why the fuck are liberals so obsessed with harry potter?
Why the fuck are liberals so obsessed with harry potter?
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Because they're cocksuckers.
Lose grip on reality, coupled with a short attention span/crippled memory resulting in an inability to let go of what they can remember nostaligically from childhood.
Loose grip* fuck
Movies/pop culture become religion for atheists
They basically never grew up, they're children in adult bodies
A student that actually matters as much as they wish they did is the protagonist. Plus magic make powerful. Want magic wish had magic.
Because the books and movies depict an outcast and his outcast friends defeating someone who is an allegory for Nazis and elitist nobility. Combine that with and you get a work they can become obsessed with.
I'm fairly certain there's a few things of literature, movies, or art that conservatives are obsessed with in an unhealthy way.
Do they actually have to pay in order to stay in line and take a picture?
It validates their Atheism. All the marvel films also depict the Christian god as the enemy.
My nigga
this. the moral narratives of previous organized religions have been replaced by the moral narratives of HP, Star Wars, Star Trek, Hand Maid's Tale, etc etc
>Only liberals like fiction
You folks sure do live boring lives, huh?
Because all other avenues have failed, now only Harry Potter's magic wand can make Trump disappear.
They like fantasy utopias like Harry Potter or Communism.
appeal to emotion
Also the X-Men series also hates Christians, X-Men is based upon being a freak AKA a tranny, gay, or some other degnerate.
This is good, just needs a little harry potter.
Because it's all they've read other than marx.
Those digits don't lie.
>when the soy hits hard
I don't think anyone gives a shit about x-men
Because it's entertaining. I think the question this is leading on to is "Why do normies compare politics to entertainment so often?" It's because only nutbags are well invested in politics. If you were a normie you'd rather watch Star Trek or listen to Rage Against the Machine over reading some dead guy with a humongous beard endlessly drone on about the evils of capitalism.
Because most people are simply chimera's of whatever shit (they) are pushing.
The media itself matters not to the individual consuming outside how it can support their pitiful mating endeavors. As pleasant society (ie political correct society) is the primary sexual market, they must play by (their) rules. Embibing media like HP helps learn those rules.
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this man and his works?
>too edgy for Bible
>rather read a shuffled version of it
Rowling is a very religious person. Liberals don't seem to know that.
That's Sup Forums tier Schizophrenia
Top tier.
Potter is very mythological and full of symbols, mostly a result of Rowling being a devoted Christian. That's why people love it, not because it's entertaining. Sup Forums is entertaining, yet it's not that popular.
I refuse to believe IPA's are soy boy shit
>mfw Poland book is a jew comic book about the 6 gorrilian
>writes a book popularizing witchcraft and satanism
>devoted Christian
Because they're divorced from reality. They find comfort in post modern tales that are overly popular, that transition from 12 year old innocence to hormone driven awkward relationships, and the mlultiracial overtones presented to them where everyone magically gets along, unless you have blonde hair combined with pale features. Mudblood is the standard. At least Tolkein and Lewis had some good undertones. That's why they don't attach to those authors.
Sad, empty lives. Need to relate to something other than themselves, due to the self loathing. Pathetic that's it's usually pop-cult figures, or animals.
In what way is Dumbledore being a hero and also a homosexual a Christian tone,
learn how to read mythological stories, Vasya.
Cuz magic or futuristic sci-fi technology which creates a post-scarcity world is the only way you could have working Gommunism
You'd get your point across a lot easier if you'd say "doesn't matter" instead of "matters not".
I didn't say Potter is Christian, it MYTHOLOGY, just like most stories from Bible. His faggotry is irrelevant btw.
HP promotes the willful use of magic and ritual as something natural. This is heretical.
>mythological stories
Mythological archetypes don't have to be inherently christian. Last time I checked, there was no homosexual characters in christian mythology.
You're gong to have to explain. I get your mythos argument, this is true for Tolkien and others as well. But you're going to have to explain the comparison and symbolism.
>rick and morty
>Game of Thrones
Doesnt everyone like these things?
Back in the olden days people would compare irl events with the Bible. Nowadays people only have mediocre teen/young adult fiction to compare shit to.
>Sup Forums is entertaining, yet it's not that popular.
Are you fucking retarded? It's one of the most popular websites in the world.
>spot a soyboy
>only nutbags care about the entity which controls their lives
What did xer mean by this?
>some liberals like Harry Potter
>therefore all liberals like Hatry Potter
Why the fuck are all conservatives dumber than dogshit?
well, then just learn how to read generally, I never said Potter is a Christian book, it's mythology borrowed from the Bible.
I've got some bad news for you
>The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Only the first two seasons of got. The show ruined most of the good things about the books, but it's honestly become soyboy fantasy. Rich and Morty was meme'd into a nihilistic retardation. IPA's are something they try to take, by something they inherently own. Never played overwatch, so idk.
>watching the eletric jew
>drinking the liquid jew
>playing the vidya jew
You need to go back
Liberals live in a fantasy world wherein our societies are stable.
You have to be at least 18 to post on this board.
But Harry Potter was a book before it was a film, and the book wasn't even American..
It was a fun book too, when I was a kid. Probably still kind of fun to read.. Not necessarily to meme about on twitter or project onto current events, perhaps, but fun.
Oh, God. Really? A hero's journey(life itself), a basilisk(fear of chaos that freezes you), pure evil you can't name(your dark side you have to counquer and overcome) a mark(loss of innocense by exposure to malevolence), a bumbling sidekick(your counciousness, that learns with you) the list goes on.
>The liquid Jew
>Has been around since before Jews
>Europeans drinking it before they even knew what a Jew was,for Christ
>Drinking it after they found out as well
Alcohol is here to stay.
Wow nice jump though
Seems like you are the one who should learn how to read then, since my original post was saying that Rowling is not a devoted christian, not that her books aren't borrowing mythological themes from the Bibile. You're the one who switched the topic.
Harry Potter is an infantile reduction of moral struggles to a kindergarten level, it features a loser who turns out to be the bestest person of all, all the villians are blonde and or pale white males (just like they knew all along,) a stronk woman helps save the day a lot (this fulfills their Fem Dom fantasies similar to the geeks who fell in love with Xena, Warrior Princess in the 90's,) also, it has magic in it which is a fun fantasy when you can't succeed in the real world.
None of which is really influenced by the bible itself. Its a weak and mundane combination of tropes. The only thing that made it interesting was world introduction. Maybe I should have been clear about symbolism relative to Christianity.
It's just a series that impacted a large portion of the past generation as children. It just so happens that this generation is extremely liberal. There's nothing in Harry Potter in particular that's liberal in any real way. Its just a traditional hero's journey story. Though, maybe its got something to do with the british accents. Libtards fucking love Doctor Who.
Garbage media for garbage people.
Defeat a nazi-wizard with the power of love and friendship, why wouldn't they like it?
Also, the entire thing takes place in a young adult highschool environment where you indulge in learning some bullshit subject while the grim reality of being an actual adult in the wizarding world who has to make ends meat by learning a marketable skill is simply glossed over, so pretty much the leftist college experience.
where do you think Rowling got ideas? Bible is not the only mythological book, obviously, but it's the main influence
Why did he do this?
My favorite part was when the bitch tried to free the house elf slaves and annoyed the shit out of everyone with her dumbass sjw campaign, but it turned out they liked being slaves and wanted her to fuck off and stop screwing their shit up.
This. Sup Forums is immensely popular and all sorts of people (even powerful or famous people) post here. But the meme of just neckbeards living with their mothers will stick forever.
I have a bias, it's my areas number one crop. Don't particularly like IPA's, but every beer in the US is required to use hops as am ingredient. If you're drinking any beer, it likely uses hops. I don't see the connection you're trying to make, other than hipsters and soyboys really like the smell of skunks.
why are young trumpcucks so obsessed with injecting their faggy little brand of "politics" into other people's hobbies?
Harry Potter is an awful person. He's selfish, unable to empathise with his peers, lies, steals, cheats... he has no morals, no guiding principles. Everything Harry Potter does is about himself.
Awful, awful books.
He had hope.
3/4 of these things suck complete ass and the other is a beer
I don't understand he looks deranged or autistic, why would he run into a brick wall like that?
Sup Forums is seriously more obsessed with interracial porn and soymilk than any soyboy could ever be
The most famous catholic excorcist, Gabriele Amorth, said that HP is a gateway for demonic possession as it promotes witchcraft (which is satanic in nature).
Leftists are satanists, so their love for HP is no accident. Rowling is a huge SJW on twitter, too.
it's quite literally a young adult novel. as in the same genre that produces things like "chicken soup for the teenage soul" or whatever. how underage do you have to be to try to analyze harry potter as anything else?
for the record ive never even read the books, i just dont understand why trumpcucks give a fuck. pretty sad really, no wonder you kids are unemployable.
From common tropes in the western world, not relative to Christianity necessarily. If you're trying to say they like it because it's a mythos, and we're all naturally programmed to liking these things, I'll agree. Its not just the mundane trope we're talking about though, it's the direct expression. They did this with star wars as well, which progressed into a Marxist nightmare at this point.
garry potter is on the index, moron
Satan doesn't exist.
To be honest, Song of Ice and Fire is a pretty good book series. If you don't follow the shitty TV series (which was good in the first 3 seasons and then was ruined by retarded mindless stupid normies).
>unironically own a switch and watch rick and morty
have I been soyed?
That's what he wants you to believe. That's how he's winning in our world.
>drinking IPA over hefeweizen
>watching fantasy version of 50 shades of grey
Exactly. Look at the average Sup Forums user, he is an absolutely disgusting individual, genetically.
They project their feeling of sexual inadequacy in comparison to blacks onto every scenario possible, and project their insecurity about their masculinity onto others.
Delet dis
Proof? You sound like a schizophrenic to everybody else; this is absolutely pathetic. Provide some proof for your bullshit fantasy or stfu.
Because they think magic will solve their problems
Are we le 56% mudbloods?
>being so underage you can't appreciate different styles of beer
this board is 18+ little buddy
>Sup Forums