>Establish white ethnostate
>Have it progressively degenerate into "refugees welcome/diversity is our strength/my body my rules" shithole within a generation or two
What even is the point, lads?
Establish white ethnostate
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The USA didn't take two generations for that.
And even if an ethnostate could never be permanent, for whatever reason, it is still worth working towards for the next generations that would live in it.
You build a house for your family even if you know it won't last forever. We need to give our race a place to exist, even if it doesn't mean forever.
Super AI that enforces the rules of the ethnostate for the end of time.
Put it into the constitution.
Therer is a reason they havent taken your guns you repubnigger, its because it is hard as fuck to change the consitution.
Then invent immortality and stay in power forever idiot.
Kinf of unlikely since the people going to the ethnostate would be very right-wing.
The US had a white immigration policy for over 2 centuries.
Only a White Sharia ethnostate will work. No Muslim country ever bothers taking in refugees or immigrants. We need White Sharia.
It was in our constitution. But if you made it a founding principle and specifically called it out as something that may never be allowed to change, and even set up a punishment for elected officials who commit the crime who propose changing it, it may last much longer than it did in the USA.
I doubt it. After several generations, the formation of the ethnostate would be distant history, and segments of the population would forget the importance of keeping a racially homogeneous society. Several European nations are very left-wing despite being 95%+ the same race.
A strict enforcement mechanism that transcends generational shifts in opinion must be devised.
Source on the girl?
She's hot as fuck.
I want to marry her and creampie her every night and raise aryan children together.
Taylor Swift
Want proof that a country can turn around and stop its degeneracy? Look at Italy.
>Abolished alimony
>Reinforced fault-based divorce law
>Reinforced Father rights
>Before - 40% of "refugees" got denied refugee status; now close to 65% .
>Non-whites in decline - only western country where this happens
>30% less arrivals thanks to new international agreements with Lybia/Chad/niger.
Here, proof that a country CAN turn around and that a TRUE white ethnostate does not have to degenerate in SJW bs over time...or that it could turn around.
All the "muh ethnostate" autism was attempted in 1859 with Oregon. You see how they turned out. Sup Forums eternally BTFO.
Why would anyone risk democracy to destroy an ethnostate?
That explains all. Look at Japan their ethnostate is doing fine.
Superbowl! Nachos!
What the hell else you want??
>>Have it progressively degenerate into "refugees welcome/diversity is our strength/my body my rules" shithole within a generation or two
The point is to not do that you faggot
Now get rid of the corruption and semi-socialism and I might return to my ancestral homeland.
>Implying they could change the founding constitution of the ethnostate
>implying they would forget the reason it came to be in the first place especially when you can see the other countries
>Implying media would push this narrative with no kikes around
Retarded mate
If you emigrated, please stay there. We are full when traito...err emigrants are concerned.
>implying he meant the US
> Mexicans bring tacos, burritos, salsa, nachos
> Italians bring pizza, pasta, wine and garlic bread
> Chinese bring orange chicken, chow mein, General Tsos chicken
> Indians bring chicken masaala, tandoori chicken, spicy curry
> Africans bring collared greens, mashed potatoes, cornbread, fried chicken
> Jews bring matzo balls, chicken soup, bagels
> Muslims bring coffee, chocolate, kebab, falafel
> Japanese bring sake, sushi, rice cakes, wasabi
> White people bring bland beer, imitation crab, generic canned foods
So why do we want a majority-white America again?
Because food isn't the same as an entire culture, you fat fuck.
>implying that would happen
>implying the ethnostate would consume jew media
>implying the ethnostate would brainwash kids with public school
>implying the ethnostate wouldn't just give mandatory bi-annual testing for children to make sure they were growing in intelligence and racial awareness.
>implying church attendance won't be mandatory
>implying women will be allowed to vote
>implying "voting" will be a thing
>implying implying implying implying implying implying implying
kill yourself
That is why kikes need to be globally exterminated for any European state to be truly secure.
A state that was founded on race would not be susceptible to the refugees welcome claptrap. As for leftism and homosexuality, those things are always going to exist and I honestly don't mind. An ethnostate would be a state with a racially based immigration policy, not a conservative Christian fantasy land. There is no reason Bernie Sanders socialists shouldn't be in favor of an ethnostate. The type of political system they want can only exist in racially homogeneous high IQ societies anyway.
>Africans bring...fried chicken
Wrong, the scottish invented that. Nice try though nigger.
Filename should be "Judalien"
>muh food
Yeah, no. I'd eat un-buttered rye bread for the rest of my life if I could live in an ethnostate.
>catalan flag
>heeb filename
This is a (you) addict
A very sophisticated one
the struggle IS the point
Thanks! Can't believe I haven't heard of her before.
>The US had a white immigration policy for over 2 centuries.
America had a very strict immigration policy that prioritized people from northern Europe, but it was never exclusively white. The Chinese Exclusion Act and the backroom deal made before it in the 1860s was controversial even at the time.
It was so controversial that the US did not implement any laws stopping Japanese immigration which was seen as a more serious threat because Japan was a power and wanted to colonize California. America instead harassed the Japanese immigrants (which shocked the Japanese since they had a similar mindset to Americans in regards to expansion/colonialism and they thought that Americans would respect and welcome them). The Japanese then started settling in Mexico and South America which America also put a stop to via harassing those governments.
where u from?
>Establish white ethnostate
I think you should probably focus on one thing at a time
under a rock apparently
>Establish a "refugees welcome/diversity is our strength/my body my rules" shithole
>Have it progressively turn into a white ethnostate
Take off the UN flag
M-make me?!
Nyt selität paremmin.
this only happens when jews own the media/government