Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,

have you just recognized the current hashtag on twitter/ads on youtube regarding the polish government and their dealings with the concentration camps? What does Sup Forums think about it?

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Good for them. Everybody uses youtube and its a great way to reach the next generation and educate them on the calamities of the Holocaust.

I love the chance for an open dialog even if there are paid armies of keyboard golem out to demoralize and distract

I´ve read some texts on the official website of the hastag. It claims: "An attempt to escape from responsibility of the crimes committed during World War II, blurring of guilt in half-truths, manipulations and lies, are the guiding principles of the German thinking about the past these days."

Which is something i cant verify. My experience with the dealing with the holoaust in germany is, that germans are aware of the fact and in germany are a lot of monuments for remembering those crimes.

>death camps

>When Wiernik's profession as a carpenter was accepted, he was put to work constructing various camp structures including additional gas chambers.

>The new construction job between Camp No. 1 and Camp No. 2, on which I had been working, was completed in a very short time. It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber.

>1200 people
>7 x 7 metres (49 square metres)
>24 people per square metre

Apparently, basic mathematics is something that Jewish-Polish carpenters lack when building anything. gkstill.com/Support/crowd-density/CrowdDensity-1.html
>5 people per square metre (this should be the UPPER limit for standing/viewing spaces).

Sheckelstein, you're looking like a pack of liars by the day. Please explain THIS.

Also please explain why there are so many newspapers explaining the death of 6 million jews.

Well i dont mind a recreation of an old structure for educational reasons ...

You can´t deny the happening of the holocaust.

I feel offended. It's a tasteless ad, and Poles trying to rid themselves off Holocaust guilt is disgusting. Antisemitism was not an exclusively German thing. We can accept our guilt just fine - why can't they?

>You can´t deny the happening of the holocaust.

Iran officially denies it and they're doing well.

Although, i agree, denying the genocide of the kikes would be an insult to one of the greatest achievement ever made in human history.

A glorious episode indeed.

This. Holocaust deniers are a minority here. We accept our guilt. It's the center of German collective identity. It's the founding myth of the nation we live in.

lma0 Sup Forums will always ein

Well you can be on our side or be against us, on jewish side. Pick.

>This. Holocaust deniers are a minority here. We accept our guilt. It's the center of German collective identity. It's the founding myth of the nation we live in.

Lol, there is no "german nation" and that's why your colonial status relies on the holocaust to maintain itself.

Whatever, it's the founding myth of our colony then. There is a people here to whom the holocaust is of mythical importance. That won't change for a long time. Hopefully we will soon break the taboos surrounding the positive aspects of the third Reich, the inaccurate history of the second world war that is being taught in German schools and the historically singular atrocity that was denazification, but none of that will change our acceptance of holocaust guilt and the central role it plays for being German. Or maybe we will slowly be overrun by third world muslims and Germany will again be an anti-semitic, traditionalist totalitarian state.

Well i can agree that history in germany sucks, we need young germans tell who was gestapo and how welcome fuhrer.....lol

>but none of that will change our acceptance of holocaust guilt and the central role it plays for being German. Or maybe we will slowly be overrun by third world muslims and Germany will again be an anti-semitic, traditionalist totalitarian state.

It's easy. One just has to say he does not give a shit or, in even better, that he's happy the jews got what they deserved.

I don't even understand why the Germans are so into this kind of irrelevant question.

>the EU, lead by Merkel, wants Poland to accept its "fair share of "refugees"
>Poland tells Merkel to get fucked
>Merkel and EU start threatening Poland with sanctions
>Poland demands reparations from Germany for buttfucking them in WWII
>The EU agrees
> they kind of have to, or the Nazi guilt narrative they've been using to keep the Germans in line and docile might start to collapse
>Jews start talking about "Polish Death Camps"
>the implication being that the the Poles set up and ran the concentration camps in Poland
>Poland says fuck you, outlaws the term "Polish Death Camps" and begins the #germandeathcamps campaign
Basically yhe EU and Jews have been trying to white guilt the Poles into taking "refugees" since all the "migrants" have been pouring into Europe. The trouble is, being under a Communist dictatorship fro 54 years left them culturally immune to Leftist "white guilt." It sucks that German has basically been cowed by nearly seven decades of guilt for the the Nazis, but you can hardly blame Poland for using that to their advantage politically to avoid getting fucked again by people that don't have their best interests at heart.

Why would we need to get rid of our acceptance of holocaust responsibility though? No one even denies it, neither left nor right. Some people just say that we need to stop focusing on it as if it were the only thing that happened between 1933 and 1945, an I'm sure the taboo will soon be broken.

And no, the Jews did not get they deserved! Even if the Finanzjudentum existed in such a way that Hitler envisioned it, that is no excuse to exterminate the Jews as a race! The holocaust did not target a group of privileged Jewish bankers and CEOs, it targeted (for the most part, next to homosexuals, disabled and political dissidents) people of certain bloodlines - which is of course no less a product of the times than of hitlerist ideology, as biological racism was en vogue at the time. That however does not excuse the actions of those involved in the killings.


>And no, the Jews did not get they deserved! Even if the Finanzjudentum existed in such a way that Hitler envisioned it, that is no excuse to exterminate the Jews as a race! The holocaust did not target a group of privileged Jewish bankers and CEOs, it targeted (for the most part, next to homosexuals, disabled and political dissidents) people of certain bloodlines - which is of course no less a product of the times than of hitlerist ideology, as biological racism was en vogue at the time. That however does not excuse the actions of those involved in the killings.

Lol, you're walking on your way to self destruction and do not even grab the simple fact that in a war, you have the duty to eradicate your opponent or it is your people, that is those who you have to protect who die because of your weaknesses.

You seem to not even comprehend the depth of the jewish matter in european history, both in spiritual and political terms.

The jews needed to be exterminated. All of them. Hitler acted correctly on his broad knowledge of this question.

Germans should only mourn the 10 millions Germans who died after the war because of the evil jewry.

Now, Germany is a ghost and the jews have replaced her soul by a pagan idole called the holocaust and the submission to this demonic tribe.

Be real or you'll die within this century.

There is no guilt in blood. One is not born an enemy. The role of Jews in European history does not rectify the eradication of a race of people. It's not the same as the killing of an enemy soldier. The realisation that Jews played a vital role in European demise is independent of the fact that the eradication of innocents on the grounds of biological racism is a terrible crime.

>There is no guilt in blood. One is not born an enemy. The role of Jews in European history does not rectify the eradication of a race of people. It's not the same as the killing of an enemy soldier. The realisation that Jews played a vital role in European demise is independent of the fact that the eradication of innocents on the grounds of biological racism is a terrible crime.

Not it is not and this is why it happened : because it had to happen.

You're acting like you could change anything about it. You're trying to rewrite history as if you had to agree to something that happen before you were born. The only thing this twisted mindset create is misery.

It's easy, leave it to the jews. if they want to mourn their partners in crime, why not ?

>It's the center of German collective identity. It's the founding myth of the nation we live in.
Do you not realize how fucked up that is?

>No one even denies it, neither left nor right.
Because they would literally be thrown into jail, idiot.

>There is no guilt in blood.
>We accept our guilt. It's the center of German collective identity.

meant to write

>Let it speak for itself
Just don't overthink it, "it's better to leave it to the imagination".


Your argument is a paradox. You say that the Jews were guilty by blood of the crimes their ancestors (and contemporaries) committed against the European peoples yet you deny that German people should feel responsible for the crimes of their ancestors.

It doesn't have to be. It's a perfectly legitimate founding myth, a powerful story of mythical proportions. It also marks a transition in popular consciousness: Whereas at the time history was send as a conflict between ethnicities, today it is perceived as a struggle of cultures, which factors like ethnicity and locality play into. Let me be clear: The way this founding myth is abused by left-wing totalitarians, globalists, populists and Jews to keep the German people from exploring the positive aspects of their past, especially of National Socialism, is disgusting. It is, however, not inherent to the holocaust myth. From the German people's responsibility to deter genocide wherever it may happen can flower a new generation of just, honorable warriors, workers, philosophers and artists. A powerful destiny can grow from it. The problem is not the myth in itself - the problem is the way it is being used to deceive and silence the German people. There is powerful potential for good and evil in it, as in every powerful myth.

>Your argument is a paradox. You say that the Jews were guilty by blood of the crimes their ancestors (and contemporaries) committed against the European peoples yet you deny that German people should feel responsible for the crimes of their ancestors.

You are talking morality. You can't possibly deal with the jews while seriously pretending the jews have a morality. Jews have the morality of the Devil, if any.

I am not talking about some collective guilt that justifies a punishment when it comes to the holocaust. That is a secularized christian concept inspired by the "judgement day". I am talking about eliminating an enemy. It is a security matter first and foremost, both at the physical and spiritual level.

Since it has to be done, it has been done and this is why it took place. No books, no monuments, no talks, no tears, no regrets will change the fact that the jews were defeated in the most harshest way. The jews can whine all they want in their yad vashem prayer mill, it does not bring back a single one them to life.

When it comes to the Germans of today, since they were not even born back then, any moral question about this event is irrelevant as far as they're concerned. It is nothing but a trick from the jews and various post-christian types of leeches in order to suck the spiritual energy of the german people for some material and political gains, especially to make sure it behaves as expected by its masters of the day.