As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)
Pamela didnt died of overdose, she was raped and then killed by 3 boat "refugees"
Salvini (Lega): "The day we find out how Pamela died, leftists talk about racism. As Italian I'm ashamed about antifa rally in Macerata."
Fascists enter Chamber of Deputies. Leftists on suicide watch: "Our President should do something, someone should react to this".
Lvca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy.
Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini: "I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families"
Luca Traini arrives in Montacuto Penitentiary, welcomed with applauses. "He's an hero"
Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples
Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now"
Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead." "I was planning to kill Innocent "The Nigger" Osegale (Pamela's Butcher) inside the court room, but he was too much protected by the police"
Right Wing Coalition: 37,5% - Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,8% - Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,3% - Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 4,6% - Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2,8%
Globalist Coalition: 27,9% - Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 23% - Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 1,9% - Insieme [greens/social democrats] 1,6% - Civica Popolare [liberals] 1% - SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%
Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 27,2%
Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,4%
Partito Comunista [communists] 0,5%
Next bread I'll update the polls (last legal polls)
mamma mia quanto siete gay veramente c'era gente qua dentro che avrebbe votato questo clown? fortunatamente ogni tanto qua sopra incontro veri italiani, per questo continuo a venire
Mason Long
blow me go jerk off with anime
Noah Jackson
Vabe alla fine ha messo traini che va comunque bene, prossimo thread anime
Wyatt Foster
this already happened with Tunisia hoping for Minniti to pay them too to stop the boats like in Libia, also afaik there is no more Triton now, but Themis, which state migrants get to the closest port, not just Italy, no idea how they pick which state tho, beacuse if they really pick the closest port, 99% of the time they shouldn't end up in Italy anymore.
Angel Roberts
stai calmo spigolo
Levi Young
are people from Venice degenerate leftists? need to know for potential future wife
Jeremiah Richardson
zitto scemo, qua facciamo discorsi seri non ce lo meniamo guardando fumetti da americani ritardati
Leo Powell
Again, I ask, don't you all have a 3% cutoff for actually entering parliament? Why are all these smaller parties counted?
Jaxon Young
describe wife
John James
>blow me only if you are very cute
>go jerk off with anime I already do that
Also this is an ANIME WEBSITE. If you don't like that, then the door is right there!
Jack Allen
Angel Barnes
Nicholas Nelson
drawfrocio delivers!
Elijah Wright
blonde hair blue eyes, portuguese mother, father from venice
Robert Parker
Parties inside a coalition enter parliament regardless as long as the coalition makes 10%
Liam Barnes
ahahahah ok, allora dato che non mi ricordo, ai tempi le alternative quali erano a destra?
Elijah Reed
>naked feets
Luis Gomez
bellissimo, bravo
Nathaniel Martinez
Thanks mate, I was waiting for this.
I meant more her background. Does she university, and which faculty?
Jacob Long
Sup Forums you need to speak english...we're not on your board for trannies and faggots here.
Brody Young
Questo. Se vogliamo redpillare l’Italia dobbiamo farlo in modo graduale e sistematico, siamo fortunati che per ora il supporto a Luca Traini non ha creato tanto dissenso quanto dovrebbe, ma bisogna stare attenti a non rovinare tutto esagerando con estremismi ai quali la gente non è ancora pronta.
Ethan Russell
Cameron Rivera
is you?
Luis White
nice gainz
Evan Cooper
Justin Brooks
PDL Lega Nord Fare UDC - Unione di Centro
Carter Bennett
works for family business, speaks every latin language, was educated in england NO MORE DETAILS, is venice leftist place or na?
Gabriel Evans
Correct. Use this next time.
Eli Peterson
Have you heard interviews in Macerata? Everyone supports Traini.
Cameron Watson
>feets dio merda
Gabriel James
>blonde, blue eyes, knows 5 languages yeah sure, and i'm obama
Joshua Bennett
Nice job. so cute
Ryan Stewart
Nice works, user
Austin White
I think education in england may be more important here than having a dad from venice, or no?
Chase Allen
nice skills bro
Jackson Davis
reposting just for more visibility
Carson Myers
ok. grazie. penso avrei votato pdl.
Dominic Watson
this, ma non lo capisce il soyboy
Kevin Collins
im sorry i didnt want to derail you guys thread or anything, shouldve straight up just asked about venice, whats venice like lads?
Michael Turner
Okay, well, in that case, why is Casapound not allying with anyone? I know they're fucking leftist scum, but they're getting enough votes to make a difference
Easton Diaz
non capisce che gli italiani non sono come lui o come gli "europei". stanno mandando soldi a traini da tutte le regioni d'italia.
Luis Brooks
>Casapound >leftist scum Are you retarded?
Jayden Howard
>creare una cultura alt-right italiana che possa rendere "cool" essere di destra da shill del PD vi consiglierei di rispolverare la cultura yuppie anni 90 l'alt-right non s'ha da fare proprio
Brayden Gonzalez
>In 2017, the establishment of CasaPound expressed support to the same-sex marriage, advance directive and improvement of the welfare state.[25][26] The party supports abortion rights.[27] Many activists of the movement also expressed antisemitic and xenophobic rhetoric,[28] but CasaPound refuses both and expels members who support this ideas.[29]
David White
casapound are more nazi than himler, bro.
Elijah Roberts
>why is Casapound not allying with anyone? Because they are trying to steal votes from their allies to be in Parlament (they must have at least 3% to get in it). Lega tried to open to them, but they hate Berlusconi (Lega ally) and liberist/libertarian.
Luke Smith
William Phillips
If a regular right wing party like Meloni or Salvini allies with casa pound, there would be a huge shit storm since casa pound is Fascist.
Sono di macerata e confermo, la gente non ce li voleva i comunistelli di rifondazione che sono venuti sabato.
Thomas Perez
For Your Information: Blogger Paolo Sizzi, who is pro ethnonationalism and against globalism, has been banned from twatter. Ghisberto, a politically incorrect cartoonist with no political alignment, has been banned fro Kikebook. (((They))) are doubling down on censorship. If we should lose this elections, things are going to get very very bad.
Samuel Rodriguez
thanks, that's new to me.
Luis Parker
purgate quei fottuti negri che sono ancora in paese cazzo, purgateli
Lucas Jones
if there's anything else to drawfag let me know. I'll check later tonight. Delivering during the week when I find some time.
Elijah Reyes
>Paolo Sizzi WHO?
Aiden Myers
FdI seem pretty fascist enough already.
Elijah Jones
Dylan Price
Aaron Ross
We should simply SHUT IT DOWN every treaty that endangers our borders
Elijah Hall
Lega tried, Casapound then left them and is trying to steal Lega's votes
Nicholas Baker
Alexander Hall
How can I read the links in the OP in English? Really wish I had kept up my my Italian language lessons when I was younger. What are the average people over there saying about all this? Good luck to all you Italian bros. Good to see people in Europe getting uncucked and finally fighting back.
Ethan Gray
Stiamo puntando più sulla sub-cultura cultura fash del 1919
I've seen a bit about Ukraine here but not as much. Would like to know more about what's happening there too. That user is right, archive always please. I was looking over the pages in the OP but couldn't see any google translate links. Probably because I'm on mobile right now.
Parker Jones
please, if you are near them, declare war against albanians and romenians and delete those countries.
Ayden Lee
the ironing
Cooper Phillips
this can potentially increase lega's votes, hopefully
Henry Jenkins
Tyler Stewart
>Albania >Romania I fucking wish. I don't mind Poland and Moldova but I fucking hate Kosovo, Romania and Albania.
Logan Phillips
Cambieranno idea anche loro.
Brody Robinson
There is conflict between leftist with muh tolerance lets welcome all and ''fascist'' that want to kick immigrants out of the country. Regular people is getting tired of being scared and of 40% youth unemployment. Center/right wing coalition could win.