I like soymilk, dressing like a girl, wearing faggy clothes, wearing gay ass1 thick rim glasses, listening to kpop and acting like a faggot, but my political preferences are right wing populist and nationalist.
Am I a new breed of man?
I like soymilk, dressing like a girl, wearing faggy clothes, wearing gay ass1 thick rim glasses, listening to kpop and acting like a faggot, but my political preferences are right wing populist and nationalist.
Am I a new breed of man?
Other urls found in this thread:
You’re an abortion that should have happened
no you're just a typical trump supporter
No, you're a soy boy contrarian and probably of the same ilk as those on /r9k/.
>Am I a new breed of man?
No you're a soy faggot.
The soy boy drumpkin prototype
Oh hi Milo.
post your face
if you're a cute trap you will be allowed in the ethnostate
You’re exactly like Ernst Rohm and his merry band of homosexors.
Post boipuss
No.. youre just young.. You will struggle alot and try to break free in some way (probably homosexual).. But you will very soon wind up as an ordinary mouth gape soy boy.
Protip: Most of those people are so worn out and fucked up that they dont even know theyre soy boys...Im in the same boat.. i have no advice, sorry.
>but my political preferences are right wing populist and nationalist.
fat chance, kys
im not gay btw i just like being effeminate
people think im gay but i like girls
Gas the soyim.
the runt of a liter isn't some genetic mutation. It was just constructed from recycled human matter.
>Am I a new breed of man?
No but you might be a new breed of woman.
Not really. If white male voting stats are any indicator there are a bunch of men who conform to the liberal social norms but once they get into the voting both send a massive fuck you to the left. I see this shit all the time. Young guys seem like total normies but once they get somewhere they feel safe not hiding their power level it's like they get all their info from Sup Forums
Get right
Its because being femme is fun and good
I like painting my nails and wearing girls clothes and listening to miley cyrus
show... flag...
You're just like most of /pol, but more honest
You're actually going directly into the bog.
>Commie flag
You're a lying faggot, gas yourself
>Wearing glasses for fashion
Holy shit in my days you got bullied for having weak loser nerd eyesight. And rightfully so.
Nowadays people flaunt their biological faults and weaknesses wtf.
Soyboy nuke when?
Sounds about right. Now start making youtube videos about IQ differences and you can be a leader of the youtube branch of the alt right.
The anti bully movement has elevated peoples self esteem to new heights, bullies only acted as a reality check "either you fight your way, or you outsmart your way"
Yeah true but now, using the internet, the biological misfits all come together to form and form a fat pimple of a group (safe space) where they can be their loser selves without any external motivational forces to push them towards growth and self actualisation.
In other words: thanks to those safe groups they'll grow up to be adults with young minds, adult babies if you will.
It's pure cancer