Boku no Hero Academia

How many times do the students get sliced/stabbed by this man? Shit must hurt.

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Requesting more cute Toga.

how many more times are they gonna be stabbed when they become heroes, honestly, they should grow a pair

Here are mine, I had to crop it to just top 50 because it was so big.

That cut was satisfying as hell. I actually like the fact that he acknowledges Deku's heroism to a certain degree.

Why wouldn't he? Deku managed to deck Stain not once, but twice and only barely got scratched, and 'muh heroism' is quite literally the only thing there is to Stain's warped world view.

how many characters are now again?

Seems like fujos are embracing Rappa as predicted.


He is the best

Are you surprised?

That's just to many people now, personally once I get beyond the top 30ish, I just don't have an opinion anymore. I guess it's necessary if you have an obscure favorite though.

I wasn't sure. Thought maybe he'd be too minor or ugly for them. Also, sauce?

That's cuter than what I expected to be honest. I like it.

Well they both respect the hell out of All Might and Deku models his philosophy by All Might, so par for the course

I'm mostly annoyed that it takes so long to get through it. Plus, as you said, at some point your mind just gets tired of making decisions.


They are also the one who makes those Stain/Tensei

A lot of minor characters seem to get a few loyal fans in this fandom, it's nice. Even the kids from Inasa's school have a small following.


That's the problem with this manga, most of the main cast are uninteresting as shit, nothing new or refreshing about them.



>Kirishima is forever doomed to have his boipussi spread by burly huge men

How long until we see Deku go absolute madman-shoot style edition?

Over 123, my last place was 123.

It's a price every popular and cute boy has to pay.

at least, unlike world trigger, they are charismatic and cool looking

Inb4 Stain becomes a Deku fanboy

So we will see her animated within this season?

I wonder if he will get more votes in the next popularity poll

She's in the opening, so I'd assume so

>ywn have a harem of huge burly men to spread your boipussi
Why live?

>implying he doesnt want that

god bless you

I'm curious, too. Hasn't a new popularity poll started just now? I remember reading something like that on twitter.

I love you nip fujos

No. The second one isn't even a year old yet

>inasa (gale)
what the fuck is wrong with you

It will be in two months, though. The second one started in September, in chapter 106, and it ended on chapter 120, on December

please... shinnen (die)...


So many new pictures to bait with.



What sort of mothers would the girls of class 1-A be like?

I was saying in the last thread that I like the fact that not all of the students' parents are assholes and their past is not full of edgy tragedies, but I also like the fact that many of the parents have a normal profession. In Shaman King they all are shamans, in One Piece and HxH they all have some warrior skill, in Naruto they all are ninjas. It's nice to see something closer to reality for a change.

Whores don't make good mothers.

He was asking about the whole class, not just Ochako.

This is cancer, delete this degeneracy

They're all whores.

I am most amazed by the fact that no one among the kids is a tragic orphan. Many authors go for dead parents because they don't want to deal with parents worrying and forbidding the kids to do dangerous stuff.

Why is this so hot

Deku's dad is realistic? He is stillmarried to Inko yet have 0 presence on her or Izukus's lives, 0 contact for more than ten years, not even a single call, letter or message for more than 10 years, it's fucked up, this is realistic?

Stain is a fucking faggot. A hero isn't supposed to be a clone Jesus Christ.

But since this is a different pair, it's fine, right?

>Hi, we're here for the job interview

I dunno

This is not what Stain wants, he wants the definition of hero to change, for it to become like it was in the old times, something few people are, that someone do out of their will, not expecting any reward

Deku looks 50s as fuck. Todo looks mildly stoned, but that could just be the autism.

This is not ok, Tail man is pure

I think the setting helps with that. The school setting kind of requires parents or at least foster parents.

Its not "MC and random group of friends" which leads to special/dead parents and things like that.

What about this?

If All Might is his standard then you have one guy and thousands of powered villains.

Stain is stupid because quirks have become way more common so quirked police are necessary. And in order for it to be a full time job you have to get paid like one

Is it really better to have three people saving others out of the goodness of their hearts than it is to have three dozen doing it to get paid?

It's a shame there are no Stain/Toga doujins

Can you fucking not? Stain is focused on his ideals, he don't have a life anymore, just living out of sheer conviction, and i doubt he is a faggot. Fucking fujos are more deluled than i tought.

>being this triggered

I like the fact that the kids have parents and siblings. Feels more grounded. They're not faceless self-insert badasses from a fantasy world. They're brothers & sons.

If he kills her after this then it's fine, she is a fake follower, he would like Spinner probably

Well, I did not say that all parents were like that (Todoroki has a biography typically battle shonen). But I would be very happy if Midoriya's father was, in fact, a very common fellow, but I know he will not. I know that soon we will discover that Inko is the twin sister of Shigaraki and granddaughter of Nana.

BUT, did you know that in Japan joint custody is illegal? When couples get divorced, only one can stay with the child. They say it's to prevent the child from being traumatized. So, many fathers spend years struggling in court to make a deal and be able to see their children. Maybe Inko divorced and did not want to tell Deku the truth.

Why no tsuba?
Is he avoiding anything that would get between him and the edge?

>Fucking fujos are more deluled than i tought.
It's just one chick on Twitter, and I'm just doing it for the (You)s.

A hero can be someone who puts a jacket on a young boy's shoulders and lets him know the world hasn't ended

>Maybe Inko divorced and did not want to tell Deku the truth
or maybe she has been raped by endeavor and does not want to tell the truth to izuku.

ok we got it shut up

Yeah, it's nice. It's more relatable this way.

Yes, i am, Stain hates Tensei, he literally thinks he should die, yet Fujos ship them for some stupid reason, if it was with Spinner at least it would have a bit of logic behind it

What if Nana faked her death and is actually Inko?

And Stain approves that, doing that out of sheer will to help someone is what Stain wants heroism to be, basically he wants to go back to the vigilante era

Stain doesn't hate Tensei. He wants to destroy what he represents. He even left him alive to spread terror.

Quirks have increased since then. 80% of people with quirks leaves no room for a "Vigilante era"

Nana would be old enough to have a 20-ish grandson at this point. Inko is 41.

Eh... You got me

Why didn't Deku 100% Detroit Smash Stain?

Overbearing, like Inko. That's what her husband, Izuku, likes the most about her. She wouldn't want her child to get caught up in the hero life.

Not tigermom-like, but a special kind of strict. A chill, relaxed parent who would support the kids' interests, as long as they aren't bad at what they're doing.

She'd be a fun soccer mom who would drag her kid to an amusement park for no reason. Her child would always ask to bring her to show-and-tell because she's so fucking cool.

The sweetheart parent. Kind of a pushover, but the be-all-end-all of parental authority. The kid would go to her when dad says no to things.

Strict as hell. She takes her harsher views she couldn't impose on others as a hero and imposes them on the kid. Todoroki hates this shit, but his autism prevents him from being the fun parent. "Listen to your mother." Doing a good job at not being Endeavor, though.

I don't care. Frog a shit.

Stain is not agains't a quirked police, its what heroes are, a glorified quirked police, he is just agains't them being called heroes, being glorified and considered saviors.

I imagine Ojiro would be the type to reserve himself for marriage

or maybe even be a celibate monk.

Why do you want Deku to cripple himself?


>Could have been a cop or fireman
>Choose the "hero" profession
>Was going to stand by and watch a boy get raped to death until some other faggot did something
>Flew into a vengeance fueled death-rage

B-But he's not like THOSE phonies!

>Stainfags will defend this

>Frog a shit
finally someone who understands

>Deku throws a punch and utterly BTFO Stain with wind pressure
>Arm receives no kickback

>Why do you want Deku to cripple himself?
Because it as hell when he does that.

Not everyone in Shaman King is a Shaman you just don't hear about the non-Shamans. Except Morty, fuck Morty.

If anyone's going to be a monk, it's Shouji, he's already got the lifestyle down

>She'd be a fun soccer mom who would drag her kid to an amusement park for no reason. Her child would always ask to bring her to show-and-tell because she's so fucking cool.
I imagine her married to a normie and when she left for another day's work, the father would have the baby in his lap and would say "byeee mommie! have a good day! see? mommie is the best!".

Asian women age like classic cars

What do you mean with that? Yeah, criminality raised, and today most criminals use quirks, but the thing is that Stain wants "heroes" to go back to the vigilante era, and only "heroes", if you want to make law enforcers that use quirks, do it, but don't call them heroes.

Really? Even when it's canon that he is still married to Inko?