chiefs, not enough braves pretty much sums up the systemic problems with the Health Service.
>natural selection works
>this is a bad thing
enjoy your shit genes
Yes, but the cure is literally to drink some water that's not dirty.
It's not rocket science.
>I have the flu
Get some rest, take a little cold medication, make sure your fever doesn't run too hot.
How are people still dying of these things?
There is no "volk" in a multicultural shit hole, you idiot child.
>Americans are so poor, they'd rather die than spend $116
That or the guy was jewish.
that it didn't happen sooner
>$116 copay was too high
How the fuck do you die from the flu? What is this the fucking 18th century?
>Teach multicultural peatry dish.
>Multi-resistant this and that
& plague
White privilege in action ladies and gentlemen.
The funny thing is, Americans get about $100 taken out of their wages a month for Medicare. But that only goes to the elderly and welfare sucks. On top of that we are required to spend about $300 a month (on the very conservative side) for health insurance or be fined by the IRS at the end of the year.
We dont have to pay the fine anymore
The Obongonigger mandate was done away with, you're not required to get healthcare, but I think that might actually depend on the state. I know at least in Fagachusetts they take away from state tax refunds if you don't and it's been like that before Onigger care
>She was probably on Obamacare
This is the irony of the libcuck faux-outrage
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
yeah but it works in massachusetts
>nearly 40 years old
>doesn't have 120$
people who can't even keep their own finances in order have no place educating children.
She was a school teacher, she had a health care plan. Your whining about fauxtrage is the only irony here, snowflake.
Natural selection is still a thing but it's embarrassing how its publicized that weaklings still die to basic bitch shit sometimes.
You are still required this year. Filing for 2017. Next year the mandate will be done away with.
ive alwasy wondered if this worked. its a cleansing agent wouldnt it cleanse youre blood and body?
It would cost less but your government and the entire system is a hostage for insurance- and pharmacy companies.
That's what Jews do, use the browns to trash the system while they skim off the top.
It works, get drunk for a few days until you are no longer sick.
So she's the one struggling to pay for others?
I said this when Onigger care was first mentioned, it's a carte blanche for insurance companies because they'll have no competition and I was right, plus forcing people to buy insurance is a scam in itself because you shouldn't be forced to pay for things you don't need, just out of principle it makes no sense. You can't fix these problems by forcing others to pay for peoples mistakes in life nor should you
The headline is bad and you should feel bad.
1) The husband "Doesn't Know" if she got a flu shot.
2) She could afford the medication she was prescribed but declined to pick it up. When the husband found out he picked it up the next day.
3) The medication she was prescribed (Tamiflu) DOES NOT CURE THE FLU. It's expensive and of limited utility. IF you get it prescribed and start taking it within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, you *might* get lucky and get over the flu less than 18 hours later.
Tamiflu will not prevent you from going into septic shock from a secondary medical condition like this woman had. She would have been fucked STILL even if she had the prescription a day earlier.
H3N2 flu is very very bad this year and there are horrible outbreaks in many parts of the US this year. The doctors of the world are bad at picking H3N2 strains for vaccines (typical effectiveness is only 33% against them) and this year was even worse (10% effective due to a mutation that occurred in the H3N2 strain when it was incubated in eggs to create the shot).
That being said: Effectiveness is how likely someone is to visit a doctor, NOT get seriously ill or die. A flu shot does help, although getting either Flublok or Flucelvax (which are not made in eggs and are more effective against the H3N2 strain) is better than getting the traditionally made shot.
tamiflu, which doesn't really help anymore by the time anyone considers taking it, so don't bother.
just take ibuprofen (add acetaminophen if necessary), drink enough, have your temperature taken regularly by someone who checks in on you and when things go really bad, have an ambulance called.
t. pharmacist.
I hope this family doesn't own house and car loans. Because these are vanities.
It was $116 out of pocket, although it's around $70-$80 with a goodrx card if you haven't met your deductible yet.
Obamacare and preexisting conditions clause lead to the massive ramping up of the high deductible health plan where you have to spend thousands before you get any care.
She was cheap, but Tamiflu would not have saved her. Tamiflu is a really shitty medication with dubious efficacy.
The H3N2 strain is very bad this year. If you're not an idiot and you rest and drink lots of fluids and take a medication to lower your fever, it's pretty survivable if you're not in a huge risk group.
Tamiflu, an antiviral. It's shit. If you can get it on either day 1 or day 2 of being sick, if you're LUCKY, you'll have slightly reduced severity of symptoms and slightly reduced overall time (18 hours is average if taken on the first day flu symptoms present themselves). For most, they can't get it early enough, and even among those that do, it's not really effective.
It would not save you from dying. Doctors give it automatically to risk groups (children, people with certain conditions, and elderly) as ass covering, and offer it to those who don't because otherwise people get pissy.
The bigger sin of Obamacare is that it limits overall profit on healthcare by insurers to 20% for all plans and 15% for large group plans. So if the insurer spends $50 on a medication, they can't make more than $7.50 off it. If the insurer spends $100 on a medication, then they can make $50 off it instead.
With high deductible plans and hidden pharmacy benefit manager rebates, the insurer can say to this person, the drug is $116, you haven't met your deductible yet. And then a month later, the drug company making the drug sends a secret payment back to the insurer for $50.
Effectiveness depends on the year and the strain. This year was not only a strain that they're bad at predicting (H3N2 effectiveness generally averages 33%, effectiveness for H3N2 this year is estimated to be 10% tops - vs 66% average effectiveness on H1N1) but the virus mutated when entering the eggs (which is how most flu vaccines are made) making the vaccine much less effective.
H3N2 flu severity exacerbates any other underlying conditions, especially for teachers (young children are like petri dishes).. If you start with the flu and then get a bacterial infection, you can easily end up with pneumonia, and the combined stress of them together will kill you.
Tamiflu would not have saved her, but it is astoundingly cheap.
See above in this very reply.
>. If the insurer spends $100 on a medication, then they can make $50 off it instead
Meant $15, no Idea how I made that typo.
Point being, Obamacare has made pharmacy benefit rebates (Essentially secret kickbacks from the drug manufacturer to the health insurer) huge. Combine that with the profit margin limitation and you have a huge incentive for insurers to inflate the list price of drugs, procedures, and services.
15% of $100 is $15, but if I make 15% of $200 I make $30 instead.
>dying from flu
immunlets pls go
>declined to pick it up.
Wow, so this is a fucking non-story?
wasn't this lady a school teacher?
It's like her government negotiated and provided healthcare plan wasn't good enough
it also works if your spouse is sick, just drink a finger of whiskey when you get home and you will be fine most of the time
The plan her school offered was pretty shit. How good the pensions/benefits are for teachers depends on the state.
Texas sucks. States like New York provide ridiculous salaries and healthcare for teachers.
Her husband picked it up the next day.
Even if she did take it, this is not like taking naloxone during a narcotic overdose, where the drug directly targets the problem, or antibiotics which kill bacteria en masse. Antivirals are super hit and miss (key part is miss).
>A person died, therefore...
Kill yourself, you fucking retard.
At that point the illness is only serving as an immune system suppressant.
If someone were to contract or exhibit pneumococcal symptoms I would definitely hope they receive proper treatment.
But that isn't really dying of flu related symptoms, so much as the flu holding the door open for more dangerous visitors.
She probably thought it better to be sick for a couple weeks and avoid work, while being able to blame it on the medicine costing the same as a couple night's work of pizza
911 was exploited by the right. Also this
Actually it could have prevented secondary infection by cutting down on the primary. Tamaflu does save lives. It’s not perfect but it does sometimes work.
You’re going to blame the Jews? Bernie Sanders was fighting to end the drug companies ability to charge as they wish. He’s a jew
Look up the cost of these medicines in Canada. There there is a price restriction. Unfettered capitalism also doesn’t work. We have a problem
It is if you’re living off a teachers salary while paying off college debt.
Diversity is (((their))) weapon to use against the goyim.
She got sick on a monday morning. She refused to pick up the Tamiflu at the 48 hour mark (Wednesday night).
She delayed taking it by a single day (Wednesday night she refused to pick it up vs. Thursday morning when she took her first dose). She was hospitalized Friday night. By Saturday afternoon she needed equipment to breathe, and by Saturday night blood tests showed her having sepsis. She died on Sunday.
A lot of docs won't even prescribe Tamiflu unless you push on it or are in an extreme risk group if you come on the second day of symptoms (much less the third) because they consider it too late to make a difference.
Her husband worked too, in a lucrative consulting job.
>Ms. Holland went to the pharmacy. She learned the antiviral medication would cost her $116 under the prescription-drug coverage she had as a teacher, and she refused it. They had the money, Mr. Holland said: “It’s principle with her. She’s a very frugal person in general, always has been.”
>After bringing their children home from church that night, Mr. Holland discovered his wife was taking Nyquil, he said. She told him she thought the price of the antiviral was ridiculous. He went to the pharmacy Thursday morning and got it filled himself. “I made her start taking it,” he said.
Actually it had very little to do with Obamacare. Valeant Didn’t rely on Obamacare to cover its hiking of prices.
>be American
>refuse to pay for life saving medicine you can afford because fuck trump
Yeah, but that’s just her. There are others who could die, and this isn’t as bad as what’s happening with Wilson’s disease and Mylans epicens. An Epipen went from 100 dollars to 600. That’s a life saving drug. Price gouging
Valeant is an outlier that was managed in a piss poor fashion, the stock price went down more than 90% in two years and pretty much everyone at the top was fired because they participated in a really unethical fashion. Valeant's movies, and those by Retrophin (Shkreli) don't really represent the general increase of prices across the board.
The EpiPen debacle is a prime example of where it worked for a really fucking long time until there was enough public outrage against Mylan where they were forced to release an authorized generic and some of the other generic options were re-released.
Who said anything about Trump? Maybe it was fuck you big pharma. Maybe it was fuck you jews
I did my taxes. It's gone. No more penalty. Thank god
>flu medication
Once you got it youre fucked
Just eat citrus fruit, have a cup of tea with honey and lemon if things look bad, and don't be an amerifat lardarse. what is so difficult about this, how does anyone get the flu let alone die from it
But then you have asthma medications being priced gouged right now. Look at Canadian vs American prices. Tell me the companies aren’t exploiting us. Look how little money goes to pay for research in reality. It’s a fucked up situation.
Dying of the flu? Who even does this? She probably had aids from taking too much bbc
probably got it from shitty kids, so logic dictates that we ban children and any that are around currently can be handed into your local sheriff's office to be crushed and destroyed forever removing this scourge from our society.
Obamacare directly permitted the epipen price hike.
Without the Obamacare mandate limiting profitability of insurers 15-20% of cost of care, they wouldn't want prices to go sky high. This limit lead to a game.
Let's say I have health insurance. I have a high deductible health plan, popular among many employers to limit their costs.
Mylan prices an EpiPen at $600. The insurer tells me, this is the list price, I haven't met my $3,000+ deductible yet so I owe $600.
Then, some weeks later, Mylan cuts a check for $300 to my insurer.
The way that this looks to the consumer, who is unaware of these rebate schemes, is that Mylan charges $600 to an insurer (say CVS Caremark), and CVS Caremark charges that to the patient. So really, CVS Caremark makes zero. In reality, Caremark made $300 on that transaction, separately from the premiums the person is paying.
High deductible health plans were also encouraged by Obamacare due to the preexisting conditions clause and the existence of the marketplace and its limitations (youngest and healthiest could spend only 3x as much on premiums as oldest and sickest, women could only have premiums 1.5X higher than equivalent men despite differences in cost of care). HDHP limited exposure for the insurers, gave money to fund people who have massive healthcare costs from preexisting conditions, and discouraged the healthier from using healthcare.
yea this user is right the obama era health care extortion ring has been ended. hopefully some of his buddies and he himself see jail time for robbing the people blind for years.
Secondary infection, Cytokine Storm, age, pregnancy, and the list goes on. Eating some citrus won’t prevent it from killing you. The Spanish flu killed more soldiers than bullets during World War One. You idiot
>dies of flu
How? All you have to do is rest, stay very hydrated, and keep the fever down... we even literally have over the counter pills that can reduce flu symptoms as well.